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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-06-13
核心提示:P Perfect complements 完全互補品 Two goods with right-angle indifference curves Perfect substitutes 完全替代品 Two goods with straight-line indifference curves Permanent income 持久收入 A person's normal income Phillips curve 菲利普斯曲線 A curve th


  Perfect complements 完全互補品

  Two goods with right-angle indifference curves

  Perfect substitutes 完全替代品

  Two goods with straight-line indifference curves

  Permanent income 持久收入

  A person's normal income

  Phillips curve 菲利普斯曲線

  A curve that shows the short-run tradeoff between inflation and unemployment

  Physical capital 物質(zhì)資本

  The stock of equipment and structures that are used to produce goods and services

  Pigovian tax 庇古稅

  A tax enacted to correct the effects of a negative externality

  Positive statements 實證表述

  Claims that attempt to describe the world as it is

  Poverty line 貧困線

  An absolute level of income set by the federal government for each family size below which a family is deemed to be in poverty

  Poverty rate 貧困率

  The percentage of the population whose family income falls below an absolute level called the poverty line

  Price ceiling 價格上限

  A legal maximum on the price at which a good can be sold

 Price discrimination 價格歧視

 The business practice of selling the same good at different prices to different customers

  Price elasticity of demand 需求價格彈性

  A measure of how much the quantity demanded of a good responds to a change in the price of that good, computed as a percentage change in quantity demanded divided by the percentage change in price

  Price elasticity of supply 供給價格彈性

  A measure of how much the quantity supplied of a good responds to a change in the price of that good, computed as the percentage change in quantity supplied divided by the percentage change in price

  Price floor 價格下限

  A legal minimum on the price at which a good can be sold

  Prisoners' dilemma 囚犯的兩難處境

  A particular 'game' between two captured prisoners that illustrates why cooperation is difficult to maintain even when it is mutually beneficial

  Private goods 私人物品

 Goods that are both excludable and rival

  Private saving 私人儲蓄

  The income that households have left after paying for taxes and consumption

  Producer price index 生產(chǎn)物價指數(shù)

  A measure of the cost of a basket of goods and services bought by firms

  Producer surplus 生產(chǎn)者剩余

  The amount a seller is paid for a good minus the seller's cost

  Production function 生產(chǎn)函數(shù)

  The relationship between quantity of inputs used to make a good and the quantity of output of that good

  Production possibilities frontier 生產(chǎn)可能性邊界

  A graph that shows the various combinations of output that the economy can possibly produce given the available factors of production and the available production technology

  Productivity 生產(chǎn)率

  The amount of goods and services produced from each hour of a worker's time; The quantity of goods and services produced from each hour of a worker's time

  Profit 利潤

  Total revenue minus total cost

  Progressive tax 累進稅

  A tax for which high-income taxpayers pay a larger fraction of their income than do low-income taxpayers

  Proportional tax 比例稅

  A tax for which high-income and low-income taxpayers pay the same fraction of income

  Public goods 公共物品

  Goods that are neither excludable nor rival

  Public saving 公共儲蓄

  The tax revenue that the government has left after paying for its spending

  Pareto-efficient allocations 帕雷托有效配置

  resource allocations, that cannot make a person better off without making someone else worse off

  partial equilibrium analysis 局部均衡分析

  an analysis that focuses on only one or a few markets at a time

  partnership 合伙制

  a business owned by two or more individuals, who share the profits and are jointly liable for any losses

  patent 專利

  a government decree giving an inventor the exclusive right to produce, use, or sell an invention

  paternalism 父愛主義

  the making of judgments by government about what is good for people to have, rather than letting people choose on their own

  payroll tax 工薪稅

  a tax based on payroll (wages) that is used to finance the Social Security and Medicare programs

  perfect competition 完全競爭

  situation in which each firm is a price taker--it cannot influence the market price; at the market price the firm can sell as much as it wishes, but if it raises its price, it loses all sales

  perfectly mobile capita 具有完全流動性的資本

  capital that responds quickly to changes in returns in different countries

  permanent-income hypothesis 永久收入假說

  the theory that individuals base their current consumption levels on their permanent (long-run average) income

  permanent-income savings motive 永久收入儲蓄動機

  people save in good years, to tide them over in bad years; they choose their pattern of savings and spending year by year to average or smooth their consumption over good years and bad

