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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2007-01-11
Pricing Law of the People's Republic of China


第一條 為了規(guī)范價格行為,發(fā)揮價格合理配置資源的作用,穩(wěn)定市場價格總水平,保護消費者和經(jīng)營者的合法權(quán)益,促進社會主義市場經(jīng)濟健康發(fā)展,制定本法。
Article 1 This law is formulated with a view to standardizing price behavior so as to strengthen their role in rational disposition of resources, stabilize the general price level of the market, protect the lawful rights and interests of consumers and business operators and then promote the healthy development of the socialist market economy.

第二條 在中華人民共和國境內(nèi)發(fā)生的價格行為,適用本法。
Article 2 The law is applicable to all the price behaviors that occur within the territory of the People's Republic of China.

The term "price" used in the law includes prices of all kinds of merchandise and prices of all kinds of services.

The term "price of merchandise" refers to the prices of all kinds of tangible and non-tangible assets.

The term "price of services" refers to fees collected for services rendered.

第三條 國家實行并逐步完善宏觀經(jīng)濟調(diào)控下主要由市場形成價格的機制。價格的制定應(yīng)當(dāng)符合價值規(guī)律,大多數(shù)商品和服務(wù)價格實行市場調(diào)節(jié)價,極少數(shù)商品和服務(wù)價格實行政府指導(dǎo)價或者政府定價。
Article 3 The State shall introduce and gradually improve the mechanism of regulation of prices mainly through market force and under a kind of macroeconomic control. Under such a mechanism, pricing should be made to accord with the value law with most of the merchandises and services to adopt market regulated prices while only a few of them to be put under government-set or guided prices.

Market-regulated prices refer to prices fixed independently by business operators through market competition.

"Business operator" used in this law refers to legal persons, other organizations or individuals that engage in production or marketing of merchandises or provide paid services.

Government-guided prices refer to prices as fixed by business operators according to benchmark prices and range of the prices as set by the government department in charge of price or other related departments within their term of reference.

Government-set prices as fixed by the government department in charge of prices or related departments within their term of reference according to the provisions of this law.

第四條 國家支持和促進公平、公開、合法的市場競爭,維護正常的價格秩序,對價格活動實行管理、監(jiān)督和必要的調(diào)控。
Article 4 The State shall support and prompt fair, open and legal market competition, maintain normal price order and exercise administration, regulation and necessary control over conduct of prices.

第五條 國務(wù)院價格主管部門統(tǒng)一負責(zé)全國的價格工作。國務(wù)院其他有關(guān)部門在各自的職責(zé)范圍內(nèi),負責(zé)有關(guān)的價格工作。
Article 5 The State Council department in charge of prices shall be responsible for the administration of the work related to prices in the whole country and other related departments shall be responsible for such work within their terms of reference.

Price departments of the people's governments at and above the county level shall be responsible for the work related to prices within the regions under their jurisdiction. Price departments of the people's governments at and above the county level shall be responsible for the work related to prices within their terms of reference.

第二章 經(jīng)營者的價格行為

第六條 商品價格和服務(wù)價格,除依照本法第十八條規(guī)定運用政府指導(dǎo)價或者政府定價外,實行市場調(diào)節(jié)價,由經(jīng)營者依照本法自主制定。
Article 6 Prices of all merchandises and services, except those as set in Article 18 of this law to adopt government-set or guided prices, shall be subject to market regulation to be fixed by business operators independently according to the provisions of this law.

第七條 經(jīng)營者定價,應(yīng)當(dāng)遵循公平、合法和誠實信用的原則。
Article 7 In fixing prices, business operators should follow the principle of fairness, lawfulness, honesty and trustworthiness.

第八條 經(jīng)營者定價的基本依據(jù)是生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營成本和市場供求狀況。
Article 8 Prices should be fixed by business operators basing on the cost of production or operation and market supply and demand.

