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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-08-11
核心提示:frozen taro 凍芋頭 frozen teal 凍水鴨 frozen turgeon 凍鱘鰉魚 frozen turkey 凍火雞 frozen turtle 凍甲魚 frozen vegetable 凍蔬菜 frozen venison boneless meat 凍去骨鹿肉 frozen venison hind leg 凍鹿后腿 frozen venison 凍鹿肉 frozen water chestnut 凍荸

  frozen taro 凍芋頭

  frozen teal 凍水鴨

  frozen turgeon 凍鱘鰉魚

  frozen turkey 凍火雞

  frozen turtle 凍甲魚

  frozen vegetable 凍蔬菜

  frozen venison boneless meat 凍去骨鹿肉

  frozen venison hind leg 凍鹿后腿

  frozen venison 凍鹿肉

  frozen water chestnut 凍荸薺

  frozen water oat 凍茭白

  frozen weaner pig 凍小豬

  frozen white Chinese croaker 凍白姑魚

  frozen white prawn 凍白對蝦

  frozen white shrimp 凍白蝦

  frozen whole chicken 凍全雞

  frozen whole hen egg 冰全雞蛋

  frozen whole rabbit 凍整兔

  frozen wild boar 凍野豬

  frozen wild duck 凍野鴨

  frozen wild fowl 凍野禽

  frozen wild goose 凍野鵝

  frozen wild pigeon 凍野鴿

  frozen yellow croaker fillet 凍黃魚片

  frozen yellow croaker 凍黃花魚

  frozen yolk 冰蛋黃

  frozen {Shanghai} duck 凍上海鴨

  frozen {Shanghai} goose 凍上海鵝

  frozen-clay drill 凍土鉆機(jī)

  Frucote 氨丁烷

  fructose syrup 果糖漿

  fructose 果糖

  fructus ailanthi 臭椿籽

  fructus alpiniae oxyphyllae 益智仁

  fructus amomi globosi 草蔻

  fructus amomi {tsao-ko} rhizoma 草果

  fructus amomi {tsao-ko} 草果

  fructus amomi 春砂仁

  fructus arctii 牛蒡子

  fructus aristolochiae 馬兜鈴

  fructus aurantii immaturus 枳殼

  fructus bardanae 牛蒡子

  fructus broussonetiae 楮實子

  fructus bruceae 鴉膽子

  fructus cannabis 火麻仁

  fructus carpesii 鶴虱

  fructus catalpae 梓實

  fructus chaenomelis 木瓜

  fructus citri immaturus exsiccatus 枳殼

  fructus citri sarcodactyli 佛手片

  fructus cnidii 蛇床子

  fructus corni 山茱萸

  fructus crataegi 山楂

  fructus evodiae 吳萸

  fructus foeniculi 小茴香

  fructus forsythiae antidotal tablet 銀翹解毒片

  fructus forsythiae 連翹

  fructus gardeniae 梔子

  fructus garedeniae 山枝子

  fructus gleditsiae offieinalis 豬牙皂

  fructus gleditsiae sinensis 大皂角

  fructus hordei germinatus 大麥芽

  fructus kochiae 地夫子

  fructus leonuri 茺蔚子

  fructus ligustri lucidi 女貞子

  fructus liquidambaris 路路通

  fructus lycii 枸杞子

  fructus meliae toosendan 川楝子

  fructus momordicae 羅漢果

  fructus mori 桑椹葉

  fructus mume praeparatus 烏梅

  fructus nandinae 天竺子

  fructus oryzae germinatus 谷芽

  fructus perillae 紫蘇子

  fructus persicae immaturus 碧桃干

  fructus quisqualis 使君子

  fructus rosae leavigatae 金櫻子

  fructus rosae without seed 去籽玫瑰果

  fructus rosae 玫瑰果

  fructus rose concentrated juice 野玫瑰果濃縮汁

  fructus rose hips concentrated juice 野玫瑰果濃縮汁

  fructus rose 野玫果

  fructus rubi 復(fù)盆子

  fructus schizandrae 五味子

  fructus seu semen hoveniae 積■子

  fructus sophorae compound pill 槐角丸

  fructus sophorae 槐角子

  fructus toosendan 川棟子

  fructus tribuli 疾藜

  fructus trichosanthis 瓜萎

  fructus viticis 蔓荊子

  fructus xanthil 蒼耳子

  fructus zanthoxyli 川花椒

  fructus zingiberis nigri 益智仁

  Frue vanner 淘礦機(jī)

