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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2007-09-26
核心提示:A 鵪鶉蛋鮑魚 Abalone and quail eggs 鵪鶉松 Minced quai B 八寶冬瓜湯 Eight-treasures winter melon(white gourd)sou 八寶飯 Eight-treasuresrice pudding 八寶雞 Chicken stuffed with eight-treasures 八寶扒鴨 Braised duck with eight-treasures 八寶全雞 Roast

鵪鶉蛋鮑魚 Abalone and quail eggs
鵪鶉松 Minced quai

八寶冬瓜湯 “Eight-treasures” winter melon(white gourd)sou
八寶飯 “Eight-treasures”rice pudding
八寶雞 Chicken stuffed with “eight-treasures”
八寶扒鴨 Braised duck with “eight-treasures”
八寶全雞 Roast chicken with “eighit-treasures”
八寶全鴨 Roast duck with “eight-treasures”
八寶鴨 Duck stuffed with“eight-treasures”
八個冷盤 Eight cold hors d′oeuvres
八珍冬瓜粒 Soup With Winter melon and minced pork
八珍扒大鴨 Braised duck with “eight-treasures”
巴東牛肉 Spiced beef
拔絲蓮子 Lotus Seeds in hot toffee
拔絲蘋果 Apple in hot toffee
拔絲山藥 Chinese yam in hot toffee
拔絲香蕉 Banana in hot toffee
霸王肥雞 Bawang chicken
白爆魚丁 Fish cubes in white sauce
白菜粉絲 Chinese vermicelli with cabbage
白菜湯 Chinese cabbage soup
白豆?fàn)F豬排 Stewed pork with white beans
白豆湯 White bean soup
白飯 Steamed rice
白果芋泥 Sweet taro with gingko
白燴大蝦 King prawn in white Sauce
白燴雞飯 Chicken in white sauce with rice
白燴蟹肉 Crab meat in white sauce
白燴蝦子 Shrimp roe in white sauce
白雞 Cold boiled chicken
白酒汁燴雞 Chicken in white wine sauce
白酒汁蒸魚 Steamed fish in white wine Sauce
白菌鮑脯 Braised abalone with fresh mushroom
白菌炒面 Fried noodles with mushroom
白菌鴿片 Sliced pigeon with mushroom
白菌龍蝦王 King lobster with mushroom
白扒鮑魚 Braised abalone in cream sauce
白扒鴨條 Braised sliced duck in cream sauce
白扒魚翅 Braised shark′s fin in cream sauce
白扒魚肚 Braised fish maw in cream sauce
白扒魚肚菜心 Braised fish maw and heart of cabbage
白片雞 Chicken slices
白切肥雞 Cold steamd chicken
白切雞 Boiled sliced chicken
白切肉 Boiled pork Slices
白切豬肚 Boiled sliced pig′s stomach
白肉火鍋 Pork cooked in hot pot
白煨雞 Stewed chicken
白椰肉冰 Iced coconut with pork
白油雞 Cold chicken with pork
白斬雞 Sliced cold ckicken
白汁鮑魚 Saute abalone with cream sauce
白汁鱖魚 Mandarin fish with cream sauce
白汁雞飯 Chicken with cream sauce and rice
白汁口蘑煎魚 Fried fish with white sauce and mushrooms
白汁魷魚 Saute Squid with white Sauce
白汁魚唇 Fish lip in cream sauce
白汁魚肚 Fish maw with white Sauce
白煮蛋 Hard boiled eggs
白煮魚 Boiled fish
白灼活肥蠔 Fried oyster with shrimp sauce
白灼螺片 Fried sliced whelk
白灼螺盞 Fried sliced whelk in a bowl
白灼中蝦 Fried prawn
百花採雞 “Hundred flower”steamed sliced chicken with shrimp sauce
百花煎瓤鴨掌 “Hundred flower”fried duck webs stuffed with shrimp
百花瓤北菇 “Hundred flower”mushrooms stuffed with shrimps
百花香酥鴨 “Hundred flower”crisp fried duck
百葉包肉 Leaf shaped bean curd stuffed with minced pork
百葉肉絲 Shredded pork with leaf shaped bean curd
拌海蟄 Jellyfish in mixed sauce
拌芹菜 Celery in mixed sauce
拌蝦片 Shredded(sliced)prawn in mixed sauce
拌鮮坩 Scallops in mixed sauce
拌鴨掌 Duck′s webs in mixed sauce
瓣醬妙肉丁 Stir-fried diced pork in chili sauce
棒棒雞 Bonbon chicken
炮糊 Stir-fried mutton
薄餅 Pancake
薄餅干 Crackers
寶寶全鴨 “Winter garden”duck
鮑魚龍須 Abalone with asparagus
鮑魚沙拉 Abalone salad
鮑魚湯 Abalone soup
鮑魚炆雞 Braised chicken and abalone
爆炒鱔片 Quick-fried eel slices
爆鱔片 Quick-fried eel slices with sesame oil and garlic
爆燒魚翅 Fried shark′s fin in brown sauce
北菰炒面 Fried noodles with dried mushroom
北菰蛋花湯 Mushroom and egg drop soup
北菰燉雞 Stewed chicken and mushroom
