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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-08-08
核心提示:dress improver 托裙腰墊 dress inverness 披肩式男用外套 dress lace 服裝通花紗 dress lapel sewing machine 西服縫翻領(lǐng)機(jī) dress linen 亞麻平布 dress net 服裝用網(wǎng)眼紗 dress preserver 護(hù)衣汗墊 dress ring 禮服戒指 dress shield 隔衫底布 dress shirt with cuff

  dress improver 托裙腰墊

  dress inverness 披肩式男用外套

  dress lace 服裝通花紗

  dress lapel sewing machine 西服縫翻領(lǐng)機(jī)

  dress linen 亞麻平布

  dress net 服裝用網(wǎng)眼紗

  dress preserver 護(hù)衣汗墊

  dress ring 禮服戒指

  dress shield 隔衫底布

  dress shirt with cuff link 禮服襯衫附袖口鈕

  dress shirt with cuff 禮服襯衫附袖口

  dress shirt with long and short sleeves 長短袖襯衫

  dress shirt with long sleeves 長袖襯衫

  dress shirt with short sleeves 短袖襯衫

  dress shirt 西裝襯衫

  dress shoes 禮服鞋

  dress slacks 褲子

  dress smock 披風(fēng)

  dress stand 服裝人體模型

  dress suit 禮服套裝

  dress suspender 吊褲帶

  dress sword 禮服用佩刀

  dress taffeta 外衣用塔夫綢

  dress tartan 女裝格子呢

  dress tie 禮服用領(lǐng)帶

  dress uniform 禮服

  dress waistcoat 禮服背心

  dress wear 服料

  dress worsted 精紡女式呢

  dress 服裝

  dressed abortive calf skin 熟胎牛皮

  dressed abortive spotted calf skin 熟胎花牛皮

  dressed abortive yellow calf skin 熟胎黃牛皮

  dressed antelope skin 熟黃羊皮

  dressed badger leg hair 獾腿把毛

  dressed bear skin 熟熊皮

  dressed beige fine goat hair 駝細(xì)山羊把毛

  dressed black fine goat hair 黑細(xì)山羊把毛

  dressed brick 磨光磚

  dressed buffalo body hair 水牛身把毛

  dressed civet cat hair 香貍子把毛

  dressed civet cat tail hair 香貍子尾把毛

  dressed cow body hair 牛身把毛

  dressed cow ear hair 牛耳把毛

  dressed deer body hair 麂子身把毛

  dressed deer tail hair 麂子尾把毛

  dressed dog skin 熟狗皮

  dressed dog tail hair 狗尾把毛

  dressed donkey skin 熟驢駒皮

  dressed elk hair 駝鹿把毛

  dressed elk skin 熟駝鹿皮

  dressed fine hair 細(xì)把毛

  dressed fitch tail hair 艾虎尾把毛

  dressed flying squirrel tail hair 飛鼠尾把毛

  dressed fox skin 熟狐貍皮

  dressed fur 熟裘皮

  dressed goat crown hair 羊頭心把毛

  dressed goat skin 熟山羊皮

  dressed goat tail hair 山羊尾把毛

  dressed goat whisker 山羊胡子

  dressed goat-buck skin 熟盤羊皮

  dressed grey goat skin 熟青山羊皮

  dressed heavy hair pony skin with imitation mane 帶假鬃的熟大毛馬駒皮

  dressed heavy hair pony skin 熟大毛馬駒皮

  dressed horse body hair 馬身把毛

  dressed horse fetlock hair 馬蹄毛

  dressed horse leg hair 馬腿把毛

  dressed horse skin with imitation mane 帶假鬃的熟馬皮

  dressed horse skin 熟馬皮