  piece-rate system 計件工資制度

  a compensation system in which workers are paid specifically for each item produced

  planned or unplanned inventories 計劃或無計劃庫存

  planned inventories are those firms choose to have on hand because they make business more efficient; unplanned inventories result when cannot sell what they produce

  policy ineffectiveness 政策無效性命題

  the proposition that government policies are ineffective--policies aimed at stimulating aggregate demand at most change the price level

  planned economy 計劃經(jīng)濟

  an economy in which most decisions about resource allocation are made by the government

  portfolio theories 資產(chǎn)組合理論

  theories that argue that monetary policy affects output through its effect on prices of various assets, in particular the prices of stocks

  portfolio 資產(chǎn)組合

  an investor's entire collection of assets and liabilities

  potential GDP 潛在GDP

  a measure of what the value of GDP would be if the economy's resources were fully employed

  potential output 潛在產(chǎn)出

  the level of output that would prevail if labor were fully employed (output may exceed that level if workers work more than the normal level of overtime)

  precautionary savings motive 謹慎儲蓄動機

  people save to guard against the chance of an unexpected illness or accident

  predatory pricing 掠奪性定價

  the practice of cutting prices below the marginal costs of production to drive out a new firm (or to deter future entry), at which point prices can be raised again

  present discounted value 現(xiàn)期貼現(xiàn)值

  how much an amount of money to be received in the future is worth right now

  price index 價格指數(shù)

  a measure of the level of prices found by comparing the cost of a certain basket of goods in one year with that cost in a base year

  principal 本金

  the original amount a saver deposits in a bank or a borrower borrows

  principal-agent problem 所有者—代理人問題

  any situation in which one party (the principal) needs to delegate actions to another party (the agent), and thus wishes to provide the agent with incentives to work hard and make decisions about risk that reflects the interests of the principal

  private marginal cost 私人邊際成本

  the marginal cost of production borne by the producer of a good; when there is a negative externality, such as air pollution, private marginal cost is less than social marginal cost

  privatization 私有化

  the process whereby functions that were formally run by the government are delegated instead to the private sector

  product differentiation 產(chǎn)品差異

  the fact that similar products (like breakfast cereals or soft drinks) are perceived to differ from one another and thus are imperfect substitutes

  product market 產(chǎn)品市場

  the market in which goods and services are bought and sold

  product-mix efficiency 產(chǎn)品組合效應

  the condition in which the mix of goods produced by the economy reflects the preferences of consumers

  production efficiency 生產(chǎn)效率

  the condition in which firms cannot produce more of some goods without producing less of other goods

  productivity (GDP per hour) 生產(chǎn)率/平均每人時的GDP

  how much an average worker produces per hour, calculated by dividing real GDP by hours worked in the economy

  proprietorship 獨資企業(yè)

  a business owned by a single person, usually a small business

  protectionism 保護主義

  a policy of protecting domestic industries from foreign-made competition

  pure profit (monopoly rents) 純利潤或壟斷租金

  the profit earned by a monopolist that results from its reducing output and increasing the price from the level at which price equals marginal cost


Quantity demanded 需求量

  The amount of a good that buyers are willing and able to purchase

  Quantity equation 貨幣數(shù)量方程式

  The equation MxV=PxY, which relates the quantity of money, the velocity of money and the dollar value of the economy's output of goods and services

  Quantity supplied 供給量

  The amount of a good that sellers are willing and able to sell

  Quantity theory of money 貨幣數(shù)量論

  A theory that asserts that the quantity of money available determines the price level and that the growth rate in the quantity of money available determines the inflation rate; The theory that velocity is constant, so that changes in the money supply lead to proportionale changes in nominal income (which also equals the value of output)

  quota rents 配額租金

  profits that accrue to firms which are allocated the rights to import a good subject to quotas that result from the artificially created scarcity

  quotas 配額

  limits on the amount of foreign goods that can be imported


Rational expectations 理性預期

  The theory according to which people optimally use all the information they have, including information about government policies, when forecasting the future

  Real GDP 實際GDP

  The production of goods and services valued at constant prices

  Real exchange rate 實際匯率

  The rate at which a person can trade the goods and services of one country for the goods and services of another