第九條 經(jīng)營者應(yīng)當(dāng)努力改進生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營管理,降低生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營成本,為消費者提供價格合理的商品和服務(wù),并在市場競爭中獲取合法利潤。
Article 9 Business operators should strive for a better management to their own production and business operations so as to lower cost and provide consumers with merchandises and services at reasonable prices while obtaining lawful profits in market competition.

第十條 經(jīng)營者應(yīng)當(dāng)根據(jù)其經(jīng)營條件建立、健全內(nèi)部價格管理制度,準(zhǔn)確記錄與核定商品和服務(wù)的生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營成本,不得弄虛作假。
Article 10 Business operators should establish and improve their system of internal price management, accurately record and verify the cost of production or operations for their merchandise or services, in which any deception or forgery is not allowed.

第十一條 經(jīng)營者進行價格活動,享有下列權(quán)利:
Article 11 Operators shall enjoy the following rights in pricing:

1. To fix prices that are subject to market regulation;

2. To fix prices within the guided range as set by the government;

3. To fix prices for new products which are subject to government-set or guided prices, except special products for trial sales; and

4. To report or claim against actions that have infringe upon their rights of independent pricing.

第十二條 經(jīng)營者進行價格活動,應(yīng)當(dāng)遵守法律、法規(guī),執(zhí)行依法制定的政府指導(dǎo)價、政府定價和法定的價格干預(yù)措施、緊急措施。
Article 12 In their work related to prices, business operators should strictly keep up with laws, regulations, government guided-prices, government-set prices, legal price intervention measures and emergency measures adopted by the government according to law.

第十三條 經(jīng)營者銷售、收購商品和提供服務(wù),應(yīng)當(dāng)按照政府價格主管部門的規(guī)定明碼標(biāo)價,注明商品的品名、產(chǎn)地、規(guī)格、等級、計價單位、價格或者服務(wù)的項目、收費標(biāo)準(zhǔn)等有關(guān)情況。
Article 13 In marketing and purchasing merchandises or providing services, business operators should clearly tap the related prices, specify names, places of origin, specifications, grades, price units, prices or items, fee collection standards and other related information according to the government's regulations.

Business operators must not sell merchandises at prices above the marked prices or collect fees not specified.

第十四條 經(jīng)營者不得有下列不正當(dāng)價格行為:
Article 14 Business operators must not act whatsoever in the following ways to effect abnormal price behaviors:

1. To work collaboratively with others to control market prices to great detriments to the lawful rights and interests of other business operators or consumers;

2. To engage in dumping sales (except the cases of sales of fresh and live merchandises, seasonal merchandises and stockpiled merchandises at discount) at belowcost prices in order to attain an upper hand over rivals or dominate the market and disrupt the normal production and operation order to great detriments to the interests of the State or the lawful rights and interests of other business operators;

3. To fabricate and spread price rise information for pushing up the prices to excessively high level;

4. To resort to deceitful or misleading means in terms of prices to entice consumers or other business operators into trading in terms of prices;

5. To discriminate in terms of prices same kinds of merchandises or services offered by certain business operators under same trading conditions;

6. To disguisely raise or lower prices at irrational ranges by artificially raising or lowering grades of merchandises or services;

7. To seek exorbitant profits in violation of laws and regulations; and

8. To effect other illicit price behaviors that are forbidden by law or administrative decrees.

第十五條 各類中介機構(gòu)提供有償服務(wù)收取費用,應(yīng)當(dāng)遵守本法的規(guī)定。法律另有規(guī)定的,按照有關(guān)規(guī)定執(zhí)行。
Article 15 In collecting fees for services rendered, all intermediary organizations should abide by the provisions of this law, except otherwise provided by other laws.

第十六條 經(jīng)營者銷售進口商品、收購出口商品,應(yīng)當(dāng)遵守本章的有關(guān)規(guī)定,維護國內(nèi)市場秩序。
Article 16 In a bid to keep the domestic market order, business operators must observe related provisions of this chapter in selling imported merchandises or purchasing export merchandises.