  dressed horse tail hair with flag 有峰馬尾把毛

  dressed kolinsky tail hair 元尾把毛

  dressed laska tail hair 香鼠尾把毛

  dressed lumber 刨光板

  dressed marmot body hair 旱獺身把毛

  dressed marmot tail hair 旱獺尾把毛

  dressed mixed fine goat hair 花細(xì)山羊把毛

  dressed monkey body hair 猴身把毛

  dressed mule skin 熟騾駒皮

  dressed pahmi body hair 猸子身把毛

  dressed pahmi tail hair 猸子尾把毛

  dressed pine squirrel tail hair 松鼠尾把毛

  dressed pony mane 馬駒鬃把毛

  dressed pony skin 熟馬駒皮

  dressed pony tail hair 馬駒尾把毛

  dressed rabbit whisker 兔胡子

  dressed raccoon belly hair 貉子胸把毛

  dressed raccoon hair 貉子把毛

  dressed raccoon skin 熟貉子皮

  dressed raccoon tail hair 貉子尾把毛

  dressed roe deer skin 熟狍子皮

  dressed santo hair 山兔把毛

  dressed special goat hair for pen brush 制筆刷用山羊把毛

  dressed spotted calf skin 熟花牛犢皮

  dressed squirrel tail hair 松鼠尾把毛

  dressed tail hair 尾把毛

  dressed tiger skin 熟虎皮

  dressed timber 刨光木材

  dressed tree squirrel tail hair 樹鼠尾把毛

  dressed warp 上漿經(jīng)紗

  dressed water badger hair 石獾把毛

  dressed water badger tail hair 石獾尾把毛

  dressed weasel tail hair 黃鼠狼尾把毛

  dressed white fine goat hair 白細(xì)山羊把毛

  dressed white goat hair 白山羊把毛

  dressed white goat skin plate 熟白山羊皮褥子

  dressed white Kalgan lamb skin 熟白口羔皮

  dressed white sheep skin 熟白綿羊皮

  dressed white slinksheep skin 熟白寒羊皮

  dressed wild goat skin 熟野山羊皮

  dressed yellow calf skin 熟黃牛犢皮

  dressed yellow squirrel tail hair 黃鼠狼尾把毛

  dressed {ching yao} hair 青搖把毛

  dressed {ching yao} tail hair 青搖尾把毛

  dressed {Jiujiang } civet cat hair 九江貍子把毛

  dresser 選礦機(jī)

  dressing bag 化妝用品袋

  dressing board 敷料板

  dressing bowl 換藥碗

  dressing case 化妝盒

  dressing equipage 化妝成套用具

  dressing equipment 選礦設(shè)備

  dressing forceps 敷料鑷

  dressing gauze 藥用紗布

  dressing glass 穿衣鏡

  dressing gown without lining 單晨衣

  dressing gown 晨衣

  dressing hammer 整面錘

  dressing jar 藥膏缸

  dressing machine 選礦機(jī)

  dressing mirror 穿衣鏡

  dressing mull 藥用紗布

  dressing scissors 敷料剪

  dressing selvedge lace 飾邊花邊

  dressing set 梳妝套

  dressing stool 梳妝椅

  dressing table mirror 梳妝臺(tái)鏡

  dressing table set 成套梳妝臺(tái)

  dressing table 梳妝臺(tái)

  dressmaker's measure 裁縫用尺

  dressmaker's shears 裁縫剪刀

  drew-string bag 抽帶式袋

  drew-string neck 抽帶領(lǐng)

  Dri-Die 氟硅殺

  dribble pipe 噴油嘴溢油管

  dried abalone 鮑魚干

  dried agaric mushroom 干草菇

  dried air drier 空氣干燥機(jī)

