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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2009-07-10
核心提示:oath administrator 監(jiān)誓人 observation code 簡(jiǎn)碼 observations page [HKSAR passport] 備注頁(yè)〔香港特區(qū)護(hù)照〕 official certificate 證明文件 official custody 官方看管 official endorsement 公務(wù)簽注 official passport 公務(wù)護(hù)照 official seal 正式印章 one-way

    oath administrator 監(jiān)誓人

    observation code 簡(jiǎn)碼

    observations page [HKSAR passport] 備注頁(yè)〔香港特區(qū)護(hù)照〕

    official certificate 證明文件

    official custody 官方看管

    official endorsement 公務(wù)簽注

    official passport 公務(wù)護(hù)照

    official seal 正式印章

    one-way permit quota 單程證配額

    onward journey 續(xù)程

    onward visa 前往他國(guó)簽證

    open centre [Vietnamese refugee] 開放中心〔越南難民〕

    open centre for refugees 開放式難民中心

    open employment [Vietnamese refugee] 出外就業(yè)〔越南難民〕

    opening of a closed centre 開放禁閉中心

    Operation Champion [anti-illegal immigration operation] "冠軍行動(dòng)"〔反非法入境行動(dòng)〕

    oral statement 口頭陳述

    Orderly Departure Programme [implemented by Vietnamese authority] 有次序離境計(jì)劃〔由越南當(dāng)局施行〕

    orderly repatriation 有秩序遣返

    Orderly Repatriation Programme 有秩序遣返計(jì)劃

    ordinarily resident in Hong Kong 通常居于香港;通常在香港居住

    ordinarily resident in Hong Kong for a continuous period of not less than X years 至少連續(xù)X年通常居于香港

    ordinary passport 普通護(hù)照

    ordinary visa 普通簽證

    organized illegal departure 有組織非法離境活動(dòng);有組織非法離境行動(dòng)

    outstanding tax liabilities 未清繳的稅項(xiàng)

    overseas clearance waiting list 海外辦理出入境手續(xù)備索名單

    Overseas Visa Post 海外簽證處

    overstayer 逾期逗留者

    overstayer from China 從中國(guó)來(lái)港后逾期逗留者

    overstaying 逾期逗留

    Pacific Rim Immigration Intelligence Conference 太平洋沿岸地區(qū)入境事務(wù)情報(bào)會(huì)議

    Parent and Child Ordinance [Cap. 429] 《父母與子女條例》〔第429章〕

    parentage 父母身分

    particular mark 特征

    particular search 特定查冊(cè)

    partly of Chinese race 帶有華人血統(tǒng)

    partner 伴侶;配偶

    pass 通行證

    passage 旅程

    passenger 旅客;乘客

    passenger clearance procedure 旅客審查程序

    passenger hall 旅客大堂

    passenger throughput 旅客流量

    passenger ticket 客票

    passenger traffic 旅客流量;旅客人數(shù);客運(yùn)

    passport 護(hù)照

    passport collection service 領(lǐng)取護(hù)照服務(wù)

    passport for convenience 權(quán)宜護(hù)照

    passport of full validity 有效期不須受額外限制的護(hù)照

    passport of restricted validity 有效期須受額外限制的護(hù)照

    Passport Section [British Consulate-General Hong Kong] 護(hù)照部〔英國(guó)駐港總領(lǐng)事館〕

    paternity 父親身分

    pending removal 等候遣離

    perforated identity card 已打孔身分證

    period of absence 離港期限;離港時(shí)間

    period of stay in Hong Kong 居港期間

    perjury 作假證供

    permanent residence in Hong Kong 在香港永久居住

    permanent resident 永久性居民

    permanent resident permit 永久居留證

    permanent resident status 永久性居民身分

    permanent right of abode 永久居留權(quán)

    permanent settlement 永久居留

    permission to land 入境準(zhǔn)許

    permit 許可證;通行證

    Permit for Proceeding to Hong Kong and Macau [commonly known as "one-way exit permit"] 前往港澳通行證〔慣稱"單程通行證"或"單程證"〕

    permit for removal and burial of dead body 搬移及埋葬尸體許可證

    permit for removal of dead body from Hong Kong 搬運(yùn)尸體離開香港許可證

    Permit for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macau [commonly known as "two-way exit permit"] 往來(lái)港澳通行證〔慣稱"雙程通行證"或"雙程證"〕

    permit to land in Hong Kong 香港入境許可證

    permit to remain in Hong Kong 香港居留許可證

    person born in lawful wedlock 合法夫婦所生的人

    person of independent means 有自立能力的人

    personal document 個(gè)人證件

    personal documentation 個(gè)人證件

    personal particulars 個(gè)人資料

    personation 冒充他人

    Phased Programme for British National (Overseas) Registration 英國(guó)國(guó)民(海外)分期登記計(jì)劃

    phone-in service [Immigration Department] 電話預(yù)約服務(wù)〔入境事務(wù)處〕

    physically and mechanically restrained 施以人手及機(jī)械束縛

    Pillar Point Vietnamese Refugee Centre 望后石越南難民中心

    place of birth 出生地點(diǎn)

    place of employment 工作地方

    place of first asylum 第一收容地

    place of first refuge 第一羈留地

    place of origin 原居地

    place of permanent residence 永久居留地;永久居住地

    place of public worship 公眾禮拜場(chǎng)所

    place of residence 居住地方;居住地

    point of entry 入境站

    points system [one-way exit permit] 計(jì)分制度〔單程通行證〕

    police supervision order 警方監(jiān)管令

    political reason 政治理由

    port clearance 出港證

    port of call ?扛;沿途靠岸港口

    port of destination 目的港

    port of disembarkation 離船港

    port of embarkation 登船港

    port of first asylum 第一收容港

    port of first refuge 第一羈留港

    possession of a forged identity card 管有偽造身分證

    post register book of births 補(bǔ)辦出生登記冊(cè)

    post register book of deaths 補(bǔ)辦死亡登記冊(cè)

    post-dated passport 預(yù)蓋日期護(hù)照

    posthumous child 遺腹子女

    post-register 補(bǔ)辦登記

    post-registration of birth 補(bǔ)辦出生登記

    post-registration of death 補(bǔ)辦死亡登記

    potential resettlement country 可接受移居國(guó)家

    practical attachment 派駐實(shí)習(xí)

    pre-arrival clearance [vessel] 預(yù)辦入境檢查〔船只〕

    prescribed period 規(guī)定的時(shí)限

    previous passport 原有護(hù)照

    principal applicant 主要申請(qǐng)人

    principal family member 主要家庭成員

    principal holder 主要持有人

    principal home 主要的家

    principal wife 正妻;正室

    privileged immigration status [British citizen] 特許入境身分;特別優(yōu)惠入境身分〔英國(guó)公民〕

    Processing Automation System [Immigration Department] 處理申請(qǐng)計(jì)算機(jī)化系統(tǒng)〔入境事務(wù)處〕

    professional 專業(yè)人士

    professional evidence 專業(yè)證據(jù)

    progressive relocation 逐步遷移

    proof of identity 身分證明文件

    protected person 受保護(hù)人士;應(yīng)受保護(hù)人員

    protected state 受保護(hù)國(guó)

    protectorate 受保護(hù)地;受保護(hù)國(guó)

    public office 對(duì)外辦事處

    Public Security Bureau [China] 公安廳〔中國(guó)〕

    Pui Chi Boys' Home 培志男童院

    Pui Yin Juvenile Home 培賢男童院

關(guān)鍵詞: 香港 出入境 詞匯


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