第十七條 行業(yè)組織應(yīng)當(dāng)遵守價格法律、法規(guī),加強價格自律,接受政府價格主管部門的工作指導(dǎo)。
Article 17 Organizations of various sectors should abide by laws and regulations governing prices, persist in self-discipline with regard to prices and accept guidance from government price departments.

第三章 政府的定價行為

第十八條 下列商品和服務(wù)價格,政府在必要時可以實行政府指導(dǎo)價或者政府定價:
Article 18 The government shall issue government-set or guided prices for the following merchandises and services if necessary:

1. The few merchandises that are of great importance to development of the national economy and the people's livelihood;

2. The few merchandises that are in shortage of resources;

3. Merchandises of monopoly in nature;

4. Important public utilities;

5. Important services of public welfare in nature.

第十九條 政府指導(dǎo)價、政府定價的定價權(quán)限和具體適用范圍,以中央的和地方的定價目錄為依據(jù)。
Article 19 Scope of specific items and uses for government-set or guided prices shall depend on the price catalogs issued by the central and local governments.

Catalogs of central government-set prices shall be fixed and revised by the price department of the State Council an published after the approval of the State Council.

Catalogs of prices to be set by departments of the people's governments of privinces, autonomous regions and municipalities within their power according to scope of specific items and uses as set in the central price catalog and be published with the examination and approval of the people's governments at the same level.

Local people's governments below the provincial, autonomous regional and municipal level shall not make their own price catalogs.

第二十條 國務(wù)院價格主管部門和其他有關(guān)部門,按照中央定價目錄規(guī)定的定價權(quán)限和具體適用范圍制定政府指導(dǎo)價、政府定價;其中重要的商品和服務(wù)價格的政府指導(dǎo)價、政府定價,應(yīng)當(dāng)按照規(guī)定經(jīng)國務(wù)院批準(zhǔn)。
Article 20 State Council price department and other related departments shall fix government-set and guided prices according to scope of items and uses as set in the central prices and the government-set and guided prices for major merchandises and services shall get the approval from the State Council.

Price departments and other related departments of the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities shall fix indicative local government-set and guided prices within their respective power according to scope of items and uses as set in the local price catalogs.

People's governments of cities and counties may fix government-set and guided prices for their localities within their own power according to scope of items and uses as prescribed in the local price catalogs.

第二十一條 制定政府指導(dǎo)價、政府定價,應(yīng)當(dāng)依據(jù)有關(guān)商品或者服務(wù)的社會平均成本和市場供求狀況、國民經(jīng)濟與社會發(fā)展要求以及社會承受能力,實行合理的購銷差價、批零差價、地區(qū)差價和季節(jié)差價。
Article 21 Government-set and guided prices shall be fixed according to the average cost and market supply and demand of related marchandises or services, the economic and social development and the affordance of the people, allowing rational price differentials between buying and selling, between wholesale and retail sale, among different regions and different seasons.

第二十二條 政府價格主管部門和其他有關(guān)部門制定政府指導(dǎo)價、政府定價,應(yīng)當(dāng)開展價格、成本調(diào)查,聽取消費者、經(jīng)營者和有關(guān)方面的意見。
Article 22 In fixing government-set and guided prices, price departments and other related departments shall carry out investigations into prices and costs and hear views from consumers, business operators and other quarters.

Upon investigated by government price departments and related departments in terms of prices and costs, related units should provide true fact and necessary books, documents and other materials.

第二十三條 制定關(guān)系群眾切身利益的公用事業(yè)價格、公益性服務(wù)價格、自然壟斷經(jīng)營的商品價格等政府指導(dǎo)價、政府定價,應(yīng)當(dāng)建立聽證會制度,由政府價格主管部門主持,征求消費者、經(jīng)營者和有關(guān)方面的意見,論證其必要性、可行性。
Article 23 In fixing government-set and guided prices for public utitities services of public welfare in nature and the prices for merchandises of monopoly in nature that are important to immediate interest of people public hearings presided over by government price department should be conveyed to solicit views from consumers, business operators and other quarters to explore the necessity and feasibility.