  dried albumen 干蛋白

  dried alum 焦礬

  dried and brined aquatic products 咸干水產(chǎn)品

  dried apple 蘋果干

  dried apricot 杏干

  dried bamboo shoot slice 干筍片

  dried bamboo shoot strip 干筍條

  dried bamboo shoot 筍干

  dried banana 香蕉干

  dried bean curd crust 豆腐皮

  dried bean curd 豆腐干

  dried beancurd in sheet 三邊腐竹

  dried beancurd stick 腐竹

  dried beef round 干牛腸衣

  dried beef tendon 干牛蹄筋

  dried beef 牛肉脯

  dried black date 黑棗

  dried blood 血粉

  dried bracken 蕨菜干

  dried buckwheat noodle 蕎麥掛面

  dried buffalo hide 干水牛皮

  dried carp 鯉魚干

  dried casing 干腸衣

  dried chicken 臘雞

  dried chilli 干辣椒

  dried Chinese forest frog 干哈士蟆

  dried cocoon 干繭

  dried cole 干菜

  dried cow casing 干牛腸衣

  dried crabmeat 蟹肉干

  dried crataegus pinnatifida 山里紅

  dried currant 葡萄干

  dried cuttle fish 墨魚干

  dried daphnia 魚蟲子

  dried date 干棗

  dried day lily 金針菜

  dried duck 臘鴨

  dried duck's gizzard 鴨胗干

  dried edible black fungus 黑木耳

  dried edible fungus 木耳

  dried edible Japanese thick black fungus 日本厚黑木耳

  dried edible white fungus 白木耳

  dried egg white 蛋白粉

  dried egg yolk 蛋黃粉

  dried egg 蛋粉

  dried explosion-proof transformer 干式防爆變壓器

  dried fig 無花果干

  dried fish 魚干

  dried flower 干花

  dried fruit juice 果汁粉

  dried fruit 果干

  dried fungus 木耳

  dried gel 干凝膠

  dried ginger slice 干姜片

  dried ginger with skin 帶皮姜片

  dried ginger 干姜

  dried grape 葡萄干

  dried green orange peel 青桔皮

  dried hen egg yolk 雞蛋黃粉

  dried herbs 干草藥

  dried herring roe 干沙丁魚籽

  dried hog bladder 干豬膀胱

  dried hog casing 干豬腸衣

  dried honey dew melon 哈蜜瓜干

  dried human placenta 紫河車

  dried indigo 土靛

  dried jasmine flower 干茉莉花

  dried leaf mustard 干芥菜

  dried lichee 荔枝干

  dried lily bulb 百合干

  dried lily flower 黃花菜

  dried long bean 干豆角

  dried longan 桂圓干

  dried lotus root 藕干

  dried lychee 干荔枝

  dried malt 干麥芽

  dried mandarin orange 大紅柑餅

  dried mango 芒果干

  dried marine algae powder 海藻粉

  dried marine products 海味品

  dried meat floss 肉松

  dried meat 干肉

  dried methyl alcohol 無水甲醇

  dried milk 奶粉

  dried mushroom 干蘑菇

  dried mussel 貽貝干

  dried noodle 掛面

  dried nut 干果

  dried octopus 章魚干

  dried old orange peel 陳皮

  dried olive pulp 青果

  dried olive 欖胚

  dried onion 洋蔥干

  dried orange peel 陳皮

  dried osmund 薇菜干

  dried oyster 蠔干

  dried peach 桃干

  dried pear 梨干

  dried peeled prawn 去皮蝦米

  dried peppermint herb 薄荷

  dried peppermint leaf 薄荷葉

  dried persimmon 柿餅

  dried pig's sinew 干豬蹄筋

  dried plum 李干

  dried pork floss 豬肉松

  dried pork slice 豬肉脯

  dried pork tendon 干豬蹄筋

  dried pork 臘肉

  dried potato powder 土豆粉

  dried potato slice 干土豆片

  dried prawn with husk 連皮蝦米

  dried prawn 蝦干

  dried pumpkin 南瓜干

  dried radish 蘿卜干

  dried red date 紅棗

  dried rose flower 玫瑰花干

  dried salted apricot 咸杏胚

  dried salted arbutus 咸楊梅干

  dried salted black olive 咸烏欖干

  dried salted fish 咸魚干

  dried salted mandarin orange 咸柑胚

  dried salted mango 咸芒果胚

  dried salted olive 咸欖胚

  dried salted orange 咸桔胚

  dried salted peanut 咸干花生

  dried salted plum 咸李胚

  dried salted sour carambola 咸三稔胚

  dried sardine 沙丁魚干

  dried sea moss 發(fā)萊

  dried sea-cucumber 干海參

  dried seasoned file fish 調(diào)味馬面魚干

  dried seaweed 海帶干

  dried shark fillet 鯊魚肉片干

  dried shark fin 魚翅

  dried shrimp flake 蝦片

  dried shrimp shelled 去殼蝦米

  dried silkworm chrysalis meal 蠶蛹粉

  dried silkworm chrysalis 蠶蛹干

  dried silkworm with batryte 僵蠶

  dried silver fish 銀魚干

  dried skim milk 脫脂乳粉

  dried small fish 小雜魚干

  dried small shark slice 鯊魚仔片干

  dried snake skin 干蛇皮

  dried snake 蛇干

  dried soya cream 腐竹

  dried squid 墨魚干

  dried sweet potato slice 干紅薯片

  dried sweet potato stem 干紅薯藤

  dried sweet potato 紅薯干

  dried tangerine fibre 桔絡(luò)

  dried tangerine peel 柑桔皮

  dried taro chip 芋角

  dried thin mushroom 干香菇

  dried thin rice stick 銀絲米粉

  dried tubed casing 干制套管腸衣

  dried tubed hog casing 干制套管豬腸衣

  dried tubed sheep casing 干制套管羊腸衣

  dried turnip 蘿卜干

  dried unsalted fish 淡魚干

  dried vegetable with bamboo shoot 干菜筍

  dried vegetable 干菜

  dried venison 鹿肉干

  dried water chestnut 風(fēng)干荸薺

  dried whole egg powder 全蛋粉

  dried whole hen egg 全雞蛋粉

  dried whole milk 全脂奶粉

  dried wild herb 干制山野菜

  dried winter-picked mushroom 冬菇

  dried wood 干木材

  dried yeast powder 干酵母粉

  dried yeast 干酵母

  dried yellow croaker 黃花魚干

  dried yolk 干蛋黃

  dried {wenchang} fish 文昌魚干

  drier coil 干燥盤管

  drier for paste paint 厚漆催干劑

  drier for yeast extract 酶母萃干燥機(jī)

