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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2006-12-18
Rules Governing the Implementation of the Law of the PRC on the Entry and Exit of Aliens


(1986年12月3日國務(wù)院批準(zhǔn),1986年12月27日公安部、外交部發(fā)布,1994年7月13日國務(wù) 院批準(zhǔn)修訂,1994年7月15日公安部、外交部發(fā)布)
(Approved by the State Council on 3 December 1986 and Promulgated by the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 27 November 1986. Revised and Approved by the State Council on 13 July 1994 and Promulgated by the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 15 July 1994.)

第一條 外國人入境,應(yīng)當(dāng)向中國的外交代表機(jī)關(guān)、領(lǐng)事機(jī)關(guān)或者外交部授權(quán)的其他駐外機(jī)關(guān)申請辦理簽證。
Article 1 For entry to China, aliens shall apply for visas to Chinese diplomatic missions, consular posts or other foreign-base agencies authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China.

Aliens holding letters or telegrams from authorized organizations in China and ordinary passports issued by countries that have diplomatic relations or official trade contacts with China may apply for visas to port visa agencies authorized by the Ministry of Public Security in cases of an urgent need to travel to China and a lack of time to apply for visas to the above-mentioned Chinese agencies abroad, for the following reasons:

1、 中方臨時(shí)決定邀請來華參加交易會(huì)的;
(1) Being invited at short notice by the Chinese side to attend a trade fair in China;

2、 應(yīng)邀來華參加投標(biāo)或者正式簽訂經(jīng)貿(mào)合同的;
(2) Being invited to China to enter a bid or to formally sign an economic or trade contract;

3、 按約來華監(jiān)裝出口、進(jìn)口商檢或者參加合同驗(yàn)收的;
(3) Coming to China under contract for supervision over export shipment, import commodity inspection or checked on the completion of a contract;

4、 應(yīng)邀參加設(shè)備安裝或者工程搶修的;
(4) Being invited to install equipment or make rush repairs;

5、 應(yīng)中方要求來華解決索賠問題的;
(5) Coming to China at the request of the Chinese side for settling claims;

6、 應(yīng)邀來華提供科技咨詢的;
(6) Being invited to China for scientific or technological consulting services;

7、 應(yīng)邀來華團(tuán)組辦妥簽證后,經(jīng)中方同意臨時(shí)增換的;
(7) A last-minute replacement or addition, approved by the Chinese side, to a delegation or group that has been invited and has already obtained visas for traveling to China;

8、 看望危急病人或者處理喪事的;
(8) For visiting a patient in a critical condition or making funeral arrangements;

9、 直接過境人員由于不可抗拒的原因不能在24小時(shí)內(nèi)乘原機(jī)離境或者需改乘其他交 通工具離境的;
(9) As persons in immediate transit who, because of force majeure, are unable to leave China by original aircraft within 24 hours or have to leave China by other means of transport;

10、 其他被邀請確實(shí)來不及在上述中國駐外機(jī)關(guān)申請簽主,并持有指定的主管部門同意在口岸申辦簽證的函電的。
(10) As other invitees who really do not have enough time to apply for visas to the above-mentioned Chinese agencies abroad but hold letters or telegrams from designated competent authorities approving the application for visas at port visa agencies.

Port visa agencies shall not handle visa applications of aliens who do not come under the above-listed categories.

第二條 公安部授權(quán)的口岸簽證機(jī)關(guān)設(shè)立在下列口岸:
Article 2 Port visa agencies authorized by the Ministry of Public Security are set up at the following ports:

Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Dalian, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Xi'an, Guilin, Hangzhou, Kunming, Guangzhou (Baiyun Airport), Shenzhen (Luohu, Shekou) and Zhuhai (Gongbei).

第三條 根據(jù)外國人來中國的身份和所持護(hù)照和種類,分別發(fā)給外交簽證、禮遇簽證、公務(wù)簽證、普通簽證。
Article 3 In accordance with their status and the types of passports they hold, different aliens coming to China shall be issued diplomatic, courtesy, service or ordinary visas respectively.

第四條 簽發(fā)普通簽證時(shí),根據(jù)外國人申請來中國的事由,在簽證上標(biāo)明相關(guān)的漢語拼音字母:
Article 4 Ordinary visas shall be marked with different Chinese phonetic letters and issued to different aliens according to their stated purposes of visit to China:

1、 * D字簽證發(fā)給來中國定居的人員;
(1) Visa D to aliens who are to reside permanently in China;

2、 * Z字簽證發(fā)給來中國任職或者就業(yè)的人員及其隨行家屬;
(2) Visa Z to aliens who come to China to take up posts or employment and to their accompanying family members;

3、 * X字簽證發(fā)給來中國留學(xué)、進(jìn)修、實(shí)習(xí)6個(gè)月以上的人員;
(3) Visa X to aliens who come to China for study, advanced studies or job-training for a period of six months or more;