北菰燴鴨絲 Braised sliced duck with mushroom
北菰扒鴨 Braised half duck with mushroom
北京醬牛肉 Beef cooked in soy sauce,Beijing style
北京烤鴨 Roast Beijing duck
北京泡菜 Pickled cabbage,Beijing style
北京豌豆黃 Beijing sweet pease pudding
荸薺糕 Water chestnut cake
荸薺肉丸 Water chestnut meatballs
比利時燴雞 Belgian stewed chicken
碧綠川椒雞 Fried chicken with peppers,Sichuan style
碧綠花子雞 Spring chicken with green vegetables
碧綠雞絲扒鮮菇 Chicken shreds with mushroom on a bed of green vegetables
碧綠椒雞 Fried chicken with green peppers
碧綠生魚球 Fish balls with green vegetables
扁豆炒蛋 Omelette with beans
扁豆肉絲 Shredded pork with beans
冰凍荔枝 Chilled lychees
冰棍兒 Ice-lolly
冰凌可可少司 Ice cream with cocoa sauce
冰凌三得 Ice cream sundae
冰淇淋 Ice cream
冰肉蓮蓉粽 Glutinous rice stuffed with ground lotus seeds wrapped in reed leaves(Special fare for the Dragon Boat Festival)冰糖蓮籽 Sugar candy lotus seeds
冰糖肉 Sugar Candy pork
冰糖蜜炙火腿 Grilled ham with sugar candy
冰糖銀耳 White fungus with sugar candy#p#分頁標(biāo)題#e#
冰鎮(zhèn)果羹 Chilled fruit jelly
冰鎮(zhèn)三果 Three chilled fruits
冰汁涼桃脯 Chilled peach slices
餅干 Biscuits
波蘭式蒸魚 Polish style Steamed fish
玻璃燒賣 Glazed shao mai steamed dumplings with meat fillings
玻璃酥雞 Glazed deep-fried sliced chicken
玻璃酥蝦 Glazed deep-fried prawn
玻璃蟹腳 Glazed fried crab claws
菠菜炒雞蛋 Scrambled eggs with spinach
波菜泥臥果 Spinach with poached egg
菠菜燒豆腐 Stewed bean curd with spinach
菠蘿杯 Pineapple cup
菠蘿布丁 Pineapple pudding
菠蘿凍 Pineapple jelly
菠蘿醪糟 Pineapple in glutinous rice wine
菠蘿涼醪糟 Cold pineapple in glutinous rice wine
菠蘿龍眼 Pineapple and longan
菠蘿梅醬鴨 Duck in plum sauce with pineapple
菠蘿蜜燒鴨片 Sliced roast duck with pineapple
菠蘿軟鴨 Fried duck with pineapple
菠蘿沙拉 Pineapple salad
波蘿雪糕 Pineapple ice cream
菠蘿鴨片 Sliced roast duck with pineapple
菠蘿豬排 Grilled pork chop with Pineapple
卜糟雞塊 Stewed turnip and sliced chicken
布丁 Crème caramel

菜包肉 Minced meat wrapped in cabbage
菜炒肉片 Fried sliced pork with vegetable
菜炒魚片 Fried fish slices with vegetable
菜豉油雞 Poached sesame chicken with vegetable and fermented soya beans
菜膽鵪鶉脯 Fried quail breast with vegetable
菜膽炒明蝦 Sauted prawn with vegetable
菜膽干鮑 Abalone and vegetable
菜膽龍利球 Frid macao sole fish balls with with vegetable
菜燉牛肉 Goulash
菜肝土魷 Chicken liver with squid and vegtable
菜花北菇 Cauliflower and dried mushroom
菜花炒雞蛋 Cauliflower omelette
菜奶油雞 Chicken and vegetable in cream sauce
菜扒北菇 Stewed mushroom and vegetable
菜扒鮮菇 Stewed fresh mushroom and vegetable
菜片鵪鶉松 Minced quail meat with Chinese cabbage
菜青炒雞球 Saute chicken balls with green vegetable
菜生魚片飯 Steamed rice with sliced fish and vegetable
菜絲湯 Julienne soup
菜湯 Jardinière soup
菜心鮑片 Sliced abalone with heart of cabbage
菜心牛肉 Beef with heart of cabbage
菜心蝦球 Saute prawn balls with heart of cabbage
菜遠(yuǎn)鮑脯 Fried abalone with vegetable heart
菜遠(yuǎn)北菇 Fried Chinese mushrooms with vegetable heart
菜遠(yuǎn)鳳肝活帶子 Sliced conch with chicken liver and vegetable
菜遠(yuǎn)根片 Sliced“shokkan”with vegetable
菜遠(yuǎn)雞球 Fried chicken balls with vegetable heart
菜遠(yuǎn)雞什湯 Chicken giblets and vegetable soup
菜遠(yuǎn)鱸魚球 Fried perch balls and vegetable heart
菜遠(yuǎn)牛肉 Fried sliced beef with vegetable heart
菜遠(yuǎn)扒鮮菇 Fried mushroom with vegetable heart
菜遠(yuǎn)青衣球 Green fish balls with vegetable heart
菜遠(yuǎn)生魚片 Sliced snakehead mullet fish with vegetable heart
菜遠(yuǎn)生魚球 Fish ball with vegetable heart