第二十四條 政府指導(dǎo)價、政府定價制定后,由制定價格的部門向消費者、經(jīng)營者公布。
Article 24 After the government-set and guided prices are determinded, they shall be made public by the price departments.

第二十五條 政府指導(dǎo)價、政府定價的具體適用范圍、價格水平,應(yīng)當(dāng)根據(jù)經(jīng)濟運行情況,按照規(guī)定的定價權(quán)限和程序適時調(diào)整。
Article 25 The scope and level of the government-set and guided prices shall properly be adjusted in the light of the operation of the national economy.

Consumers and business operators may put forward their recommendations with regard to the adjustment of the government-set and guided prices.

第四章 價格總水平調(diào)控

第二十六條 穩(wěn)定市場價格總水平是國家重要的宏觀經(jīng)濟政策目標(biāo)。國家根據(jù)國民經(jīng)濟發(fā)展的需要和社會承受能力,確定市場價格總水平調(diào)控目標(biāo),列入國民經(jīng)濟和社會發(fā)展計劃。并綜合運用貨幣、財政、投資、進出口等方面的政策和措施,予以實現(xiàn)。
Article 26 To stabilize the general price level is one of the major objectives of macro-economic policy. The State shall set targets for the monitoring and adjustment of general price level in the light of the requirements of the development of the national economy and the endurance of the people, list them into the national economic and social development programs and help their realization through means of monetary, fiscal, investment and import and export policies and measures.

第二十七條 政府可以建立重要商品儲備制度,設(shè)立價格調(diào)節(jié)基金,調(diào)控價格,穩(wěn)定市場。
Article 27 The government shall build a major merchandise reserve system and establish a price regulation fund to control prices and stabilize the market.

第二十八條 為適應(yīng)價格調(diào)控和管理的需要,政府價格主管部門應(yīng)當(dāng)建立價格監(jiān)測制度,對重要商品、服務(wù)價格的變動進行監(jiān)測。
Article 28 In order to better control prices, government price departments shall establish a price monitoring system to monitor changes in the prices of major merchandises and services.

第二十九條 政府在糧食等重要農(nóng)產(chǎn)品的市場購買價格過低時,可以在收購中實行保護價格,并采取相應(yīng)的經(jīng)濟措施保證其實現(xiàn)。
Article 29 Whereas the selling prices of grain and other major farm produce are too low on the market, the government shall introduce protective prices and adopt corresponding measures to ensure the protective prices be put into effect.

第三十條 當(dāng)重要商品和服務(wù)價格顯著上漲或者有可能顯著上漲,國務(wù)院和省、自治區(qū)、直轄市人民政府可以對部分價格采取限定差價率或者利潤率、規(guī)定限價、實行提價申報制度和調(diào)價備案制度等干預(yù)措施。
Article 30 Whereas prices of major merchandises or services rise sharply or are likely to rise sharply, the State Council and the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities may set limit at disparity of prices or rate of profitability for part of the merchandises, fix price ceilings or introduce other measures for intervention such as a system for announcing or recording price rises.

After adoption of above-mentioned intervention measures, provincial, autonomous regional and municipal people's governments should report to the State Council for the record.

第三十一條 當(dāng)市場價格總水平出現(xiàn)劇烈波動等異常狀態(tài)時,國務(wù)院可以在全國范圍內(nèi)或者部分區(qū)域內(nèi)采取臨時集中定價權(quán)限、部分或者全面凍結(jié)價格的緊急措施。
Article 31 When such abnormalities as violent fluctuation in the general price level occur nationwide, the State Council shall introduce power for the concentrated fixation of prices in the whole country or part of the regions for the time being or adopt such emergency measures as freezing part or all prices.

第三十二條 依照本法第三十條、第三十一條的規(guī)定實行干預(yù)措施、緊急措施的情形消除后,應(yīng)當(dāng)及時解除干預(yù)措施、緊急措施。
Article 32 The intervention or emergency measures introduced according to the provisions of Article 30 and Article 31 shall be removed or lifted in time when the situations that call for such measures disappear.