4、 * F字簽證發(fā)給來中國訪問、考察、講學(xué)、經(jīng)商、進(jìn)行科技文化交流及短期進(jìn)實(shí)習(xí)等活動(dòng)不超過6個(gè)月的人員;
(4) Visa F to aliens who are invited to China on a visit or on a study, lecture or business tour, for scientific-technological or cultural exchanges, for short-term refresher course or for job-training, for a period not more than six months;

5、 * L字簽證發(fā)給來中國旅游、探親或者因其他私人事務(wù)入境的人員,其中9人以上組團(tuán)來中國旅游的,可以了給團(tuán)體簽證;
(5) Visa L to aliens who come to China for sight-seeing, visiting relatives or other private purposes (A group visa may be issued to a group of nine or more aliens on a sight-seeing trip to China);

6、 * G字簽證發(fā)給經(jīng)中國過境的人員;
(6) Visa G to aliens passing through China;

7、 * C字簽證發(fā)給執(zhí)行乘務(wù)、航空、航運(yùn)任務(wù)的國際列車乘務(wù)員、國際航空器機(jī)組人員及國際航行船舶和海員及其隨行家屬;
(7) Visa C to train attendants, air crew members and seamen operating international services, and to their accompanying family members.

8、 * J-1字簽證發(fā)給來中國常駐的外國記者,J-2字簽證發(fā)給臨時(shí)來中國采訪的外國記者;
(8) Visa J-1 to resident foreign correspondents in China; Visa J-2 to foreign correspondents who make short trip to China on reporting tasks.

第五條 外國人申請簽證須回答被詢問的有關(guān)情況并履行下列手續(xù):
Article 5 In applying for visas, aliens shall provide such pertinent information as requested and complete the following procedures:

1、 提供有有效護(hù)照或者能夠代替護(hù)照的證件;
(1) Present valid passports or replacement certificates;

2、 填寫簽證申請表,交近期2寸半身正面免冠照片;
(2) Fill in visa application forms and submit recently taken two-inch half-length, bareheaded and full-faced photos;

3、 交驗(yàn)與申請入境、過境事由有關(guān)的證明。
(3) Submit for examination papers supporting the application for entry into or transit through China.

第六條 本實(shí)施細(xì)則第五條(三)項(xiàng)所說的有關(guān)證明是指:
Article 6 The supporting papers mentioned in Article 5(3) of these rules refer to the following:

1、 申請D字簽證,須持有定居身份確認(rèn)表。定居身份確認(rèn)表由申請人或者委托其在中國的親屬向申請定居地的市、縣公安局出入境管理部門申請領(lǐng);
(1) In application for Visa D, a permanent residence confirmation form, which may be obtained through application by the applicant or by his /her designated relatives in China from the exit-and-entry department of the municipal or county public security bureau at the place of the applicant's intended residence;

2、 申請Z字簽證,須有中國聘雇單位的聘請或者雇用證明,或者被授權(quán)單位的函電;
(2) In application for Visa Z, a letter of appointment or employment from the sponsor or employer organization in China or a letter or telegram from an authorized organization;

3、 申請X字簽證,須有接受單位或者主管部門的證明;  
(3) In application for Visa X, a certificate from the receiving organization or the competent department;

4、 申請F(tuán)字簽證,須有被授權(quán)單位的函電;
(4) In application for Visa F, a letter or telegram from the authorized organization;

5、 申請L字簽證,來華旅游的,須有中國旅游部門的接待證明,必要時(shí)須提供離開中國后前往國家(地區(qū))的飛機(jī)票、車票或者船票;
(5) In application for Visa L for a tourist trip in China, a certificate of reception from a Chinese travel service; and, when necessary, plane, train or ship ticket(s) to the country (region) after leaving China;

6、 申請G字簽證,須持有前往國家(地區(qū))的有效簽證。如果申請人免辦前往國家(地區(qū))的簽證,須持有聯(lián)程客票;
(6) In application for Visa G, a valid visa for entering the country (region) of destination, or connecting tickets in case such a visa is exempt;

7、 申請C字簽證,按協(xié)議提供有關(guān)的證明;
(7) In application for Visa C, relevant certificates in accordance with the agreements concerned.

8、 申請J-1、J-2字簽證,須有主管部門的證明。
(8) In application for Visas J-1 and J-2, a certificate from the competent department.

Aliens who come to China for permanent residence or for residence of one year and upwards shall, in applying for entry visas, submit for examination health certificates issued by health or medical institutions designated by the governments of the countries of their current residence or those issued by health or medical institutions and certified by notarial organs.

Health certificates are valid for six months from the date of issuance.