菜遠(yuǎn)田雞腿 Fried frog′s legs with vegetable heart
菜遠(yuǎn)蝦球 Fried prawn balls with vegetable heart
菜遠(yuǎn)鮮蝦脯 Fried shrimp with vegetable heart
菜遠(yuǎn)鴨片 Fried sliced duck with vegetable heart
菜遠(yuǎn)魚球 Fish balls with ham and vegetable heart
草菇豆腐 Bean curd with dried mushroom
草菇雞片湯 Sliced chicken and mushroom soup
草菇蘆筍 Straw mushroom with asparagus
草菇蒸雞 Steamed chicken with straw mushroom
叉燒 Barbecued roast pork
叉燒包 Steamed bun stuffed with barbecued roast pork
叉燒炒蛋 Barbecued pork with egg
叉燒炒飯 Barbecued pork fried rice
叉燒炒面 Barbecued pork with fried moodles
叉燒芙蓉 Barbecued pork with egg white
叉燒餛飩湯 Barbecued pork dumpling soup
叉燒肉 Barbecued pork
叉燒酥方 Barbecued crispy pork
叉燒湯面 Barbecued pork noodle soup
叉燒雜碎 Barbecued chop suey
茶葉蛋 Tea eggs
查理雞飯 Charles chicken rice
拆骨雞 Boneless chicken
拆焗鴛鴦鴨 Boned duck stuffed with minced shrimp
柴把鴨 Steamed sliced bamboo shoot,duck and ham
長面包 Loaf of bread
腸子三明治 Sausage sandwich
潮州燒雁鵝 Roast goose,Chaozhou style
潮州炒粉 Fried rice noodles,Chaozhou Special
潮州鹵鵝 Spiced goose,Chaozhou style
潮州小米 Meatballs,Chao choustyle
潮州伊面 Fried noodles,Chaozhou style
潮州魚粥 Fish congee,Chaozhou special
潮州炸鵝 Fried goose,Chaozhoou special
炒菠菜 Saute spinach
炒菜心蝦球 Saute Prawn balls with vegetable heart
炒蛋三明治 Omelette sandwich
炒鳳尾蝦 Saute shrimps
炒芙蓉蛋 Scrambled eggs
炒芙蓉干貝 Fried Scallop with egg white
炒肝尖 Fried liver
炒格炸 Stir-fried skin of bean curd
炒桂花魚翅 Fried shark′s fin
炒海蟹肉 Fried sea crab meat
炒荷蘭豆 Fried sugar peas in the pod
炒荷蘭豆仁 Fried podded sugar peas
炒核桃泥 Stir-fried walnut pur-ée
炒滑蛋 Scrambled eggs,Guangdong style
炒黃瓜醬 Stir-Fried cucumber purée
炒黃浦蛋 Fried eggs,Shanghai style
炒雞蛋 Omelette
炒雞片 Fried Chicken slices
炒雞球 Fried chicken balls
炒雞生腸 Fried chicken′s intestines
炒口蘑鴨心 Saute mushroom and duck heart
炒兩式蛋 Scrambled eggs and preserved eggs#p#分頁標(biāo)題#e#
炒龍蝦 Saute lobster
炒木犀肉 Saute pork shreds with fungus and eggs
炒牛肉絲 Fried shredded beef
炒牛腰片 Fried ox kidney slices
炒螃蟹 Fried crab meat
炒青菜 Saute vegetable
炒青豆 Fried green peas
炒青辣椒 Fried green pepper
炒肉末 Fried minced meat
炒肉末燒餅 Saute minced pork with sesame cakes
炒肉片 Fried pork slices
炒肉絲 Fried shredded pork
炒三不沾 Sauted three“non-Stick”(not stick chopsticks,plate and teeth)炒三泥 Three purées stir-fried
炒三絲 Fried three slices
炒鱔糊 Braised eels with bamboo shoots
炒山雞片 Saute sliced pheasant
炒生雞片鮮椒 Saute diced chicken with green pepper
炒雙冬 Stir-fried mushroom and bamboo shoots
炒雙泥 Saute two purées
炒素三絲 Fried mixed vegetables
炒土魷片 Fried sliced squid
炒豌豆苗 Fried pea sprouts
炒五丁 Five special ingredients
炒蝦片 Fried Prawn slices
炒蝦球 Fried shrimp balls
炒蝦仁 Saute shrimp with peas
炒香菇筍片 Fried mushroom and bamboo shoots
炒雪冬 Fried salted vegetable and bamboo shoots
炒雪豆 Sauted China peas
炒鴨腸 Fried duck′s intestines
炒鴨舌掌 Fried duck tongue and web
炒腰花 Saute pig′s Kidney
炒腰片 Fried sliced pig′s kidney
炒野雞紅 Saute beef shreds with vegetable and hot sauce
炒油菜 Saute rape
炒油菜遠(yuǎn) Fried heart of rape
妙魷魚卷 Fried squid roll
炒雜拌 Fried chop suey
炒榛子醬 Fried hazelnut purée
炒豬肝 Fried pig′s liver
炒豬腦 Fried pig′s brains
炒豬肉片 Saute pork slices
炒竹筍脆蝦 Fried prawns with bamboo shoots
陳皮燉鴨 Stewed duck with orange peel
陳皮雞丁 Diced chicken with orange peel
陳皮牛肉 Beef with orange peel
橙汁汽水 Orange soda
豉椒爆活蠔 Quick-fried oyster with fermented soya beans and chili
豉椒炒肉排 Fried pork rib with chili and fermented soya beans