  fruit and vegetable drier 果蔬干燥機(jī)

  fruit and vegetable filler 果蔬裝罐機(jī)

  fruit and vegetable fresh-keeping agent 果蔬保鮮劑

  fruit and vegetable peeler 果蔬去皮機(jī)

  fruit basket 果籃

  fruit beverage 水果飲料

  fruit bonbons 果香夾心糖

  fruit bowl 果盆

  fruit brandy 水果白蘭地酒

  fruit butter 果泥

  fruit can 水果罐頭

  fruit carrier 水果運輸船

  fruit catcher 水果采集器

  fruit chewing gum 鮮果汁口香糖

  fruit chopping machine 水果剁碎機(jī)

  fruit coat oil 水果防護(hù)用油

  fruit cocktail 什錦水果

  fruit collector 水果撿拾器

  fruit confection 水果糖

  fruit cream chocolate 果子奶油巧克力

  fruit crusher 水果破碎機(jī)

  fruit cube 水果硬糖

  fruit cup 水果杯

  fruit cutter 水果切塊機(jī)

  fruit cutting knife 水果切塊刀

  fruit dehydrator 水果干燥機(jī)

  fruit dish 水果碟

  fruit drink 果汁飲料

  fruit drops in tin 聽裝水果糖

  fruit drops 水果糖

  fruit essence 水果香精

  fruit fork 果叉

  fruit grader 水果分級機(jī)

  fruit gum drop 水果軟卷糖

  fruit jam stuffed sweet 果醬夾心糖

  fruit jam 果醬

  fruit jelly 果凍

  fruit juice beverage 果汁飲料

  fruit juice fish liver oil 果汁魚肝油

  fruit juice gel 果凍膠

  fruit juice jelly 原汁水果軟糖

  fruit juice squash 水果擠汁器

  fruit juice 果汁

  fruit juicer 榨果汁器

  fruit knife with aluminium handle 鋁柄水果刀

  fruit knife with iron handle 鐵柄水果刀

  fruit knife with plastic handle 塑料柄水果刀

  fruit knife with wooden handle 木柄水果刀

  fruit knife 水果刀

  fruit leather 果泥干

  fruit lollipop 果味棒糖

  fruit milk candy 果味奶糖

  fruit mincing machine 水果切削機(jī)

  fruit mint 水果薄荷糖

  fruit nut 果仁

  fruit of carambola 五斂子

  fruit of Chinese catalpa 梓實

  fruit of Chinese horsechestnut 娑羅子

  fruit of Chinese magnoliavine 五味子

  fruit of Chinese redbud 紫荊果

  fruit of Chinese wolfberry 枸杞子

  fruit of citron 枳殼

  fruit of common perilla 紫蘇子

  fruit of cubeb litsea tree 山蒼子

  fruit of emblic leafflower 余甘子

  fruit of glossy privet 女貞子

  fruit of hawthorn 山楂

  fruit of immature citron 枳實

  fruit of immature trifoliate orange 枳實

  fruit of Japanese pagoda tree 槐角子

  fruit of Japanese snakegourd 王瓜

  fruit of medicinal cornel 山茱萸

  fruit of Mongolia vine 五味子

  fruit of needle juniper 杜松實

  fruit of negundo chastetree 牡荊子

  fruit of negundo 黃荊子

  fruit of paper mulberry 楮實子

  fruit of princesplume ladysthumb 水紅花子

  fruit of purple perilla 紫蘇子

  fruit of Rangoon creeper 使君子

  fruit of simple leaf shrub chaste tree 蔓荊子

  fruit of tree of heaven 臭椿籽

  fruit of trifoliate orange 枳殼

  fruit packer's oil 水果防護(hù)用油

  fruit paste 果泥

  fruit peeler 水果剝皮機(jī)

  fruit plate 果盤

  fruit powder 果粉

  fruit preserves 蜜餞

  fruit press 水果榨汁機(jī)