第五章 價格監(jiān)督檢查

第三十三條 縣級以上各級人民政府價格主管部門,依法對價格活動進行監(jiān)督檢查,并依照本法的規(guī)定對價格違法行為實施行政處罰。
Article 33 The price departments of the people's governments at and above the county level exercise monitoring and checking over pricing activities according to law and mete out administrative punishments on acts that violate the law.

第三十四條 政府價格主管部門進行價格監(jiān)督檢查時,可以行使下列職權(quán):
Article 34 In exercising monitoring and checking of prices, government price departments shall exercise the following powers:

1. To inquire into people concerned or related personnel and demand for evidences or other materials relating to law-violating acts;

2. To look into and duplicate account books, bills, vouchers, documents or other materias related to price law violating acts and verify banking materials associated with price law violating acts.

3. To checked property related to the price law violating acts and, if necessary, order the people concerned to stop business operation.

4. To register and keep some evidences that are liable to be destroyed or kept out of hand or is hard to obtain for which people concerned or related personnel must not in any cases remove, hide or destroy.

第三十五條 經(jīng)營者接受政府價格主管部門的監(jiān)督檢查時。應(yīng)當(dāng)如實提供價格監(jiān)督檢查所必需的帳簿、單據(jù)、憑證、文件以及其他資料。
Article 35 In accepting the monitoring and checking by government price departments, business operators should provide their account books, bills and vouchers, documents or other materials needed for such monitoring and checking.

第三十六條 政府部門價格工作人員不得將依法取得的資料或者了解的情況用于依法進行價格管理以外的任何其他目的,不得泄露當(dāng)事人的商業(yè)秘密。
Article 36 The personnel of government prices departments are wholly prohabited to use materials or information obtained according to law for purposes other than price control or reveal business secrets of the people concerned.

第三十七條 消費者組織、職工價格監(jiān)督組織、居民委員會、村民委員會等組織以及消費者,有權(quán)對價格行為進行社會監(jiān)督。政府價格主管部門應(yīng)當(dāng)充分發(fā)揮群眾的價格監(jiān)督作用。
Article 37 Consumer organizations, workers' price monitoring organizations, neighborhood committees, village committees and consumers have the right to exercise monitoring over price activities. Government price departments should give a full play to the monitoring roles of the people.

Medias have the right to mobilize public opinion for the monitoring of prices.

第三十八條 政府價格主管部門應(yīng)當(dāng)建立對價格違法行為的舉報制度。
Article 38 Government price departments shall establish a system for reporting acts of violation of the price law.

Any unit or individual has the right to report acts of violation of price law and the government price departments shall encourage such reporting and undertake to keep secret what concerns concerning the reporters.

第三十九條 經(jīng)營者不執(zhí)行政府指導(dǎo)價、政府定價以及法定的價格干預(yù)措施、緊急措施的,責(zé)令改正,沒收違法所得,可以并處違法所得五倍以下的罰款;沒收違法所得的,可以處以罰款;情節(jié)嚴重的,責(zé)令停業(yè)整頓。
Article 39 Business operators who refuse to implement the government-set or guided prices, legal price intervention measures or emergency measures shall be ordered to correct, have their illegal proceeds confiscated and be fined concurrently for an amount less than five times the illegal proceeds. In cases of no illegal proceeds involved, a fine may still be imposed. For serious cases, they shall be ordered to stop business operation and make correction.

第四十條 經(jīng)營者有本法第十四條所列行為之一的,責(zé)令改正,沒收違法所得,可以并處違法所得五倍以下的罰款;沒有違法所得的,予以警告,可以并處罰款;情節(jié)嚴重的,責(zé)令停業(yè)整頓,或者由工商行政管理機關(guān)吊銷營業(yè)執(zhí)照。
Article 40 Business operators who have violated one of the acts listed in Article 14 of this law shall be ordered to correct, have their illegal proceeds confiscated and be fined concurrently for an amount less than five times the illegal proceeds. In cases of no illegal proceeds involved, a warning shall be issued, together with a fine. For serious cases, they shall be ordered to stop operation for correction or have their business licenses revoked.