豉椒炒肉蟹 Crab with fermented soya beans and chili
豉椒炒鴨片 Fried sliced duck with chili and fermented soya beans
豉椒雞球 Fried chicken balls with chili and fermented soya beans
豉椒雞絲 Shredded chicken with chili and fermented soya beans
豉椒龍蝦 Fried lobster with fermented soya beans and chili
豉椒田雞 Fried frogs with chili and fermented soya beans
豉椒田雞腿 Fried frogs′s legs with chili and fermented slya beans
豉椒蜆肉 Oyster with fermented soya beans and chili
豉油蒸瓤豆腐 Steamed stuffed bean curd with soy sauce
豉油蒸生魚 Steamed fish in soy sauce
豉汁龍蝦 Lobster with black soy sauce
豉汁排骨 Sparerib with chili and soy sauce
豉汁炆肉排 Braised pig′s rib with soy sauce
豉汁蒸肉排 Steamed spareribs in black soy sauce
川菜肉絲 Sliced pork with Sichuan vegetable
川雞片冬菇 Sichuan sliced chicken with mushroom
川椒乳鴿 Sichuan fried sliced pepper and pigeon
川溜雞條 Sichuan chicken mildly spiced
川茉莉銀耳 Jasmine and white fungus,sichuan style
春卷 Spring roll
鶉蛋奶露 Custard cream with quail eggs
茨子菜湯 Puncture vine and vegetable soup
茨子蓉湯 Puncture vine and egg white
蔥爆牛肉 Quick-fried beef with scallions
蔥爆肉 Quick-fried pork and scallions
蔥爆肉粉條 Quick-fried pork slices with vermicelli and scallions
蔥爆燒鴨片 Quick-fried sliced duck with scallions
蔥爆羊肉 Quick-fried mutton slices with scallions
蔥爆豬里脊片 Quick-fried pork fillet with scallions
蔥花炒蛋 Omelette with chopped scallions
蔥煎芋頭 Fried taro with scallions
蔥姜牛肉面 Mongolian beef noodles
蔥烹白肉 Quick-fried pork with scallions
蔥燒海參 Saute sea cucumber with scallions
蔥燒酸鯽魚 Stewed crucian carp with scallions in oil and vinegar
蔥燒水鴨 Stewed teal stuffed with scallions
蔥頭炒牛肉片 Saute beef slices with onions
蔥頭炒牛肉絲 Saute shredded with onions
蔥頭炒羊肉 Saute mutton with onion
蔥頭牛肉扒 Beef steak with onion
蔥油白雞 Boiled chicken with scallions
蔥油叉燒角 Barbecued pork pastry with scallions
蔥油雞脯 Fried chicken breast and scallions
蔥油焗雞 Baked chicken with scallions
蔥汁炒豬肉片 Fried pork slices with scallions
醋椒活魚 Stewed live fish in chili and vinegar
醋椒三片 Three sliced ingredients in vinegar and chili
醋椒三鮮 Three vegetables in hot and sour sauce
醋溜仔雞 Fried spring chicken with vinegar
醋排活魚 Live fish cooked in Vinegar
氽雞茸五絲 Boiled downy chicken with five shredded ingredients
氽鯽魚蘿卜絲 Quick-boiled crucian carp with shredded turnip
氽里脊片菜心 Sliced pork and Shanghai cabbage soup
氽蘿卜鯽魚 Quick-boiled crucian carp with turnip
氽生雞片 Quick-boiled sliced chicken
氽四寶 Quick-boiled“fourdelicacies”
氽銀耳 Quick-boiled white fungus
氽魚肚卷 Quick-boiled fish maw rolls
氽魚腐丸子 Quick-boiled fish balls and bean curd in soup
氽魚卷 Fish rolls in soup
氽魚片黃瓜 Sliced quick-boiled fish with cucumber
氽丸子湯 Meatballs soup#p#分頁標(biāo)題#e#
脆皮鍋貼 Crispy fried dumpling
脆皮火鵝 Crispy goose
脆皮鮮蝦煎餅 Crispy shrimp pancakes
脆皮炸雞 Crispy deep-fried chicken
脆皮炸蝦 Crispy shrimp
脆炸仔雞 Fried spring chicken
翠竹生蝦扇 Green bamboo with shrimps
韃靼式炸魚 Fried fish in tartar sauce
大蔥燒鴨 Braised duck with scallions
大地田雞 Fried frogs with bamboo shoots
大雞三味 Chicken with three special ingredients
大理石布丁 “Marble”pudding
大米布丁 Rice pudding
大米盒 Puff pie
俄國紅菜湯 Borsch
俄國牛肉絲 Shredded beef(Russian style)俄斯克 Vodka
鵝掌干鮑 Abalone and goose webs
鵝掌美鮑 USAbalone with gooses′ webs

法國燉魚 Bouillabaisse
法國焗芝士湯 French onion soup
法國面包 French bread
法國濃湯 French thick soup
法國肉湯 Bouillon
法國椰子布丁 French coconut pudding
法國魚湯 French fish coup
法式豬排 French style pork chop