第七條 下列外國人不準(zhǔn)入境:
Article 7 Aliens coming under the following categories shall not be allowed to enter China:

1、 被中國政府驅(qū)逐出境,未滿不準(zhǔn)入境年限的;
(1) An alien expelled by the Chinese Government and before the expiry of the period when his/her re-entry is prohibited;

2、 被認(rèn)為入境后可能進(jìn)行恐怖、暴力、顛覆活動(dòng)的;
(2) An alien considered likely to engage in terrorism, violence or subversion upon entering China;

3、 被認(rèn)為入境后可能進(jìn)行走私、販毒、賣淫活動(dòng)的;
(3) An alien considered likely to engage in smuggling, drug trafficking or prostitution upon entering China;

4、 患有精神病和麻瘋病、艾滋病、性病、開放性肺結(jié)核病等傳染病的;
(4) An alien suffering from mental disorder, leprosy, AIDS, venereal diseases, contagious tuberculosis or other infectious diseases;

5、 不能保障其在中國期間所需費(fèi)用的;
(5) An alien who cannot guarantee to cover his/her own expenses during his/her stay in China;

6、 被認(rèn)為入境后可能進(jìn)行危害我國國家安全和利益的其他活動(dòng)的。
(6) An alien considered likely to engage in other activities prejudicial to China's national security and interests.

第八條 外國人持有聯(lián)程客票并已定妥聯(lián)程座位搭乘國際航班從中國直接過境,在過境城市停留不超過24小時(shí),不出機(jī)場的,免辦過境簽證;要求離開機(jī)場的,須向邊防檢查站申請辦理停留許可手續(xù)。
Article 8 Transit visas are not required for those aliens who are in immediate transit through China on continued international flights, who hold connecting flight tickets and have seats booked and who stay for not more than 24 hours within the airport of the in-transit city. Aliens wishing to leave the airport shall apply to the border check-posts for stop-over permits.

第九條 國際航行船舶在中國港口停泊期間,外國船員及其隨行家屬要求登陸,不出港口城市的,向邊防檢查站申請登陸證,要求在陸地住宿的,申請住宿證。有正當(dāng)理由需前往港口城市以外的地區(qū),或者不能隨原船出境的,須向當(dāng)?shù)毓簿稚暾堔k理相應(yīng)的簽證。
Article 9 When vessels operating international service anchor at Chinese ports, foreign crew members and their accompanying family members wishing to disembark at the port city shall apply to border check-posts for disembarkation permits, or lodging permits if they desire to stay overnight on land. Those who, for proper reasons, need to travel to areas beyond the port city or who cannot leave China on the original vessel shall apply to the local public security bureau for appropriate visas.

Inspection of Entry and Exit Certificates

第十條 外國人抵達(dá)口岸,必須向邊防檢查站繳驗(yàn)有效護(hù)照和中國的簽證、證件,填寫入出境卡,經(jīng)邊防檢查站檢驗(yàn)核準(zhǔn)加蓋驗(yàn)訖章后入境。
Article 10 Upon arrival at a Chinese port, aliens shall submit their valid passports, Chinese visas and certificates to border check-posts for examination and shall fill in entry and exit forms. They may enter China after the border check-posts complete inspection and affix inspection seals.

第十一條 外國航空器或者船舶抵達(dá)中國口岸時(shí),其負(fù)責(zé)人負(fù)有下列責(zé)任:
Article 11 When a foreign aircraft or vessel arrives at a Chinese port, the person in charge shall fulfill the following obligations:

1、 機(jī)長、船長或者代理人必須向邊防檢查站提交機(jī)組人員、船員名單和旅客名單。
(1) The captain or his/her agent must submit lists of the crew members and passengers to the border check-posts;

2、 如果載有企圖偷越國境的人員,發(fā)現(xiàn)后應(yīng)立即向邊防檢查站報(bào)告,聽候處罰;
(2) Report, immediately upon discovery, cases of persons aboard attempting to illegally cross China's borders to the border check-posts for action;

3、 對于不準(zhǔn)入境的人員,必須負(fù)責(zé)用原交通工具帶走,對由于不可抗拒的原因不能立即離境的人,必須負(fù)責(zé)其在中國停留期間的費(fèi)用和離開時(shí)的旅費(fèi)。
(3) See to it that persons not permitted to enter China leave on the original means of transport and that the expenses during the stay in China of persons who cannot promptly leave the country through force majeure are covered along with their travel expenses for departure.

第十二條 對下列外國人,邊防檢查站有權(quán)阻止入境或者出境:
Article 12 The border check-posts have the right to prevent the entry or exit of aliens coming under the following categories:

1、 未持有效護(hù)照、證件或者簽證的;
(1) Those who do not hold valid passports, certificates or visas;

2、 持偽造、涂改或者他人護(hù)照、證件的;
(2) Those who hold forged, altered or other than their own passports or certificates;

3、 拒絕接受查驗(yàn)證件的;
(3) Those who refuse to have their certificates examined;

4、 公安部或者國家安全部通知不準(zhǔn)入境、出境的。
(4) Those who are under notice by the Ministry of Public Security or the Ministry of State Security forbidding their entry or exit.