If other laws have stipulations concerning the punishments for acts listed in Article 14 of this law, the related laws shall prevail.

Whether acts listed in 1, 2 of Article 14 and are of national in nature shall be upon the judgment of the State Council price department and whether the acts are regional in nature, they shall be confirmed by price departments of provincial, autonomous regional and municipal people's governments.

第四十一條 經(jīng)營者因價格違法行為致使消費者或者其他經(jīng)營者多付價款的,應(yīng)當(dāng)退還多付部分;造成損害的,應(yīng)當(dāng)依法承擔(dān)賠償責(zé)任。
Article 41 Whereas business operators have caused overpayment by consumers or other business operators in violation of price law, the part in excess of the due payment shall be returned. If damages are done, the business operators shall undertake to compensate for the losses.

第四十二條 經(jīng)營者違反明碼標(biāo)價規(guī)定的,責(zé)令改正,沒收違法所得,可以并處五千元以下的罰款。
Article 42 Whereas business operators violate the provisions about price marking, they shall be ordered to correct, have their proceeds confiscated and be fined concurrently for an amount of less than RMB5,000.

第四十三條 經(jīng)營者被責(zé)令暫停相關(guān)營業(yè)而不停止的,或者轉(zhuǎn)移、隱匿、銷毀依法登記保存的財物的,處相關(guān)營業(yè)所得或者轉(zhuǎn)移、隱匿、銷毀的財物價值一倍以上三倍以下的罰款。
Article 43 For business operators who refuse to stop operation for correction as ordered or remove, hide or destroy things recorded for keeping according to law, a fine ranging from over one time to less than three times the value of the things removed, hidden or destroyed shall be imposed.

第四十四條 拒絕按照規(guī)定提供監(jiān)督檢查所需資料或者提供虛假資料的,責(zé)令改正,予以警告;逾期不改正的,可以處以罰款。
Article 44 Business operators who refuse to provide materials needed for price monitoring and checking or provide false materials shall be ordered to correct, with a warning. Whereas they refuse to correct within the prescribed time limit, a fine shall be imposed.

第四十五條 地方各級人民政府或者各級人民政府有關(guān)部門違反本法規(guī)定,超越定價權(quán)限和范圍擅自制定、調(diào)整價格或者不執(zhí)行法定的價格干預(yù)措施、緊急措施的,責(zé)令改正,并可以通報批評,對直接負責(zé)的主管人員和其他直接責(zé)任人員,依法給予行政處分。
Article 45 Whereas local people's governments at all levels or related government departments at all levels fix or adjust prices beyond their terms of reference or refuse to implement price intervention measures or emergency measures shall be ordered to correct and may be criticized by issuing circulars. People in charge or related people directly responsible shall be given administrative punishments according to law.

第四十六條 價格工作人員泄露國家秘密、商業(yè)秘密以及濫用職權(quán)、徇私舞弊、玩忽職守、索賄受賄,構(gòu)成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責(zé)任;尚不構(gòu)成犯罪的,依法給予處分。
Article 46 Whereas government personnel in charge of prices have leaked State secrets, commercial secrets or abused their power, resort to deception for personal gains, commit dereliction of duty or accept bribes and the cases are serious enough as to constitute crimes, criminal responsibilities shall be affixed. If a case is not serious enough to constitute a crime, an administrative punishment shall be meted out.

第七章 附則

第四十七條 國家行政機關(guān)的收費,應(yīng)當(dāng)依法進行,嚴格控制收費項目,限定收費范圍、標(biāo)準(zhǔn),收費的具體管理辦法由國務(wù)院另行制定。
Article 47 State administrative organs shall collect fees strictly according to law, limit fee collection items and scope and standards of fee collection. Specific administration methods for such fee collection shall be provided for separately by the State Council.

Interest rates, exchange rates, insurance premium rates, securities and futures prices shall be subject to related laws or administrative decrees instead of this law.

關(guān)鍵詞: 價格


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