法式橙燴鴨 French style duck with orange zest and curacao sauce
蕃茄大蝦 Prawns tomato sauce
蕃茄蛋花湯 Tomato and egg drop soup
蕃茄燴雞 Stewed chicken with tomato
蕃茄雞丁炒飯 Fried rice with diced chicken and tomato
蕃茄燜雞 Stewed chicken with tomato
蕃茄奶油湯 Cream of tomato soup
蕃茄牛肉 Fried sliced beef with tomato
蕃茄牛肉面 Beef and tomato chow mein
蕃茄片 Tomato salad
蕃茄肉包 Stuffed tomato
蕃茄三味夾 Tomato sandwich
蕃茄茄蝦片 Saute prawn slices in tomato and bean curd
方魚焗雞 Baked chicken with dried fish
翡翠羹 Vegetable soup
翡翠雞柳 Stewed chicken with sliced vegetables
翡翠生魚球 Fish balls with green vegetables
翡翠蝦仁 Shrimp with green Vegetable
汾酒 Fenjiu liquor
粉果 Steamed dumpling with pork,mushrooms and bamboo shoots
粉絲牛肉絲 Beef with vermicelli
粉蒸肉 Steamed pork with rice
粉汁里脊片 Fried fillet in sauce
鳳肝炒螺片 Fried whelk with chicken liver
鳳肝鴿片 Fried sliced pigeon and chicken liver
鳳肝雞片 Fried sliced chicken and chicken liver
鳳肝蝦球 Fried prawn balls with chicken liver
鳳凰燉鴿燕 Bird′s nest soup with pigeon
鳳雞 Salted chicken
鳳尾魚 Long tailed anchovy
鳳眼鴿蛋 “Phoenix eye”pigeon eggs
鳳足燉冬菰 “Phoenix leg”(chicken feet)with mushroom
鳳足燉水魚 Steamed soft-shelled turtle and“phoenix leg”(chicken feet)soup
鳳足花菇 “Phoenix leg (chicken feet)with mushroom
佛手卷 Finger citron rolls
佛手酥 Crispy finger citron
芙蓉干貝 Scallops with egg white
芙蓉羔蟹 Fried crab with egg white
芙蓉鴿松 Purée pigeon with egg white
芙蓉雞片 Chicken shreds with egg white
芙蓉蝦仁 Fried shrimps with egg white
芙蓉蟹斗 Fried crab with egg white
芙蓉燕窩 Egg white with bird′s nest
芙蓉魚角 Fish pieces with egg white
芙蓉魚片 Fish slices with egg white
符離集燒雞 Roast chicken,fuliji style
腐乳扣肉 Steamed pork with preserved bean curd
腐乳炆肉 Stewed pork with preserved bean curd

咖喱炒羊肉片 Saute mutton slice in curry sauce
咖喱大會飯 Special mixed curried rice
咖喱豆腐 Curried bean curd
咖喱菇粒飯 Curried rice with diced mushroom
咖喱海鮮飯 Seafood curry rice
咖喱雞 Curry chicken
咖喱雞蛋 Curried eggs
咖喱雞蛋丸子 Curried eggs with meat balls
咖喱雞丁湯 Curried diced chicken soup
咖喱雞飯 Curried chicken with rice
咖喱雞塊 Curried chicken
咖喱雞配米飯 Curried chicken with rice
咖喱雞絲飯 Sliced curried chicken with rice
咖喱雞雜 Giblets curry
咖喱牛肉 Beef curry
咖喱牛肉飯 Beef curry and rice
咖喱牛肉湯 Beef curry soup
咖喱牛舌 Curried ox tongue
咖喱肉湯 Mulligatawny soup
咖喱肉末干豌豆 Pakistani minced beef curry with cried peas
咖喱蝦 Prawn curry
咖喱蝦飯 Prawn curry with rice
咖喱蝦仁 Shrimp curry
咖喱羊肉飯 Mutton curry with rice
咖喱羊肉片 Curried mutton slices
咖喱魷魚 Curried squid
咖喱魚 Fish curry
咖喱魚飯 Fish curry with rice
咖喱元白菜牛肉 Curry beef with cabbage
咖喱元白菜羊肉 Cabbage and mutton curry
咖喱胗肝飯 Giblets curry with rice
干貝冬瓜球 Dried scallop and winter melon(white gourd)balls
干貝松翠絲 Scallop shreds with scallions
干貝湯 Scallop soup
干煸牛肉 Dry fried shredded beef
干煸牛肉絲 Beef shreds,Sichuan style;Saute dried beef shreds with hot sauce
干炒扁豆 Dry sauté beans
干炒雞牛柳 Fried chicken and beef fillet
干炒牛肉絲 Fried Sliced beef
干炒野雞塊 Fried pheasant slices
干蔥煎豬肝 Fried pig′s liver with dried onion
干煎大蝦 Fried whole prawn
干煎鱖魚 Fried mandarin fish
干烤肥鴨 Roast skewered duck
干烤魚翅 Roast skewered duck
干鍋大蝦 Griddle cooked prawns
干鍋魚翅 Griddle cooked shark′s fin
干牛肉片 Dried beef slices
干燒蠶豆 Dry fried dried broad beans
干烤蛋炸面 Dry fried soft noodles with egg#p#分頁標(biāo)題#e#
干燒冬筍 Dry fried bamboo shoots
干燒鱖魚 Dry fried mandarin fish
干燒黃魚 Dry fried croaker
干燒活魚 Dry fried live fish in soy and chili sauce
干燒茭白 Dry fried wild rice stem