第十三條 外國人出境,須繳驗(yàn)有效護(hù)照或者其他有效證件,以及準(zhǔn)予在中國停留的簽證或者居留證件。
Article 13 For exit, aliens shall submit for examination their valid passports or other valid certificates as well as visas or residence certificates permitting their stay in China.

第十四條 被簽證機(jī)關(guān)指定通行口岸的外國人和外國人的交通工具,必須從指定的口岸入、出境。
Article 14 Aliens and their means of transport required by the visa agencies to pass through designated ports shall only enter or depart through the said ports.

第十五條 對于本實(shí)施細(xì)則第十二條所列被阻止入境的外國人,如不能立即隨原交通工具返回,邊防檢查站可以采取必要的措施限制其活動(dòng)范圍,并令其乘最近一班交通工具離境。
Article 15 With regard to the aliens denied entry under Article 12 of the present Rules who cannot promptly return on the original means of transport, border check-posts may take the necessary measures to limit the area of their activities and order them to leave China on the next available means of transport.

第十六條 持標(biāo)有D、Z、X、J-1字簽證的外國人,必須自入境之日起30日內(nèi)到居住地市、縣公安局辦理外國人居留證或者外國人臨時(shí)居留證。上述居留證件的有效期限為準(zhǔn)許持證人在中國居留的期限。
Article 16 Aliens holding visas D, Z, X, or J-1 shall, within 30 days of entry into China, obtain aliens' residence cards or aliens' temporary residence cards from the city or county public security bureau at the place of their residence. The period of validity of the aforementioned certificates is the duration of the holders' permitted stay in China.

Aliens' residence cards are issued to those who stay in China for one year or more.

Aliens' temporary residence cards are issued to those who stay less than one year in China.

Aliens holding visas F, L, G, C or J-2 may stay in China for the period prescribed in their visas without obtaining residence certificates.

第十七條 外國人申請居留證件須回答被詢問的有關(guān)情況并履行下列手續(xù):
Article 17 In applying for residence certificates, aliens shall provide such information as requested and complete the following procedures:

1、 交驗(yàn)護(hù)照、簽證和與居留事由有關(guān)的證明;
(1) Submit for examination their passports, visas and papers supporting their purposes of residence;

2、 填寫居留申請表;
(2) Fill in residence application forms; and

3、 申請外國人居留證的,還要交驗(yàn)健康證明書,交近期2寸半身正面免冠照片。
(3) In applying for aliens' residence cards, submit for examination health certificates and recently-taken two inch half-length, bareheaded, full-faced photos.

第十八條 外國人居留證有效期可簽發(fā)1年至5年,由市、縣公安局根據(jù)外國人居留的事由確定。
Article 18 The validity period of aliens' residence cards, which ranges from one to five years, shall be decided by the city or county public security bureau according to the aliens' purposes of residence.

The public security organs may issue certificates of long-term residence status valid for one to five years to aliens who come under the provisions of Article 14 of the Law on the Entry and Exit of Aliens and may issue certificates of permanent residence status to those with meritorious performance.

第十九條 根據(jù)中國政府同外國政府簽定的協(xié)議免辦簽證的外國人,需在中國停留30日以上的,應(yīng)于入境后按本實(shí)施細(xì)則第十六、十七條申請居留證件。
Article 19 Aliens exempt from visas under agreements signed between the Chinese and foreign governments shall, in case they wish to stay in China for 30 days and upwards, apply upon entry into China for residence certificates in accordance with Articles 16 and 17 of the present Rules.

The previous paragraph, however, is not applicable to aliens referred to in Article 34 of the Law on the Entry and Exit of Aliens.

第二十條 外國人在簽證或者居留證件有效期滿后需繼續(xù)在中國停留或者居留,須于期滿前申請延期。
Article 20 Aliens who need to prolong their stay or residence in China beyond the expiration of their visas or residence certificates shall apply for an extension before the expiration of their visas or certificates.

Chinese authorities in charge of public health, when discovering aliens, during their stay in China, to be affiliated with diseases specified in sub-paragraph 4 of Article 7of the present Rules may request the public security organs concerned to order them to advance their data of exit from China.

第二十一條 在外國人居留證上填寫的項(xiàng)目內(nèi)容(姓名、國籍、職業(yè)或者身份、工作單位、住址、護(hù)照碼、偕行兒童等)如有變更,持證人須于10日內(nèi)到居住地公安局辦理變更登記。
Article 21 In case of any changes in the information written in an alien's residence card (such as name, nationality, occupation, status, place of work, address, passport number and accompanying children), the holder of the card shall, within 10days, register such changes with the public security bureau at the place of his/her residence.