  fruit pulper 制果醬器

  fruit puree 果糊

  fruit roaster 水果烘烤爐

  fruit salad 水果色拉

  fruit shape candle 水果形蠟燭

  fruit slice 水果片

  fruit slicer 水果切片機(jī)

  fruit stand 高腳果盆

  fruit stemming machine 去梗機(jī)

  fruit stone extractor 去果核機(jī)

  fruit sugar 果糖

  fruit sweet of various tastes 多味水果糖

  fruit sweet 水果糖

  fruit syrup 果子露

  fruit taste chocolate 果味巧克力

  fruit tea 果茶

  fruit thinning agent 疏果劑

  fruit tissue paper 水果包裝紙

  fruit tissue 水果包裝紙

  fruit toffee 果味太妃

  fruit tray 果盤

  fruit vinegar 果醋

  fruit washing machine 洗果機(jī)

  fruit wine 果酒

  fruit wrap paper 水果包裝紙

  fruit-juice tablet wrapper 果汁糖塊包裝機(jī)

  fruited tea in container with pull-off lid 易拉罐果汁露茶

  Fruitone CPA 坐果胺

  Fruitone 萘乙酸

  Frumin AL 乙拌磷

  Frumin 乙拌磷

  Fry's reagent 弗萊浸蝕劑

  fryer 油炸鍋

  frying machine 油炸機(jī)

  frying pan 油煎盤

  FSK tone detector 移頻鍵控音頻檢波器

  FSO 華沙牌汽車

  ftalofyne 酞己炔酯

  ftivazide 異煙腙

  Ftorlon 富陶綸聚丙烯纖維

  fuberidatol 麥穗寧

  fuberidazole 呋喃基苯并咪唑

  fubrogonium iodide 呋波碘銨

  fuchsin acetate 乙酸品紅

  fudge 牛奶巧克力軟糖

  Fudithion 對氯磷

  Fuego 富果牌汽車

  fuel admission valve 燃油進(jìn)入閥

  fuel air mixture analyser 燃料空氣混合物分析器

  fuel alcohol 燃料酒精

  fuel atomizer 燃料霧化器

  fuel booster pump 燃油升壓泵

  fuel by-pass regulator 燃油旁通調(diào)節(jié)器

  fuel calorimeter 燃料量熱計

  fuel cell oxygen analyser 燃料電池氧分析器

  fuel cell 燃料電池

  fuel charger 燃料供送器

  fuel circulating pump 燃油循環(huán)泵

  fuel consumption meter 油耗計

  fuel content gauge 油量計

  fuel control handle 燃油控制手柄

  fuel control shaft 燃油控制軸

  fuel control unit 燃料控制器

  fuel cut-off servomotor 停油伺服器

  fuel distributor 燃料分配器

  fuel drain plug 排油塞

  fuel economiser 節(jié)油器

  fuel evaporator 燃料蒸發(fā)器

  fuel feed pump 燃料供給泵

  fuel feeder 燃料供給器

  fuel filter strainer 燃油濾器濾網(wǎng)

  fuel filter 燃油濾清器

  fuel flow indicator 燃料流量指示器

  fuel flow meter 燃料流量計

  fuel gage 油量表

  fuel gas producing plant 煤氣發(fā)生機(jī)

  fuel gas 氣態(tài)燃料

  fuel indicator 燃料指示器

  fuel injecting valve 燃油噴射閥

  fuel injection engine 噴油式發(fā)動機(jī)