干燒辣魚段 Dry fried fish slices with chili
干燒龍蝦 Dry fried lobster
干燒明蝦 Dry fried prawn
干燒牛肉絲 Dry fried shredded beef
干燒青魚 Dry fried black carp in chili sauce
干燒石斑 Dry fried grouper
干燒蝦仁 Dry fried shrimp
干燒伊面 Dry fried noodles,soft noodles
干燒魚 Dry fried fish in hot sauce
干燒子鮑 Dry fried abalone with garlic and chili
干絲肉絲 Shredded pork with dried bean curd
干豌豆瓣肉湯 Split pea broth
干碗豆湯 Pea soup
干炸大蠔 Dry fried oyster
干炸雞卷 Dry fried chicken rolls
干炸醬面 Dry fried noodle with soy bean paste
干炸蝦棗 Dry fried prawn
干炸蟹棗 Dry fried crab meat balls
干蒸活魚 Steamed live fish
干豬肉片 Dry fried pork slices
肝糕湯 Liver paste soup
肝泥 Liver paste
高加索紅燜雞 Stewed chicken,Western style
高加索雞塊湯 Chicken soup,Western style
高加索牛肉絲 Sliced beef,Western style
高麗肉 Korean pork
高麗鴨條 Korean duck slices
高湯銀耳 Silver fungus in chicken soup
羔燒白菜 Stewed Chinese cabbage
羔蟹 Crab
鴿蛋湯 Pigeon egg soup
蛤蜊湯 Clam soup
各式整魚 Assorted fish
宮保大蝦 Saute prawns with hot pepper and peanuts
宮保雞丁 Spicy diced chicken with peanuts
宮保明蝦 Prawns in chili with peanuts
宮保墨魚 Fresh cuttlefish in chili sauce with peanuts
宮保牛肉 Beef in chili sauce with peanuts
宮保肉丁 Diced pork in chili sauce with peanuts
宮保肉花 Spicy fatty pork with peanuts
宮保蝦丁 Sliced shrimp in hot sauce with peanuts
宮保蝦球 Fried prawn balls in chili sauce with peanuts
宮保蝦仁 Shrimp in chili sauce with peanuts
宮保鴨心 Duck heart in chili sauce with peanuts
宮保魷魚 Dried squid in chili sauce with peanuts
咕嚕肉球 Sweet and sour pork balls
古拉世牛肉 Beef goulash
古老雞 Sweet and sour chicken
古老肉 Sweet and sour pork
古老蝦 Sweet and sour prawn
瓜姜魚片 Fish slices with cucumber and ginger
掛爐燒鴨 Roast duck
掛綠蝦球 Fried prawn balls with vegetable
掛綠魚球 Fried fish balls with vegetable
怪味雞 Chicken with special hot sauce
怪味雞絲 Crazy spicy chicken
灌湯餃 Steamed pork dumplings in soup
罐燜大蝦 Pot stew prawns
罐燜雞 Pot stew chicken
罐燜里脊 Pot stew pork fillet
罐燜牛肉 Pot stew beef
罐燜魚 Pot stew fish
罐燜豬肉 Pot stew pork
罐頭碎牛肉 Corned beef
廣東香腸 Guangdong style sausage
廣肚鮑魚 Stewed abalone with fish maw,Guangdong style
廣肚燉冬菇 Fish maw and mushroom soup,Guangdong style
廣肚燉雞 Stewed chicken and fish maw soup,Gungdong style
廣州炒飯 Fried rice,Guangzhou style
廣州文昌雞 Wenchang chicken,Guangzhou style
貴妃雞 Highest ranking imperial concubine chicken
貴州茅臺酒 Moutai(Spirit)桂花干貝 Sweet-scented osmanthus scallops with egg
桂花海蜇 Sweet-scented osmanthus jellyfish
桂花山藥 Sweet-scented osmanthus with Chinese yam
桂花鴨子 Sweet-scented osmanthus with duck
桂花芋乳 Sweet-scented osmanthus taro
鍋巴海參 Crispy rice crust with sea cucumber
鍋炒鵪鶉蛋 Fried quail eggs
鍋燒雞 Fried chicken
鍋燒小蹄 Braised trotters
鍋燒鴨 Fried duck
鍋燒肘子 Fried pork joint
鍋塌鮑魚盆 Saute abalone
鍋塌豆腐 Saute bean curd
鍋塌雞片 Braised sliced chicken
鍋塌龍須 Braised asparagus
鍋塌三夾火腿 Braised three layered ham
鍋塌香菇盒 Braised diced mushroom
鍋塌魚 Dry fried fish
鍋貼 Fried dumplings
鍋貼豆腐 Fried bean curd
鍋貼雞肝 Fried chicken liver
鍋貼里脊 Fried pork fillet
鍋貼明蝦 Fried prawn
鍋貼蝦仁 Fried shrimp
鍋貼香菇盒 Fried mushroom cake
果醬 Jam
果醬煎薄餅 Jam pancake
果仁雞丁 Fried diced chicken with nuts
果餡餅 Tart
果餡油炸餅 Fritters
果汁煎鵝脯 Sliced goose breast in plum sauce
果子凍 Fruit jelly
過橋面 Crossing the bridge noodles(noodles with shrimp,minced pork and egg)過山峰燉清湯 Mountain peak snake clear soup (chicken soup)

蛤蟆鮑魚 Abalone cooked like frog
蛤蟆雞 Chicken cooked like frog
海米白菜 Saute cabbage with dried shrimp
海米白萊湯 Cabbage soup with dried shrimp