第二十二條 持外國人居留證的人遷出所在市、縣,須于遷移前向原居住地的公安局辦理遷移登記,到達(dá)遷入地后,須于10日內(nèi)向遷入地公安局辦理遷入登記。
Article 22 The holder of an alien's residence card who wishes to move out of the city or county of residence shall, before moving, register the move with the public security bureau at the original place of residence and shall, within 10 days of arrival at the new place of residence, register the move-in with the public security bureau at the new place of residence.

An alien residing permanently in China who wishes to apply for a change of residence shall apply in advance to the public security bureau at the new place of residence for a certificate permitting the move-in and register the move on the strength of the certificate in accordance with the provisions of the previous paragraph.

第二十三條 出于維護(hù)國家安全、社會(huì)秩序或者其他公共利益的原因,市、縣公安局可以限制外國人或者外國機(jī)構(gòu)在某些地區(qū)設(shè)立住所或者辦公處所;已在上述限制地區(qū)設(shè)立住所或者辦公處所的,必須在市、縣公安局遷移通知書指定的期限內(nèi)遷至許可的地區(qū)。
Article 23 For the sake of national security, public order or other public interests, a city or county public security bureau may declare certain areas out of bounds for the establishment of residences or offices by aliens or foreign institutions. Residences and offices that have already been established in these restricted areas shall be moved to non-restricted areas within the time limit prescribed in the notice of moving issued by the city or county public security bureau.

第二十四條 在中國定居的外國人必須每年一次在指定的時(shí)間到居住地的公安局繳驗(yàn)外國人居留證。
Article 24 Aliens residing permanently in China shall, once every year and at a prescribed time, submit their residence cards for examination to the public security bureau at their place of residence.

The public security bureau may, when necessary, ask an alien to submit his/her residence card to the exit and entry department for examination, and the alien shall do so at the time prescribed in the notice.

第二十五條 在中國居留或者停留的年滿16歲以上的外國人必須隨身攜帶居留證件或者護(hù)照,以備外事民警查驗(yàn)。
Article 25 Alien at the age of 16 and upwards who reside or stay in China shall carry with them their residence certificates or passports for possible examination by police in charge of foreign affairs.

第二十六條 在中國出生的外國嬰兒,須于出生后1個(gè)月內(nèi),由其父母或者代理人持出生證明向當(dāng)?shù)毓簿稚陥?bào),辦理登記手續(xù)。
Article 26 The parents of an alien infant born in China or their agent shall, within one month after its birth, report to the local public security bureau with the birth certificate and complete registration procedures.

第二十七條 外國人在中國死亡,其家屬或者監(jiān)護(hù)人或者代理人須于3日內(nèi)持死亡證明向當(dāng)公安局申報(bào)并繳銷死者的居留證件或者簽證。
Article 27 When an alien dies in China, his/her family members or guardian or agent shall, within 3 days, report to the local public security bureau with the death certificate and hand in the deceased's residence certificate or visa for cancellation.

In case of an unnatural death of an alien, the persons concerned or the discoverer shall promptly report to the public security organ.

第二十八條 《外國人入境出境管理法》第十九條所稱的中國政府主管機(jī)關(guān)是指中華人民共和國勞動(dòng)部。
Article 28 The competent authorities of the Chinese Government referred to in Article 19 of the Law on the Entry and Exit of Aliens are the Ministry of Labor and Personnel of the People's Republic of China.

第二十九條 外國人在賓館、飯店、旅店、招待所、學(xué)校等企業(yè)、事業(yè)單位或者機(jī)關(guān)、團(tuán)體及其他中國機(jī)構(gòu)內(nèi)住宿,應(yīng)當(dāng)出示有效護(hù)照或者居留證件,并填寫臨時(shí)住宿登記表。在非開放地區(qū)住宿還要出示旅行證。
Article 29 For lodging at guest house, hotel, inn, hostel, school or other enterprises and institutions or at government organs or other Chinese organizations, aliens shall present valid passports or residence certificates and fill in registration forms of temporary accommodation. They shall present travel permits when seeking accommodation in areas closed to aliens.

第三十條 外國人在中國居民家中住宿,在城鎮(zhèn)的,須于抵達(dá)后24小時(shí)內(nèi),由留宿或者本人持住宿人的護(hù)照、證件和留宿人的戶口簿到當(dāng)?shù)毓矙C(jī)關(guān)申報(bào),填寫臨時(shí)住宿登記表;在農(nóng)村的,須于72小時(shí)內(nèi)向當(dāng)?shù)嘏沙鏊蛘邞艏k公室申報(bào)。
Article 30 When an alien wishes to lodge at the home a Chinese resident in urban areas, the host or the lodger shall, within 24 hours of the lodger's arrival, report to the local public security organ with the lodger's passport and certificate as well as the host's residence booklet and fill in registration forms of temporary accommodation. In rural areas, the host or lodger shall report to the local police station or residence registration office within 72 hours of the lodger's arrival.

