


放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2007-06-20
核心提示:China Says 2 of Its Companies Played a Role in Poisonings By JAKE HOOKER and WALT BOGDANICH June 1, 2007 中國(guó)表示兩家公司和中毒事件有關(guān) 2007年6月1日 BEIJING, May 31 Chinese regulators acknowledged for the first time Thursday that two Chinese compani

China Says 2 of Its Companies Played a Role in Poisonings
June 1, 2007

BEIJING, May 31 — Chinese regulators acknowledged for the first time Thursday that two Chinese companies had “engaged in some misconduct” in the way they labeled and sold a poisonous ingredient that ended up in cold medicine, killing at least 100 people in Panama last year.

But the regulators said primary responsibility for the deaths rested with traders in Spain and Panama who knew the product was not suitable for use in medicine but sold it for that purpose anyway. Both trading companies dispute that charge.

Chinese companies sold the ingredient as 99.5 percent pure glycerin, even though it contained about 24 percent diethylene glycol, a poison commonly used in antifreeze, according to the United States Food and Drug Administration.

Chinese authorities also said that Chinese-made toothpaste containing small amounts of diethylene glycol was safe, and that its manufacturer had broken no laws. But officials also said that new controls would be put on the use of the chemical in toothpaste, and that toothpaste sold for export would be tested.
Tens of thousands of tubes of tainted Chinese-made toothpaste were recently seized in Panama and at least three other Latin American countries. The F.D.A. is now testing samples of all toothpaste imported into the United States from China.
The Chinese government’s findings reflect its growing concern over the perception that the country’s safety regulations may not have kept up with its booming export economy.
American officials recently accused two Chinese companies of intentionally shipping pet food ingredients contaminated with an industrial chemical, melamine, to the United States, leading to one of the largest pet food recalls in history. After initial denials, Beijing officials banned the use of melamine and have promised to improve food safety regulations and export controls.
Chinese authorities reopened an investigation of the Panama poisonings in response to a report last month by The New York Times that traced 46 barrels of the mislabeled poison from the Panama port city of Colón through Barcelona, Spain, to a Beijing trading company and finally to its origin at the Taixing Glycerine Factory in the Yangtze Delta.

Wei Chuanzhong, the head of investigation and deputy director of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, acknowledged that the factory had labeled the barrels as glycerin even though they contained significant amounts of diethylene glycol. An official confirmed that they had passed through Chinese customs as glycerin.

But Mr. Wei said the manufacturer and its exporter, CNSC Fortune Way in Beijing, had sold the barrels as “TD” glycerin — or substitute glycerin — for industrial, not medical, use. He further charged that a Panamanian import company, the Medicom Business Group, had altered the paperwork, describing the substance as pharmaceutical grade.
但魏傳忠指出,生產(chǎn)和出口商中服嘉遠(yuǎn)貿(mào)易公司將該產(chǎn)品作為工業(yè)用的“TD甘油”(好像是替代甘油的意思?)出售,而不是用于醫(yī)藥。他進(jìn)一步指出,是巴拿馬進(jìn)口公司Medicom Business Group更改了文件,改為醫(yī)用級(jí)甘油。

Mr. Wei did not explain why the Chinese companies had exported barrels with a false certificate of analysis, listing their content as 99.5 percent glycerin. Both companies remain under investigation, according to Chinese authorities.

The F.D.A. said China’s explanation sidestepped a critical fact: the deception had begun with the false certificate of analysis. “If the drums had been 99.5 percent glycerin, the deaths in Panama would never have occurred,” the agency said.

Ascensión Criado, manager of the Spanish trading company Rasfer International, said China was wrong to blame her company. “We ordered glycerin and they sent us something else,” she said.
西班牙經(jīng)銷(xiāo)商Rasfer International的經(jīng)理Ascensión Criado說(shuō),中國(guó)不該指責(zé)他們公司,“我們訂購(gòu)的是甘油,但他們送來(lái)另一種東西。”

Valentín Jaén, a lawyer for Medicom, the Panamanian importer, said, “The Chinese state has no reason or justification to blame Medicom for anything.”
巴拿馬進(jìn)口商Medicom的律師Valentín Jaén稱(chēng):“中國(guó)沒(méi)有任何理由指責(zé)Medicom。”

On Thursday, Nicaragua announced the seizure of more than 40,000 tubes of Chinese-made toothpaste suspected of contamination and that as many as 80,000 tubes of the Excel and Mr. Cool brands might still be on the local market.

Jake Hooker reported from Beijing, and Walt Bogdanich from New York. Renwick McLean contributed reporting from New York, and R. M. Koster from Panama.

關(guān)鍵詞: 中毒


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