海紅魚翅 Steamed crab and shark′s fin
海紅魚唇 Steamed crab and fish lips
海綿布丁 Sponge pudding
海參燴雞絲 Stewed sea cucumber with shredded chicken
海參美鮑 USAbalone with sea cucumber
海參扒雞條 Sea cucumber with chicken slices
海參肉片 Saute sea cucumber with pork
海參魚肚 Saute sea cucumber with fish maw
海味扒魚翅 Braised shark′s fin with assorted seafood
海雜拌兒 Assorted sea food
蠔皇菜膽 Cabbage in oyster sauce
蠔油白雞 Chicken in oyster sauce
蠔油鮑脯 Stewed abalone in oyster sauce
蠔油鮑魚 Braised abalone in oyster sauce
蠔油菜雞條 Sliced chicken in oyster sauce with vegetable#p#分頁標(biāo)題#e#
蠔油冬菇 Fried mushroom in oyster sauce
蠔油冬筍 Fried bamboo shoots in oyster sauce
蠔油豆腐 Bean curd in oyster sauce
蠔油廣肚 Stewed fish maw in oyster sauce,Guangdong style
蠔油花雀 Fried sparrow in oyster sauce
蠔油焗雞 Whole baked chicken in oyster sauce
蠔油焗鴿 Baked pigeon in oyster sauce
蠔油牛肉 Fried beef in oyster sauce
蠔油牛肉片 Fried sliced beef in oyster sauce
蠔油手撕雞 Shredded chicken in oyster sauce
蠔油炆雞 Braised chicken in oyster sauce
蠔油炆雞翼 Braised chicken wings in oyster sauce
蠔油錢菇 Fried fresh mushroom in oyster sauce
蠔油小鮑魚 Fried abalone in oyster sauce
蠔汁鮑片 Abalone slices in oyster sauce
海參面 Noodles made from sorghum flour with sea cucumber
荷包蛋 Poached eggs
荷包里脊 Lotus leaf pork fillet
荷花魚肚 Lotus shaped fish maw
荷葉餅 Lotus leaf shaped pancake
荷葉粉蒸雞 Steamed chicken wrapped in lotus leaf
荷葉粉蒸肉 Steamed pork wrapped in lotus leaf
荷葉肉 Lotus leaf pork
荷葉燒魚 Lotus leaf fish
核桃妙雞胗片 Fried sliced chicken gizzards with walnuts
核桃炒蝦仁 Fried shrimps with walnuts
核桃雞丁 Diced chicken with walnuts
核桃酪 Walnut purée
核桃甜酪 Walnut sweet purée
核桃蝦仁 Fried shrimp with walnuts
黑胡椒燉雞 Stewed chicken with black pepper
黑面包 Brown bread
黑魚子 Black caviar
烘魷魚干 Grilled dried squid
紅斑 Red grouper
紅菜湯 Borsch
紅蛋 Red dyed boiled eggs
紅豆配雪糕 Red bean sundae
紅燴鵪鶉蛋 Stewed quail eggs in brown sauce
紅燴虎皮鴿蛋 Boiled and fried pigeon eggs in brown sauce
紅燴牛肝 Braised ox liver in brown sauce
紅燴牛肉 Stewed beef
紅燴牛肉丸子配米飯 Beef balls in sauce with rice
紅燴青魚 Stewed black fish slices
紅燴茄子 Stewed eggplant
紅燴丸子 Stewed pork balls
紅燴小腸 Stewed intestines
紅燴小灌腸 Stewed sausage
紅燴羊肉 Stewed mutton
紅燴豬排 Stewed pork chop
紅酒燉雞 Chicken cooked in red wine
紅酒燴牛舌 Braised ox tongue in red wine
紅酒燴兔肉 Braised rabbit cooked in red wine
紅酒西米湯 Consommé with red wine
紅酒汁燴腰花 Kidney cooked in red wine
紅酒汁梨 Pears in red wine
紅酒汁里脊 Fillet cooked in red wine
紅立 Red snapper
紅燜雞 Braised chicken
紅燜雞塊 Braised chicken pieces
紅燜里脊塊 Braised fillet
紅燜牛肉卷飯 Braised beef rolls with rice
紅燜牛肉細(xì)面條 Braised beef with noodles
紅燜豬肉 Braised pork in brown sauce
紅扒大裙翅 Stewed whole shark′s fin in brown sauce
紅扒雞 Braised chicken in brown sauce
紅扒鴨 Braised duck in brown sauce
紅扒魚翅 Braised shark′s fin in brown sauce
紅扒魚唇 Red braised fish lips
紅葡萄酒 Red wine
紅燒白豆腐 Fried bean curd in soy sauce
紅燒百葉結(jié) Stewed bean curd sheets in soy sauce
紅燒半鴨 Fried duck in soy sauce
紅燒北菇 Fried mushroom in brown sauce
紅燒鳊魚 Stewed flat bream in brown sauce
紅燒大蝦 Prawns stewed in brown sauce
紅燒帶魚 Fried and stewed hairtail in soy sauce
紅燒刀魚 Fried and stewed long tailed anchovies in brown sauce
紅燒凍豆腐 Stewed bean curd(frozen)in soy sauce
紅燒冬瓜 Stewed winter melon(white gourd)in soy sauce
紅燒豆腐 Bean curd in brown sauce
紅燒干貝 Braised scallop in soy sauce
紅燒海狗魚 Stewed pike with mushroom
紅燒海參 Braised sea cucumber in brown sauce