  drier gelatine 速干膏

  drier solution 速干液

  drier 干燥機(jī)

  drier-filter of the refrigerator 冰箱干燥過濾器

  Drifene AP 一丹混劑

  Drifene 一狄混劑

  drift anchor 浮錨

  drift angle indicator 漂移角指示器

  drift automatic compensating operational amplifier 漂移自動(dòng)補(bǔ)償運(yùn)算放大器

  drift boat 漂網(wǎng)漁船

  drift compensating type DC amplifier 漂移補(bǔ)償式直流放大器

  drift computer 偏差計(jì)算機(jī)

  drift corrrected amplifier 漂移校正的放大器

  drift klystron 漂移式速調(diào)管

  drift marker 偏差指示器

  drift meter 偏航計(jì)

  drift pin 心軸

  drift reamer 沖頭鉸刀

  drift transistor 漂移晶體管

  drift tube 漂移管

  drifter drill for underground 坑道鉆機(jī)

  drifter drill rig 架式鑿巖機(jī)臺(tái)車

  drifter 支柱式開山機(jī)

  drifting machine 柱架式鑿巖機(jī)

  drilitic 干電解電容器

  drill and countersink combination 尖角鈍角兩用鉆

  drill angle gage 鉆頭角度規(guī)

  drill attachment 鉆床配件

  drill bench 鉆床

  drill bit for mining and geological prospecting 礦山及地質(zhì)勘探鉆頭

  drill bit gauge 鉆頭角度規(guī)

  drill bit 鉆頭

  drill boat 鉆探船

  drill bow 手鉆弓柄

  drill bushing 鉆套

  drill carriage 鉆車

  drill centering machine 拱架鉆機(jī)

  drill chuch 鉆夾頭

  drill chuck arbor 鉆夾頭接桿

  drill chuck holder 鉆夾頭刀柄

  drill chuck with thread adapter 螺紋聯(lián)接扳手鉆夾頭

  drill clamp bolt 鉆夾螺栓

  drill clamp spring 鉆夾彈簧

  drill clamp 鉆頭夾具

  drill collar 鉆鋌

  drill colter 條播開溝機(jī)

  drill cutter 鉆頭銑刀

  drill derrick 鉆塔

  drill drift 沖桿

  drill edge 鉆頭切削刃

  drill florentine 厚卡其

  drill flute and clearance grinder 鉆頭磨溝磨背機(jī)

  drill flute 槽鉆

  drill for quarrying 采石鉆機(jī)

  drill gauge 鉆頭直徑規(guī)

  drill grinding gauge 鉆頭磨削量規(guī)

  drill grinding machine for mine 礦用鉆頭磨床

  drill grinding machine 鉆頭磨床

  drill hose 鉆探膠管

  drill jar 鉆井震擊器

  drill jig for air cylinder 風(fēng)箱鉆模

  drill jig for air intake valve 進(jìn)氣閥鉆模

  drill jig for gasket 墊圈鉆模

  drill jig for lathe 車床鉆模

  drill jig for pneumatic hammer valve 氣動(dòng)錘閥鉆模

  drill jumbo with 2 booms 二臂鑿巖臺(tái)車

  drill jumbo 大型多鉆頭鉆機(jī)

  drill key chuck 鉆床軋頭

  drill lathe 臥式鉆床

  drill machine 鉆機(jī)

  drill monitor 鉆井監(jiān)測儀

  drill pipe clamp 鉆桿夾持器

  drill pipe counter 鉆桿計(jì)數(shù)器

  drill pipe cutter 鉆桿割刀

  drill pipe elevator 鉆桿吊卡

  drill pipe protector 鉆管保護(hù)器

  drill pipe spinner 鉆桿旋扣器

  drill pipe stabilizer 鉆桿穩(wěn)定器

  drill pipe 鉆桿

  drill plate 鉆模

  drill platform 鉆井平臺(tái)

  drill plough 犁播機(jī)

  drill point gauge 鉆頭角度規(guī)

  drill point grinder 鉆頭刃磨機(jī)