  Real interest rate 實際利率

  The interest rate corrected for the effects of inflation

  Real variables 實際變量

  Variables measured in physical units

  Recession 衰退

  A period of declining real incomes and rising unemployment

  Regressive tax 累退稅

  A tax for which high-income taxpayers pay a smaller fraction of their income than do low-income taxpayers

  Reserve ratio 準備金率

  The fraction of deposits that banks hold as reserves

  Reserve requirements 法定準備金

  Regulations on the minimum amount of reserves that banks must hold against deposits

  Reserves 準備金

  Deposits that banks have received but have not lent out

  Rivalness 競爭性

  The property of a good that one person's use diminishes other people's use

  random walk 隨機行走

  a term used to describe the way prices of stock move, where the next movement cannot be predicted on the basis of previous movements

  rationing systems 配給制

  ways of distributing goods that do not rely on prices, such as queues, lotteries, and coupons

  real balance effect 實際余額效應

  as prices fall, the real value of people's money holdings increases, and they consume more

  real business-cycle theorists 實際經(jīng)濟周期理論家

  a school of economists who contend that the economy's fluctuations have nothing to do with monetary policy but are determined by real forces

  real income 實際收入

  income measured by what it can actually buy, rather than by the amount of money

  real product wage 實際產(chǎn)品工資

  the wage divided by the price of the good being produced

  regulatory capture 管制俘虜

  a term used to describe a situation in which regulators serve the interests of the regulated rather than the interests of consumers

  relative performance compensation 相對表現(xiàn)補償

  pay (compensation) based on performance on the job relative to others who have similar responsibilities and authority

  rent seeking 尋租

  the name given to behavior that seeks to obtain benefits from favorable government decisions, such as protection from foreign competition

  revenue curve 收益曲線

  the relationship between a firm's total output and its revenue

  revenues 收益

  the amount a firm receives for selling its products, equal to the price received multiplied by the quantity sold

  right-to-work laws 工作權利法

  laws that prevent union membership from being a condition of employment

  risk averse / loving / neutral 厭惡風險/喜愛風險/中性風險

  given equal expected returns and different risks risk averse people will choose assets with lower risk, risk loving people will choose assets with higher risk, and risk-neutral individuals will not care about differences in risk

  risk premium 風險收益

  the additional interest required by lenders as compensation for the risk that a borrower may default; more generally, the extra return required to compensate an investor


Sacrifice ratio 犧牲率

 The number of percentage points of annual output that is lost in the process of reducing inflation by one percentage point

  Scarcity 希缺性

  The limited nature of society's resources

  Shoeleather costs 皮鞋成本

  The resources wasted when inflation encourages people to reduce their money holdings

  Stagflation 滯脹

  A period of falling output and rising prices

  Stock 股票

  A claim to partial ownership in a firm

  Store of value 價值儲藏

  An item that people can use to transfer purchasing power from the present to the future

  Strike 罷工

  The organized withdrawal of labor from a firm by a union

  Substitutes 替代品

  Two goods for which an increase in the price of one good leads to an increase in the demand for the other good

  Substitution effect 替代效應

  The change in consumption that results when a price change moves the consumer along a given indifference curve to a point with a new marginal rate of substitution

  Supply curve 供給曲線

  A graph of the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity supplied

  Supply schedule 供給表

  A table that shows the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity supplied

  screening 篩選

  the process of differentiating among job candidates, when there is incomplete information, to determine who will be the most productive

  shadow price 影子價格

  the true social value of a resource

  signaling 信號

  conveying information, for example by earning a college-degree, to persuade an employer that a prospective worker has desirable characteristics that will enhance his productivity

  slope 斜率

  the amount by which the value along the vertical axis increases as a result of a change in a unit along the horizontal axis; the slope is calculated by dividing the change in the vertical axis (the "rise") by the change in the horizontal axis (the "run")