第三十一條 外國人在中國的外國機(jī)構(gòu)或者在中國的外國人家中住宿,須于住宿人抵達(dá)24小時(shí)內(nèi),由留宿機(jī)構(gòu)、留宿人或者本人持住宿人的居留證件,向當(dāng)?shù)毓矙C(jī)關(guān)申報(bào),并填寫臨時(shí)住宿登記表。
Article 31 When an alien lodges at a foreign institution in China or at the home of an alien in China, the institution in question or the host or the lodger shall, within 24 hours of the lodger's arrival, report to the local public security organ with the lodger's passport or residence certificate and fill in registration forms of temporary accommodation.

第三十二條 長期在中國居留的外國人離開自己的住所臨時(shí)在其他地方住宿,應(yīng)當(dāng)按本實(shí)施細(xì)則第二十九、三十、三十一條規(guī)定申報(bào)住宿登記。
Article 32 Aliens having long-term residence in China who wish to lodge temporarily elsewhere than their own residence shall report and register accommodation in accordance with the provisions of Article 29, 30 and 31 of the present Rules.

第三十三條 外國人在移動(dòng)性住宿工具內(nèi)臨時(shí)住宿,須于24小時(shí)內(nèi)向當(dāng)?shù)毓矙C(jī)關(guān)申報(bào)。為外國人的移動(dòng)性住宿工具提供場地的機(jī)構(gòu)或者個(gè)人,應(yīng)于24小時(shí)前向當(dāng)?shù)毓矙C(jī)關(guān)申報(bào)。
Article 33 Aliens who lodge temporarily in movable living facilities shall, within 24 hours of arrival, report to the local public security organ. The institutions or individuals that furnish sites for the aliens' movable living facilities shall report to the local public security organ 24 hours ahead of time.

第三十四條 外國人前往不對外國人開放的市、縣旅行,須事先向所在市、縣公安局申請旅行證,獲準(zhǔn)后方可前往。申請旅行證須履行下列手續(xù):
Article 34 An alien wishing to travel to cities or counties closed to aliens shall apply in advance for a travel permit to the public security bureau of the city or county where he/she stays and may proceed there only with permission. To apply for a travel permit, the following procedures must be completed:

1、 交驗(yàn)護(hù)照或者居留證件;
(1) Submit passport or residence certificate for examination;

2、 提供與旅行事由有關(guān)的證明;
(2) provide papers supporting the purposes of travel;

3、 填寫旅行申請表。
(3) Fill in a travel application form.

第三十五條 外國人旅行證的有效期最長為1年,但不得超過外國人所持簽證或者居留 證件的有效期限。
Article 35 An alien's travel permit shall be valid for one year at the most, and may not exceed the period of validity of his/her visa or residence certificate.

第三十六條 外國入領(lǐng)取旅行證后,如要求延長旅行證有效期、增加不對外國人開放的旅行地點(diǎn)、增加倍行人數(shù),必須向公安局申請延期或者變更。
Article 36 An alien who, after obtaining a travel permit, wishes to extend its validity, tour more places closed to aliens or increase the number of accompanying persons shall apply to the public security bureau for extension or alteration.

第三十七條 外國人未經(jīng)允許,不得進(jìn)入不對外開放的場所。
Article 37 Aliens shall not enter places closed to aliens without permission.

第三十八條 外國人應(yīng)當(dāng)在簽證準(zhǔn)予停留的期限內(nèi)或者居留證件的有效期內(nèi)出境。
Article 38 Aliens shall leave China within the time limit prescribed in the visas or within the period of validity of their residence certificates.

第三十九條 持有外國人居留證件的人,在其居留證件有效期內(nèi)出境并需返回中國的,應(yīng)當(dāng)在出境前按本實(shí)施細(xì)則第五、六條有關(guān)規(guī)定向當(dāng)?shù)毓矙C(jī)關(guān)申請辦理返回中國的簽證。
Article 39 The holder of an alien's residence certificate who wishes to leave and then re-enter China within the period of validity of the said certificate shall, before leaving China, apply to the local public security organ for a re-entry visa in accordance with the relevant provisions of Articles 5 and 6 of the present Rules.

An alien holding a residence certificate who does not wish to return to China after exit shall hand in his/her residence certificate for cancellation to the border check-point upon exit.

第四十條 對非法入出中國國境的外國人,要處以1000元以上、10000元以下的罰款、或者處3日以上、10日以下的拘留,也可以并處限期出境或者驅(qū)逐出境;情節(jié)嚴(yán)重,構(gòu)成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責(zé)任。
Article 40 Aliens who illegally enter or exit China may be fined from 1,000 to 10,000 yuan (RMB) or detained from 3 to 10 days and may simultaneously be ordered to leave the country within a specified time or expelled from the country. Those whose offenses are serious enough to constitute a crime shall be prosecuted for criminal responsibility according to law.