紅燒海雜拌兒 Braised assorted seafood
紅燒劃水 Fish tails in brown sauce
紅燒黃豆 Stewed soya bean In brown sauce
紅燒黃花魚 Stewed croaker in brown sauce
紅燒黃魚 Braised croaker
紅燒雞 Braised chicken in brown sauce
紅燒雞血 Braised chicken blood
紅燒甲魚 Braised soft-shelled turtle in brown sauce
紅燒腳爪 Braised chicken′s feet in brown sauce
紅燒扣肉 Braised pork slices in soy sauce
紅燒鰱魚頭 Stewed silver carp head in brown sauce
紅燒馬鞍鱔 Stewed“saddle shaped”eels
紅燒鰻鱺 Stewed white eel in brown sauce
紅燒美鮑 Braised sliced abalone
紅燒梅花鹿 Braised venison in brown sauce
紅燒牛肉 Braised beef in sauce
紅燒牛舌 Stewed ox tongue in brown sauce
紅燒牛尾 Braised ox tail in brown sauce
紅燒青魚 Stewed black carp in brown sauce
紅燒全雞 Whole chicken in sauce
紅燒全鴨 Braised whole duck in brown sauce
紅燒瓤豆腐 Braised stuffed bean curd
紅燒瓤肉鯽魚 Stewed crucian carp stuffed with minced pork in brown sauce
紅燒肉 Braised pork in brown sauce
紅燒三絲魚翅 Stewed shark′s fin with three shreds in brown sauce
紅燒鱔 Fried eel in brown sauce
紅燒鱔段 Braised eel slices
紅燒生翅 Braised shark′s fin in brown sauce
紅燒石斑塊 Braised grouper with sliced pork in brown sauce
紅燒什肉豆腐 Fried bean curd with mixed meat in brown sauce
紅燒獅子頭 Braised meat balls in brown sauce
紅燒四喜肉 Braised brisket in brown sauce
紅燒松雞 Braised grouse in brown sauce
紅燒素雞 Braised deep-fried bean curd#p#分頁標(biāo)題#e#
紅燒蹄 Braised rump pork in brown sauce
紅燒蹄筋 Stewed sinew in brown sauce
紅燒田雞 Braised frogs in brown sauce
紅燒熊掌 Braised bear′s paw in brown sauce
紅燒羊肉 Braised mutton in brown sauce
紅燒野鴨 Braised wild duck In brown sauce
紅燒魚 Braised fish in brown sauce
紅燒魚翅 Stewed shark′s fin in brown sauce
紅燒魚唇 Braised fish lips in brown sauce
紅燒魚肚 Stewed fish maw in brown sauce
紅燒元菜 Braised cabbage
紅燒元蹄 Stewed pork trotters in brown sauce
紅燒元魚 Stewed soft-shelled turtle in brown sauce
紅燒炸豬肉皮 Stewed fried pork skin in brown sauce
紅燒肘子 Braised joint of pork in brown sauce
紅燒走油肉 Braised deep-fried pork in brown sauce
紅味炒面 Special fried noodles
紅煨雞 Stewed chicken in brown sauce
紅煨家兔 Stewed rabbit in brown sauce
紅炆大蠔 Stewed oyster in brown sauce
紅炆干鮑 Stewed abalone in brown sauce
紅炆瓤豆腐 Stewed stuffed bean curd
紅炆三鮮 Stewed mixed meat In brown sauce
紅炆衣頭 Braised green coat fish head in brown sauce
紅炆豬腸 Stewed pig′s intestines in brown sauce
紅油炒雞丁 Sauted diced chicken in chilli oil
紅油雞丁 Diced chicken with red pepper sauce
紅油牛筋 Beef tendon in red pepper oil
紅油水餃 Dumplings with chili oil
紅油蝦片 Prawn slices in red sauce
紅魚湯 Fish soup with tomato
紅魚子 Red caviar
紅蒸魚 Steamed fish in brown sauce
紅汁蘑菇煎魚 Sauted fish with mushroom and red sauce
胡椒海參 Sea cucumber with pepper
胡椒土豆燒牛肉 Beef goulash with potato and pepper
胡辣雞丁 Diced chicken with pepper
胡蘿卜湯 Carrot soup
湖上漂海棠 Floating flower soup
糊羊肉 Stewed mutton
糊肘 Stewed pig′s hip
蝴蝶海參 “Butterfly”sea cucumber
虎皮蛋 Deep-fried boiled eggs
琥珀鴿蛋 Amber pigeon eggs
花雕肥雞 Shaoxing chicken
花雕仔雞 Shaoxing spring chicken
花膠雞絲湯 Fish maw and shredded chicken soup
花卷 Steamed bread roll
花旗龍蝦 Lobster,American style
花旗濃湯 American style soup
花仁肉花 Chicken with pork and peanuts
花仁仔雞 Chicken with peanuts
花生仁雞丁 Saute chicken with peanuts
花蟹 Sea crab
滑炒蝦仁 Fried shrimps
滑蛋牛肉 Fried beef with scrambled egg
滑蛋蝦仁 Fried shrimp with scrambled egg
滑雞絲生翅 Shark′s fin with shredded chicken
滑溜里脊 Saute fillet in white sauce

關(guān)鍵詞: 飲食 菜名 詞匯


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