  fuel injection needle 噴油針

  fuel injection nozzle 噴油嘴

  fuel injection pump 噴油泵

  fuel injector needle 噴油器針

  fuel injector test pump 噴油器試驗泵

  fuel injector 燃料噴射器

  fuel level indicator 燃料液面指示器

  fuel lever 燃油操縱桿

  fuel limiter 燃油限制器

  fuel manifold 燃油歧管

  fuel meter 油量表

  fuel nozzle 燃油噴嘴

  fuel oil barge 燃料油駁船

  fuel oil booster pump 燃油升壓泵

  fuel oil burner 燃料油燃燒器

  fuel oil change-over indicator 燃油轉(zhuǎn)換指示器

  fuel oil filter 燃料油過濾器

  fuel oil hand pump 手搖燃油泵

  fuel oil heater 燃油加熱器

  fuel oil homogenizer 燃油均化器

  fuel oil meter 燃料油表

  fuel oil pipe 燃油管

  fuel oil primary filter 燃油粗濾器

  fuel oil priming pump 起動燃油泵

  fuel oil pump assembly 燃油泵總成

  fuel oil pump crank arm 燃油泵曲臂

  fuel oil pump plunger sleeve 燃油泵柱塞套

  fuel oil pump spring 燃油泵彈簧

  fuel oil pump tappet 燃油泵挺桿

  fuel oil pump 燃油泵

  fuel oil purifier 燃油凈化器

  fuel oil service pump 燃料油泵

  fuel oil tank 油箱

  fuel oil 燃料油

  fuel pressure gauge 燃油壓力表

  fuel pressure indicator 燃料壓力指示器

  fuel pressure switch 燃料壓力開關(guān)

  fuel pressure transmitter 燃油壓力傳感器

  fuel pump bush 燃油泵襯套

  fuel pump cam 燃油泵凸輪

  fuel pump idle gear 燃油泵惰齒輪

  fuel pump impeller 燃油泵葉輪

  fuel pump intermediate transmission gear 燃油泵中間傳動齒輪

  fuel pump plunger 燃油泵柱塞

  fuel pump spill valve 燃油泵回油閥

  fuel pump transmission gear 燃油泵傳動齒輪

  fuel pump with vacuum pump 帶真空泵的燃油泵

  fuel pump 油泵

  fuel rack control spring 燃油齒條控制彈簧

  fuel regulating handle 燃油調(diào)節(jié)手柄

  fuel regulating shaft 燃油調(diào)節(jié)軸

  fuel regulator 燃油調(diào)節(jié)器

  fuel resin 燃料樹脂

  fuel runout warning device 燃料耗盡報警器

  fuel selection switch 燃料選擇開關(guān)

  fuel separator 燃油分離器

  fuel servicing truck 燃料供應(yīng)車

  fuel ship 燃料供應(yīng)船

  fuel strainer 燃料粗濾器

  fuel swirler 離心式燃料噴射器

  fuel tank 油箱

  fuel tanker 油輪

  fuel tester 燃料測試器

  fuel transfer pump 燃油輸送泵

  fuel truck 加油車

  fuel turbopump 燃料渦輪泵

  fuel type vacuum tower 燃料型減壓塔

  fuel viscosity automatic control equipment 燃油粘度自動調(diào)節(jié)設(shè)備

  fuel 燃料

  fuel-metering pump 燃料計量泵

  fuel-oil atomizer 燃料油霧化器

  fuel-oil melting furnace 燃油熔煉爐

  fueller 加油器

  fugitometer 褪色計

  fui 優(yōu)質(zhì)黃麻

  Fuji color film roll 富士彩色膠卷

  Fuji palace 富士派力斯

  Fuji silks 絹絲紡

  Fuji 富士牌感光材料

  Fujibo Spandex 富士紡聚氨酯絲

  Fujica 富士卡牌照相機(jī)

  Fujicolor Quicksnap 富士自拍膠卷

  fujiette 富士紡

  Fujione 富士一號

  Fujithion 對氯磷

  fukiye prints 噴印花布

  Fuklasin 福美鋅

  Fukui habutae 福井電力紡

  Fukui silk 福井雙縐

  Fulcin 灰黃霉素

  fulcrum bar 支桿

  Fulflex 富爾弗勒克斯聚氨基甲酸乙酯纖維

  full adder 全加器

  full aperture drum 活底桶

  full approximation storage 全近似存儲器

  full auto washing machine clutch 全自動洗衣機(jī)離合器

  full automatic book sewing machine 全自動鎖線訂書機(jī)

  full automatic camera 全自動照相機(jī)

  full automatic electric resistance welding can-body shaping machine 全自動電阻罐身成形機(jī)

  full automatic horizontal cold chamber die casting machine 全自動臥式冷室壓鑄機(jī)

  full automatic lathe 全自動車床

  full automatic power supply controller 全自動供電控制器

  full automatic two-station type shoes making machine 全自動雙站式制鞋機(jī)

  full automatic zig zag sewing machine 全自動萬能縫紉機(jī)

  full blood wool 美利奴純血統(tǒng)羊毛

  full bright nickel plating additive 全光亮鍍鎳添加劑

  full cape 圓形披風(fēng)