  drill point 鉆針

  drill press accessories 鉆床附件

  drill reamer 鉆鉸復(fù)合刀具

  drill rig 架式鉆機(jī)

  drill rod connecting hoop 鉆桿接箍

  drill rod padding fork 鉆桿墊叉

  drill rod 鉆桿

  drill shank 鉆頭卡

  drill sharpener 鉆頭磨尖器

  drill sharpening machine 鉆頭刃磨床

  drill ship 鉆井船

  drill sleeve 釬套

  drill socket 鉆頭插口

  drill speeder 鉆頭增速器

  drill stand 鉆架

  drill stem 鉆桿

  drill stock 鉆柄

  drill string compensator 鉆柱補(bǔ)償器

  drill string 鉆柱

  drill ticking 經(jīng)面斜紋被套布

  drill tip 鉆尖

  drill tower 鉆塔

  drill truck 鉆井車

  drill unit 鉆機(jī)

  drill with ferrule 方鉆

  drill 鉆頭

  drill-bar 鉆桿

  drill-harrow 除草小耙

  drill-hole magnetometer 鉆孔磁力儀

  drill-press vice 鉆床虎鉗

  drill-press 壓鉆機(jī)

  drill-stem tester 鉆桿測試器

  drilled optical fiber sensor 鉆孔用光纖傳感器

  driller 鉆機(jī)

  driller's monitor 鉆機(jī)監(jiān)控器

  drillette 緯面緞紋布

  drilling & pushing tool 鉆推工具

  drilling and culivating toolbar 播種中耕通用機(jī)

  drilling and exploring machinery 鉆探機(jī)械

  drilling and grinding machine 鉆磨兩用機(jī)床

  drilling and milling machine 鉆銑兩用機(jī)

  drilling and taping machine 鉆孔攻絲兩用機(jī)

  drilling boring and slotting milling machine 鉆鏜插銑床

  drilling centralizer 鉆井定心器

  drilling dynamometer 鉆削測力儀

  drilling engine 鉆機(jī)

  drilling engineering data logging unit 鉆井工程數(shù)據(jù)記錄儀

  drilling equipment 鉆探設(shè)備

  drilling hammer 鉆機(jī)沖錘

  drilling instrument 鉆井儀表

  drilling jig 鉆模

  drilling lathe 鉆孔車床

  drilling lubricating agent 鉆探潤滑劑

  drilling machine column 鉆床立柱

  drilling machine hydraulic oil 鉆機(jī)液壓油

  drilling machine vice 鉆床虎鉗

  drilling machine with jointed arm 搖臂鉆床

  drilling machine with microcomputer digital control 微機(jī)數(shù)控鉆床

  drilling machine with pivoted arm 轉(zhuǎn)臂鉆床

  drilling machine 鉆機(jī)

  drilling mud metering pump 鉆井泥漿計(jì)量泵

  drilling rate recorder 鉆速記錄儀

  drilling rod 鉆桿

  drilling ship 鉆井船

  drilling simulator 鉆井模擬器

  drilling spindle 鉆床主軸

  drilling steel 鉆頭

  drilling string stabilizer 鉆柱穩(wěn)定器

  drilling time recorder 鉆井時(shí)間記錄器

  drilling tool 鉆具

  drilling unit 鉆機(jī)機(jī)組

  drilling vessel 鉆井船

  drilling wire 鉆井鋼絲繩

  drilling 斜紋布

  drilling-in unit 小鉆機(jī)

  drillmaster 高架式潛孔鉆機(jī)

  Drimafon dye 黛馬豐染料

  Drimalan dye 黛馬麗染料

  drimeter 濕度計(jì)

  Drinker apparatus 德林克氏人工呼吸器

  drinking cup 酒杯

  drinking fountain 噴泉飲水器

  drinking paper 吸水紙

  drinking straw 飲用麥管

  drinking ware 水具

  drinking water boiler 開水鍋爐

  drinking water circulation pump 飲用水循環(huán)泵

  drinking water cooler 飲用水冷卻器

  Drinox H 34 七氯

  Drinox 艾氏劑

  drip cock 滴栓

  drip coffee maker 滴流咖啡壺

  drip condenser 水淋式冷凝器

  drip cooler 水淋冷卻器

  drip detector 漏泄探測器

  drip feed lubricaor 滴給式注油器

  drip irrigation emitter 滴灌器

  drip irrigation technique and equipment 滴灌技術(shù)及其配套設(shè)備


關(guān)鍵詞: 進(jìn)出口 貨物


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