第四十—條 對違反本實(shí)施細(xì)則第十一條規(guī)定,拒絕承擔(dān)責(zé)任的交通工具負(fù)責(zé)人或者其代理人,可以處1000元以上、I00OO元以下的罰款,或者處3日以上、10日以下的拘留。
Article 41 A person in charge of a means of transport or his/her agent who refuses to bear responsibility in contravention of the provisions of Article 11 of the present Rules may be fined from 1,000 to 10,000 yuan (RMB) or detained from 3 to 10 days.

第四十二條 對違反本實(shí)施細(xì)則第十六、十九、二十條規(guī)定,非法居留的外國人,可以處警告或者每非法居留1日,處500元罰款,總額不超過5000元,或者處3日以上、10日以下拘留,情節(jié)嚴(yán)重的,并處限期出境。
Article 42 Aliens who illegally stay in China in contravention of the provisions of Articles 16, 19 and 20 of the present Rules may be served a warning, fined 500 yuan (RMB) per day for the period of his/her illegal stay in China with the total sum of fine not exceeding 5,000 yuan (RMB), or detained from 3-10 days. Those whose offenses are serious may at the same time be ordered to leave the country within a specified time.

Aliens who violate Article 21 and 22 of the present Rules may be served a warning or fined up to 500 yuan. Those whose offenses are serious may at the same time be ordered to leave the country within a specified time.

對違反本實(shí)施細(xì)則第二十三條規(guī)定,不執(zhí)行公安機(jī)關(guān)決定的外國人,在強(qiáng)制其執(zhí)行決定的同時(shí),可以處警告 或者1000元以上、10000元以下的罰款;情節(jié)嚴(yán)重的,并處限期出境。
Aliens who violate Article 23 of the present Rules and fail to carry out the decision of the public security organs may, while being compelled to carry out the decision, be served a warning or filed from 1,000 t 10,000 yuan. Those whose offenses are serious shall be ordered to leave the country within a specified time.

第四十三條 對違反本實(shí)施細(xì)則第二十四、二十五條規(guī)定,不按要求繳驗(yàn)居留證,不隨身攜帶護(hù)照或者居留證件,或者拒絕民警查驗(yàn)證件的外國人,可以處警告或者500元以下的罰款,情節(jié)嚴(yán)重的,并處限期出境。
Article 43 Aliens who, in contravention of the provisions of Articles 24 and 25 of the present Rules, fail to submit their residence certificates for examination as required or to carry their passports or residence certificates with them or refuse to produce their certificates to police for examination may be served a warning or fined up to 500 yuan (RMB), and those whose offenses are serious may at the same time be ordered to leave the country within a specified time.

第四十四條 對未經(jīng)中華人民共和國勞動(dòng)部或者其授權(quán)的部門批準(zhǔn)私自謀職的外國人,在終止其任職或者就業(yè)的同時(shí),可以處10元以下的罰款;情節(jié)嚴(yán)重的,并處限期出境。
Article 44 Aliens who found employment without permission from the Ministry of Labor of the People's Republic of China or its authorized departments shall have their posts or employment terminated and may at the same time be fined up to 1,000 yuan (RMB), and those whose offenses are serious may at the same time be ordered to leave the country within a specified time.

Units and individuals who employ aliens without permission shall terminate employment of the said aliens and may at the same time be fined from 5,000 to 50,000 yuan (RMB), and be ordered to cover all the expenses of repatriating the aliens whom they had employed.

第四十五條 對違反本實(shí)施細(xì)則第四章規(guī)定,不辦理住宿登記或者不向公安機(jī)關(guān)申報(bào)住宿登記或者留宿未持有效證件外國人的責(zé)任者,可以處警告或者50元以上、500元以下的罰款。
Article 45 Whoever is held responsible for failing to register accommodation or report such registration to the public security organ, or for accommodating aliens without valid certificates in contravention of the provisions of Chapter IV of the present Rules may be served a warning or fined from 50 to 500 yuan.

第四十六條 對違反本實(shí)施細(xì)則第三十四、三十六、三十七條規(guī)定,未經(jīng)批準(zhǔn)前往不對外國人開放地區(qū)旅行的外國人,可以處警告或者500元以下的罰款;情節(jié)嚴(yán)重的,并處限期出境。
Article 46 Aliens who travel to areas closed to aliens without prior permission in contravention of the provisions of Articles 34, 36 and 37 of the present Rules may be served a warning or fined up to 500 yuan (RMB), and those whose offenses are serious may at the same time be ordered to leave the country within a specified time.

