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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-05-28
核心提示:廢除 repeal 分割 partition 分居 live separate and apart 分離 severance 分期付款 installment payment 分期付款 by instalment 分期支付 by instalment 分權(quán)共有人 co-owner 分權(quán)學(xué)說(shuō) doctrine of separation of powers 分?jǐn)?apportion 分租 sub-lease 紛爭(zhēng)的解決

廢除 repeal
分割 partition
分居 live separate and apart
分離 severance
分期付款 installment payment
分期付款 by instalment
分期支付 by instalment
分權(quán)共有人 co-owner
分權(quán)學(xué)說(shuō) doctrine of separation of powers
分租 sub-lease
紛爭(zhēng)的解決 settlement to disputes
豐寧滿族自治縣 Fengning Manchu Autonomous Region
風(fēng)險(xiǎn)投資 venture capital
封宗法主意思想 feudal legal thought
佛山市 Foshan Municipality
否定 repudiate
否決權(quán) veto power
否認(rèn) deny
否認(rèn)立約 non est factum
夫妻 spouse
夫妻感情 goodwill as between spouses
夫妻共同所有財(cái)產(chǎn) joint property of the spouses
夫妻關(guān)系 spousal relationship
夫妻關(guān)系中的子女 a child of a union of concubinage
夫妻間有互相扶養(yǎng)的義務(wù) mutual obligation between spouses for maintenance of one another
夫妻名義 pugitive spouses
夫妻身份 spousal relationship
夫妻在婚姻關(guān)系存續(xù)期間 while a spousal relationship subsists
扶養(yǎng)的義務(wù) mutual maintenance support obligation
扶養(yǎng)費(fèi) maintenance
符號(hào) sign
福利社會(huì) welfare society
福州市 Fuzhou Municipality
撫順市 Fushun Municipality
撫養(yǎng) foster
撫養(yǎng)費(fèi) cost of maintenance
撫養(yǎng)關(guān)系的繼父子 foster father and son relationship
父母權(quán) parental right
付購(gòu) re-purchase
付清余款 paid the residual balance
負(fù)責(zé) be responsible
附帶民事訴訟 supplementary civil action
附錄 Appendix
附件 Appendix
附屬公司 subsidiary
附屬于 collateral to
阜新蒙古族自治縣 Fuxin Mongolia Autonomous Country
復(fù)合氨基酸 compound amino acid
復(fù)核審法院 Court of Review
復(fù)息 compound interest
復(fù)議 review
復(fù)員費(fèi) decommission pay
復(fù)員軍人 demobilized serviceman
副檢察長(zhǎng) Deputy Chief Procuratoy
富川瑤族自治縣 Fuchuan Yao Nationality Autonomous
改過(guò)自新 remorse and reform
蓋章 seal
干部 cadre
干擾 disturb
干擾證人 interfere with a witness
干預(yù) intervention
甘肅省 Gansu Province
肝炎 hepatitis
感化 influence
感情破裂 loss of affection
贛州市 Ganzhou Municipality
港幣發(fā)行權(quán) authority to issue Hong Kong currency 
革委會(huì) revolutionary committee
格式合同 standard form of contract
個(gè)人財(cái)產(chǎn) personal property
個(gè)體戶 individual household
個(gè)體勞動(dòng)者所有權(quán) individual worker's ownership
各級(jí) at different levels
各級(jí)地方政府 local government at several levels
各盡所能 from each according to his ability
各省 of all provinces
給予 assign
給予適當(dāng)?shù)慕?jīng)濟(jì)幫助 render suitable financial assistance
給予援助令狀 Writ of Assistance
根本法律 fundamental law
根據(jù)成文法推定的默示條款 terms implied by legislation
根據(jù)法院判決推定的默示條款 terms implied by courts
根據(jù)慣例推定的默示條款 terms implied by usage
根據(jù)婚姻法的規(guī)定 according to Marriage Law provisions
更改 alter
更換 replacement
工礦產(chǎn)品合同試行條例 The Trial Implementing Regulations on Contracts of Industrial and Mineral Product
工礦區(qū) industrial and mining district
工農(nóng)聯(lián)盟 Alliance of Workers and Peasants
工商統(tǒng)一稅 unified industrial-commercial tax
工作場(chǎng)所 work place
公檢法機(jī)關(guān) organs of the public security, the procuracy and the court
公安 Public Security Officers
公安部 Ministry of Public Security
公安部法規(guī)局 The Bureau of Policies and Regulations of the Ministry of Public Security
公安處 Public Security Office
公安機(jī)關(guān) Public Security Organs
公安機(jī)關(guān)行政處罰決定 Public Security Penalty Decision
公安局 Public Security Bureau
公安派出所 local police station
公安人員 Public Security Officers
公共開(kāi)支 public expenditure
公共性 public character
公共帳目的審計(jì)制度 system for auditing public accounts
公共政策 public policy
公共政策的原則 principle of public policy
公共秩序 public order
