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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2010-12-21

1、 好吃的
     好吃的東西一入口,你就可以說(shuō) Yum真好吃! 
tasty, yummy, scrumptious, mouth-watering, toothsome, luscious, delectable, savory, marvelous. (Note: tasty is mild and common; yummy, scrumptious, mouth-watering, and toothsome are all colloquial; luscious, delectable and savory are more educated; marvelous is educated speech)

例,Just thinking of all that yummy food makes my mouth water. 光想到那些可口的食物我就會(huì)口水直流。

2、 難吃的
     吃到很難吃的東西,第一個(gè)反應(yīng)就是 Yuck! 或是 It's yucky. 記得說(shuō)這個(gè) yuck 的時(shí)候要拖的長(zhǎng)長(zhǎng)的,像是 yuuuuuuuck ,聽起來(lái)才會(huì)像。另外跟 yucky 很像的一個(gè)詞叫 icky ,也是難吃的意思。所以下次再吃到什么不好吃的東西時(shí),不妨大聲地說(shuō) Yuuuuuuuuuck! 或是 Iiiiiiiiicky!

     另外,F(xiàn)or food that tastes not so good, we have some other expressions like "an unsavory meal" (一頓難吃的飯) and "disgusting, gross, and nauseating food". 其中,"unsavory" (難吃的) is very polite English; "disgusting" (令人厭惡的) is harsh but commonly-used; "gross" is very popular teen speech; "nauseating" (令人作嘔的) is a very strong word.

例1, Take those gross noodles away! 把那些惡心的面條端開!
例2, The food in our dining hall is the pits!我們食堂的東西難吃極了。
Here, "pits" is an adjective very popular with teens and 20-somethings, meaning "the worst". For example, "That apartment the company gave me to live in is the pits, no bathroom, a tiny kitchen, and no air conditioner." (公司提供的公寓糟糕透了,沒(méi)有洗手間,廚房只有巴掌大,還沒(méi)有空調(diào))
例3, The bread tastes like cardboard.這種面包味同嚼蠟。
“buns with cardboard stuffing(紙箱餡包子)”的假新聞大家還有印象吧,taste like cardboard是英語(yǔ)里一個(gè)常用的表達(dá),用來(lái)形容不好吃的食物。

3、 其他
(1)形容味道“正宗”。Although it tastes all right, it's slightly different from the authentic or typical flavor. 
例,The fish hotpot here is not authentic Sichuan cuisine.這兒的水煮魚不是正宗的四川菜。
例,I am up to my ears.吃的太飽,滿到耳朵了。 
     一般情況下如果要說(shuō)吃飽了,可以說(shuō) I am stuffed. 或是 I am full. 但是有時(shí)候?yàn)榱藦?qiáng)調(diào)真的太飽了,就可以說(shuō)I am up to my ears. 就是說(shuō)吃下去的食物都已經(jīng)滿到耳朵了。通常老美說(shuō)這句話的時(shí)候,還會(huì)加上動(dòng)作,就是用手在耳朵旁劃一條線,表示已經(jīng)滿到這了。同樣的,這句也可以說(shuō)成 I am up to my throat. 和我們漢語(yǔ)的“滿到嗓子眼了”一樣的意思。

關(guān)鍵詞: 好吃的 難吃的 美食 美味 味道


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