第四十七條 對偽造、涂改、冒用、轉(zhuǎn)讓、買賣簽證、證件的外國入,在吊銷或者收繳原簽證、證件并沒收非法所得的同時(shí),可以處1000元以上、100OO元以下的罰款,或者處3日以上;10日以下的拘留,也可以并處限期出境;情節(jié)嚴(yán)重,構(gòu)成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責(zé)任。
Article 47 Aliens who forge, alter, misuse, transfer, buy or sell visas or certificates shall have the said visas, certificates and illicit income revoked or confiscated and may be fined from 1,000 to 10,000 yuan (RMB) or detained from 3 to 10 days, and may at the same time be ordered to leave the country within a specified time, and those whose offenses are serious enough to constitute a crime shall be prosecuted for their criminal responsibility according to law.

第四十八條 由于不可抗拒的原因而違反《外國人入境出境管理法》及本實(shí)施細(xì)則的,可免于處罰。
Article 48 Whoever out of force majeure acts in contravention of the Law on the Entry and Exit of Aliens and the present Rules may be exempted from penalties.

Aliens who are unable to pay a fine may be subjected to detention instead.

第四十九條 本章規(guī)定的各項(xiàng)罰敦、拘留處罰,也適用于協(xié)助外國人非法入境或者出境、造成外國人非法居留或者停留、聘雇私自謀職的外國人、為未持有效旅行證件的外國人前往不對外國人開放的地區(qū)旅行提供方便的有關(guān)責(zé)任者。
Article 49 Penalties such as fines and detention provided for in this Chapter shall also apply to persons held responsible for assisting aliens to enter or leave China illegally, or causing aliens to reside to stay illegally in China, or employing aliens who seek jobs without permission, or providing facilities for aliens to travel without valid travel permits to areas closed to aliens.

第五十條 被處罰人對公安機(jī)關(guān)的罰款、拘留處罰不服的,在接到通知之日起15日內(nèi)?梢酝ㄟ^原裁決機(jī)關(guān)或者直接向上一級(jí)公安機(jī)關(guān)申訴,上一級(jí)公安機(jī)關(guān)自接到申訴之日起15日內(nèi)作出最后裁決。被處罰人也可以直接向當(dāng) 地人民法院提起訴訟。
Article 50 If an alien being fined or detained by a public security organ refuses to accept such penalty, he/she may, within 15 days of receiving notification, appeal to the original adjudication organ or directly to the next higher public security organ, which shall make the final judgment within 15 days of receiving the appeal. The person being penalized may also file a suit directly with a local people's court.

第五十一條 本章規(guī)定的處罰,由公安機(jī)關(guān)執(zhí)行。
Article 51 The penalties provided for in this Chapter shall be executed by the public security organs.

第五十二條 外國人申請各項(xiàng)簽證、證件的延期或者變更,須履行下列手續(xù):
Article 52 Aliens who wish to apply for extension or alteration of visas or certificates shall complete the following procedures:

1、 交驗(yàn)護(hù)照和簽證、證件;
(1) Submit their passports, visas and certificates for examination;

2、 填寫延期申請表或者變更申請表;
(2) Fill in application forms for extension or alternation;

3、 提供與延期或者變更事由有關(guān)的證明。
(3) provide papers supporting reasons for extension or alternation.

第五十三條 外國人申請各項(xiàng)簽證、證件或者申請簽證、證件延期、變更,必須按規(guī)定繳納簽證、證件等。
Article 53 Aliens applying for visas and certificates or for their extension or alternation shall pay visa and certificate fees according to the prescribed rates.

The rates of visa and certificate fees shall be prescribed by the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Persons from countries that have agreements on visa fees with the Chinese Government shall act in accordance with the pertinent agreements

第五十四條 不滿16歲的外國少年兒童,與其父母或者監(jiān)護(hù)人使用同一護(hù)照的,隨其父母或者監(jiān)護(hù)人來中國時(shí),可以不單獨(dú)辦理入境、過境、居留、旅行手續(xù)。
Article 54 An alien child under the age of 16 who uses the same passport with his/her parent or guardian need not, while visiting China with his/her parent or guardian, go through the entry, transit, residence or travel procedures separately.

第五十五條 外國人所持中國的簽證、證件如有遺失或者損壞,應(yīng)當(dāng)立即向當(dāng)?shù)毓簿殖鋈刖彻芾聿块T報(bào)告,申請補(bǔ)領(lǐng)或者換發(fā)。遺失外國人居留證的,須在當(dāng)?shù)卣畧?bào)紙上聲明作廢。
Article 55 An alien whose Chinese visa or certificate is lost or damaged shall promptly report to the exit and entry department under the local public security bureau and apply for a new one or replacement. An alien who has lost his /her residence card shall declare the lost card invalid in an official local newspaper.

第五十六條 本實(shí)施細(xì)則涉及的各種簽證、證件和申請表的式祥,由公安部和外交部另行制定。
Article 56 The format of the various visas, certificates and application forms referred to in the present Rules shall be decide upon by the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

第五十七條 本實(shí)施細(xì)則自發(fā)布之日起施行。
Article 57 The present Rules shall be implemented from the date of their promulgation.

關(guān)鍵詞: 出境 英漢 外國 外國人 簽證


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