公共主管當(dāng)局 competent authority
公積金 public accumulation funds
公檢法 public security organs, procuratorial organs and people's courts
公開(kāi) disclose
公開(kāi)聆訊方式 public hearing
公開(kāi)審理 public hearing
公民 citizen
公民勞動(dòng)義務(wù) civic duty to work
公平 fair
公社 commune
公司 enterprise
公司存在期限 duration of company
公司章程 Articles of Association
公訴 public prosecution
公訴機(jī)關(guān) public prosecution organ
公訴人 public prosecutor 
公訴書(shū) bill of indictment
公務(wù)人員 public official
公有制 public ownership system
公約國(guó) Convention country
公約證明書(shū) Convention certificates
公證承付 notarial act of honour
公證會(huì)計(jì)師辦事處 Notarial Accountants' Office
公證機(jī)關(guān) notary public
公證人 public notary
公證證明 notarial certification
公職 public office
公眾假期 public holiday
公眾假日 public holiday
公眾利益 public advantage
供認(rèn) confession
供述 confession
供銷合作社 supply and marketing co-operative
共負(fù)盈虧 share profits and losses
共謀 collude
共青團(tuán)中央 The Central Committee of the Communist Young League
共識(shí)政府 Government by consensus
共同被告人 co-defendant
共同財(cái)產(chǎn) common property
共同犯罪 joint offence
共同綱領(lǐng) common programme
共同權(quán)利 a joint right
共同實(shí)施違法行為 jointly committed the offence
共同誤解 common mistake
共同原告 co-plaintiff
共同債務(wù)joint debts
共享軟件 shareware
勾結(jié) collude 
構(gòu)成要件 constitutive requirements
估計(jì) assess
股東大會(huì) stock-holder meeting
股份有限公司 stock limited company
固定資產(chǎn) fixed capital
故意 intention
故意的動(dòng)機(jī) intentional motive
故意破壞公私財(cái)物罪 crime of intentionally sabotaging public or private property
故意殺人罪 crime of intentional homicide
故意傷害 intentional injury
故意傷害致人死亡 intentional infliction of bodily injury resulting in a person's death
故意傷害致死罪 crime of intentionally injuring another which resulted in death
故意傷害罪 crime of intentional injury
故意投毒 spreading poison with intent
雇傭合同 employment contract
寡婦 widow
掛靠 be subordinate to
掛牌公司 company-in-name
拐賣人口罪 crime of abducting and trafficking human beings
關(guān)鍵 pivotal issue
關(guān)稅壁壘 customs barrier
關(guān)系惡化 worsening of relations
關(guān)系過(guò)遠(yuǎn) remote
關(guān)押 custody
關(guān)員級(jí)人員 customs officer
官僚主義 bureaucracy
官職 public office
管卡壓 interference, obstruction and oppression
管理辦法 Administrative Measures
行政措施 Administrative Measures
管轄范圍 scope of jurisdiction
管轄權(quán) jurisdiction
管有令狀 writ of possession
管制 control
管制 public surveillance
管制 regulate
貫徹執(zhí)行 executed in fact
廣東省 Guangdong Province
廣西壯族自治區(qū) Guangxi Zhuang Nationality Autonomous Region
歸還 restitution
規(guī)范 regulate
規(guī)則 rule
規(guī)章 directive
桂林市 Guilin Municipality
鍋爐壓力容器檢驗(yàn)所 Inspection Institution for Boiler Pressing Containers
國(guó)防部 Ministry of National Defense
國(guó)防科學(xué)技術(shù)工業(yè)委員會(huì) National Defense Scientific Technological Industry
國(guó)際供應(yīng)合同 international supply contract
國(guó)際慣例 international common practice
國(guó)際慣例 international practice
國(guó)際海事衛(wèi)星組織公約 Convention on the International Maritime Satellite Organization
國(guó)際私法 private international law
國(guó)際運(yùn)輸 international transport
國(guó)家安全局 The State Administration of National Security
國(guó)家版權(quán)局 State Copyright Bureau
國(guó)家保密局 State Bureau of Protection of Confidential Documents
國(guó)家編制委員會(huì) State Organization Commission
國(guó)家標(biāo)準(zhǔn)局 State Standard Bureau
國(guó)家測(cè)繪局 State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping
國(guó)家城市建設(shè)總局 State City Construction General Bureau
國(guó)家出版局 State Publication Bureau
國(guó)家出入境檢驗(yàn)檢疫局 The State Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine
國(guó)家檔案局 State Archives Bureau
國(guó)家地震局 State Seismology Bureau

關(guān)鍵詞: 法律 詞匯


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