  Smith's "invisible hand" 斯密“看不見的手”

  the idea that if people act in their own self-interest, they will often also be acting in a broader social interest, as if they had been directed by an "invisible hand"

  smoothing consumption 均勻消費

  consuming similar amounts in the present and future, rather than letting year-to-year income dictate consumption

  social marginal cost 社會邊際成本

  the marginal cost of production, including the costs of any negative externality, such as air pollution, borne by individuals in the economy other than the producer

  socialism 社會主義

  an economic system in which the means of production are controlled by the state

  soft budget constraints 軟預算約束

  budget constraints facing a firm in which the government subsidizes any losses

  static expectations 靜態(tài)預期

  the belief of individuals that today's prices and wages are likely to continue into the future

  sticky prices 粘性價格

  prices that do not adjust or only adjust slowly toward a new equilibrium

  sticky wages 粘性工資

  wages that are slow to adjust in response to a change in labor market conditions

  stock statistics 存量統(tǒng)計

  measurements of the quantity of a certain item at a certain point in time, such as capital stock, the total value of buildings and machines

  sunk cost 沉沒成本

  a cost that has been incurred and cannot be recovered

  supply-constrained equilibrium 供給約束的均衡

  the equilibrium that occurs when prices are stuck at a level below that at which aggregate demand equals aggregate supply; in a supply-constrained equilibrium, output is equal to aggregate supply but less than aggregate demand

  surplus labor 剩余勞動

a great deal of unemployed or under employed labor, readily available to potential employers


Tariff 關稅

  A tax on goods produced abroad and sold domestically

  Tax incidence 稅收歸宿

  The study of who bears the burden of taxation

  Technological knowledge 技術知識

  Society's understanding of the best ways to produce goods and services

  Theory of liquidity preference 流動偏好理論

  Keynes' theory that the interest rate adjusts to bring money supply and money demand into balance

  Total cost 總成本

  The amount a firm pays to buy the inputs into production

  Total revenue 總收益

  The amount a firm receives for the sale of its output; The amount paid by buyers and received by sellers of a good, computed as the price of the good times the quantity sold

  Trade balance 貿(mào)易余額

  The value of a nation's exports minus the value of its imports, also called net exports

  Trade deficit 貿(mào)易赤字

  An excess of imports over exports

  Trade policy 貿(mào)易政策

  A government policy that directly influences the quantity of goods and services that a country imports or exports

  Trade surplus 貿(mào)易盈余

  An excess of exports over imports

  Tragedy of the Commons 公用地悲劇

  A parable that illustrates why common resources get used more than is desirable from the standpoint of society as a whole

 Transaction costs 交易成本

  The costs that parties incur in the process of agreeing and following through on a bargain

  tacit collusion 暗中勾結(jié)

  collusive behavior among the firms of an oligpoly based on an implicit understanding that it is in each firm's best interest not to compete too vigourously; they tacitly understand that it is undesirable to undercut each others' prices, but there is no open discussion about price fixing

  takeover 收購

  when one management team (one firm) takes over the control of another

  target savings motive 目標儲蓄動機

  people save for a particular target, for example to make a down payment on a house or to pay college tuition

  tax expenditures 稅收支出

  the revenue lost from a tax subsidy

  tax-favored assets

  the return on these assets receives favorable tax treatment, such as tax-exempt municipal bonds

  tax subsidies 稅收補貼

  subsidies provided through the tax system to particular industries or to particular expenditures, in the form of favorable tax treatment

  technological risks 技術風險

  risks facing a firm associated with technology, such as whether a new technology will work or be reliable

  theorem 定理

  a logical proposition that follows from basic definitions and assumptions

  theory 理論

  a set of assumptions and the conclusions derived from those assumptions put forward as an explanation for some phenomena

  thin markets 薄弱市場

  markets with relatively few buyers and sellers

  tie-ins 搭售

  a restrictive practice in which a customer who buys one product must buy another

  time constraints 時間約束

  the limitations on consumption of different goods imposed by the fact that households have only a limited amount of time to spend (twenty-four hours a day). The time constraint defines the opportunity set of individuals if the only constraint that they face is time

  time value of money 貨幣的時間價值

  the fact that a dollar today is worth more than a dollar in the future is called the time value of money

  total factor productivity analysis 總生產(chǎn)要素分析

  the analysis of the relationship between output and the aggregate of all inputs; total factor productivity growth is calculated as the difference between the rate of growth of output and the weighted average rate of growth of inputs, where the weight associated with each input is its share in GDP

  trade creation 貿(mào)易創(chuàng)造

  new trade that is generated as a result of lowered tariff barriers

  trade diversion 貿(mào)易多樣化

  trade that is diverted away from outside countries as a result of lowering tariffs between the members of a trading bloc