  full carbon paper 雙面碳紙

  full chintz 深淺紅色底擦光印花布

  full circle crane 全旋轉(zhuǎn)式起重機(jī)

  full core fibre 全芯纖維

  full cover stabilizer 全覆蓋式穩(wěn)定器

  full cover 書面細(xì)布

  full cut woollen rug with latex back 羊毛全片地毯

  full decator 密閉蒸呢機(jī)

  full digital answering machine 全數(shù)字應(yīng)答機(jī)

  full dress coat 男用大禮服

  full dress 大禮服

  full duplex voice cipher set 全雙工話密機(jī)

  full electronic telephone exchange 全電子式交換機(jī)

  full electronic typesetter 全電子式照相排字機(jī)

  full elliptic spring 全橢圓形彈簧

  full flared skirt 喇叭長裙

  full flight screw 全螺紋螺桿

  full floating axle 全浮式軸

  full floating back axle 全浮式后軸

  full flow filter 滿流過濾器

  full frequency speaker 全頻揚聲器

  full function CNC turning machine 全功能數(shù)控車床

  full gantry crane 雙腳高架起重機(jī)

  full gauge stabilizer 全尺寸穩(wěn)定器

  full gauge whipstock 全尺寸造斜器

  full grain cow leather for garment 黃牛皮全粒面服裝革

  full grain goat leather for garment 山羊皮全粒面服裝革

  full grain leather 全粒面皮革

  full grain sheep leather for garments 綿羊皮全粒面服裝革

  full graphic control panel 全圖示面板

  full graphic panel 全圖示面板

  full grinding roller 長磨輥

  full hydraulic articulated loader 全液鉸接裝載機(jī)

  full hydraulic crawler excavator 全液壓履帶式挖掘機(jī)

  full hydraulic crawler type dozer 全液壓履帶式推土機(jī)

  full length stockings 舞襪

  full length wall mirror 全長度墻鏡

  full lift valve 全升程閥

  full motion antenna 全動天線

  full motion video compression board 動態(tài)圖壓縮板

  full panel metal bed 全部板條金屬

  full parabolic reflector 全拋物面反射器

  full pitch winding 整節(jié)距繞組

  full radiator 全輻射器

  full reflector 全光反射鏡

  full regular 全成形針織品

  full rotating derrick 全轉(zhuǎn)式扒桿起重機(jī)

  full size newspaper press 整幅卷筒紙新聞印刷機(jī)

  full skin fibre 全皮纖維

  full skirt 寬下擺女裙

  full slip 長襯裙

  full starting motor 全電壓起動電動機(jī)

  full strength ginseng 大力參

  full strength tobacco 濃味煙絲

  full subtractor 全減器

  full trailer ship 整拖船

  full trailer 重型拖車

  full tricot 滿穿雙梳櫛經(jīng)平織物

  full tubular rivet 空心鉚釘

  full universal drill 萬能鉆床

  full universal radial drilling machine 萬能搖臂鉆床

  full vision dial 全視刻度盤

  full voile 雙股巴里紗

  full wave valve rectifier 全波電子管整流器

  full wave voltage doubler 全波倍壓器

  full weft raschel machine 全幅襯緯拉舍爾經(jīng)編機(jī)

  full white yarn 全漂白紗

  full width loom 平幅織機(jī)

  full wrap design blade stabilizer 全覆蓋翼片式穩(wěn)定器

  full-analog simulator 全模擬模擬器

  full-automatic alternating current stabilized voltage supply 全自動交流穩(wěn)壓電源

  full-automatic injection mold 全自動注塑機(jī)

  full-automatic machine for manufacturing plastic bottle 全自動塑料制瓶機(jī)

  full-automatic milk packaging machine 全自動牛奶包裝機(jī)

  full-automatic rotary type two-color plastic shoes making machine 全自動輪轉(zhuǎn)式雙色塑料鞋制造機(jī)

  full-automatic turret screw machine 自動六角車床

  full-automatic type in-line screw plastic injection mould machine 全自動螺旋直射式注塑機(jī)

  full-bore tubing tester 貫眼油管測試器

  full-cream milk powder 全脂奶粉

  full-cross gauze 全絞式紗羅織物


關(guān)鍵詞: 進(jìn)出口 貨物


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