  trade-offs 交易

  the amount of one good (or one desirable objective) that must be given up to get more of another good (or to attain more of another desirable objective)

  trade secret 商業(yè)秘密

  an innovation or knowledge of a production process that a firm does not disclose to others

  trading blocs 商業(yè)集團

  groups of countries that agree to lower trade and other economic barriers among themselves

  traditional monetary theory 傳統(tǒng)貨幣理論

  the theory (first developed by John Maynard Keynes, and therefore sometimes referred to as Keynesian monetary theory) that the nominal interest rate is the opportunity cost of holding money, that the demand for money decreases as the interest rate rises, and that the interest rate is determined to equate the demand and supply of money

  transactions demand for money 貨幣的交易需求

  the demand for money arising from its use in buying goods and services

  transfer programs 轉(zhuǎn)移支付計劃

  programs directly concerned with redistribution, such as AFDC and Medicaid, that move money from one group in society to another

  transplants 移植

  plants constructed in one country by firms based in another. U.S. factories producing Mazdas and Toyotas are Japanese transplants

  Treasury bills (T-bills) 短期國庫券

  bills the government sells in return for a promise to pay a certain amount in a short period, usually less than 180 days

  trough 波谷

  the bottom of a recession

  trusts 信托公司

  organizations that attempted to control certain markets in the late nineteenth century; they were designed to allow an individual or group owning a small fraction of the total industry to exercise control

  two-tier wage system 雙重工資系統(tǒng)

wage systems in which newly hired workers are paid lower wages than established workers are paid


Unemployment insurance 失業(yè)保險

  A government program that partially protects workers' incomes when they become unemployed

  Unemployment rate 失業(yè)率

  The percentage of the labor force that is not employed

  Union 工會

  A worker association that bargains with employers over wages and working conditions

  Unit of account 計價單位

  The yardstick with which people post prices and record debts

  Utilitarianism 功利主義

  The political philosophy according to which the government should choose policies to maximize the total utility of everyone in society

  Utility 效用

  A measure of happiness or satisfaction

  union shops 工會化企業(yè)

  unionized firms in which all workers are required to join the union as a condition of employment

  utility possibilities curve效用可能性曲線

  a curve showing the maximum level of utility that one individual can attain, given the level of utility attained by others


  Value of the marginal product 邊際產(chǎn)量價值

  The marginal product of an input times the price of the output

  Variable costs 可變成本

  Cost that do vary with the quantity of output produced

  Velocity of money 貨幣流通速度

  The rate at which money changes hands

  Vertical equity 縱向公平

  The idea that taxpayers with a greater ability to pay taxes should pay larger amounts

  variable inputs 可變投入

  inputs that rise or fall with the quantity of output

  velocity 流通速度

  the speed with which money circulates in the economy, defined as the ratio of income to the money supply

  vertical merger 縱向兼并

  a merger between two firms, one of which is a supplier or distributor for the other

  voluntary unemployment 自愿失業(yè)

  a situation in which workers voluntarily drop out of the labor force when the wage level falls

  voting paradox 投票悖論

  the fact that under some circumstances there may be no determinate outcome with majority voting: choice A wins a majority over B, B wins over C, and C wins over A


  Welfare economics 福利經(jīng)濟學

  The study of how the allocation of resources affects economic well-being

  Willingness to pay 支付意愿

  The maximum amount that a buyer will pay for a good

  World price 世界價格

  The price of a good that prevails in the world market for that good

  wage discrimination 工資歧視

  paying lower wages to women or minorities

  wage-productivity curve 工資—生產(chǎn)率曲線

  the curve that depicts the relationship between wages and productivity

  wholesale price index 批發(fā)價格指數(shù)

  a price index that measures the average level of wholesale prices

  work sharing 工作分攤

  reducing all employees' hours by equal amounts rather than firing some workers

  World Trade Organization (WTO) 世界貿(mào)易組織

  the organization established in 1995, as a result of the Uruguay round of trade negotiations, replacing GATT, designed to remove trade barriers and settle trade disputes


  zero elasticity 零彈性

a demand (or supply) curve has zero elasticity if the quantity demanded (or supplied) does not change at all if price changes; the demand (supply) curve is vertical

關鍵詞: MBA 專業(yè)


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