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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-02-21
核心提示:flannel blanket 絨毛毯 flannel knitted fabric 法蘭絨針織物 flannel shirt 法蘭絨襯衫 flannel sport coat 法蘭絨運動衫 flannel twills 斜紋絨布 flannel 法蘭絨 flannel-like fabric 仿法蘭絨織物 flannelette baby napkin 絨布尿布 flannelette bed sheet 拉絨床

flannel blanket 絨毛毯
flannel knitted fabric 法蘭絨針織物
flannel shirt 法蘭絨襯衫
flannel sport coat 法蘭絨運動衫
flannel twills 斜紋絨布
flannel 法蘭絨
flannel-like fabric 仿法蘭絨織物
flannelette baby napkin 絨布尿布
flannelette bed sheet 拉絨床單
flannelette diaper 絨布尿布
flannelette gown 絨布長睡衣
flannelette handicraft slippers 絨布面工藝拖鞋
flannelette scrubbing cloth 絨布揩布
flannelette sheeting 絨布被單
flannelette sleepling bag 絨布睡袋
flannelette wrapper 絨布寬睡衣
flannelette yarn 弱捻粗棉紗
flannelette 絨布
flano 薄法蘭絨
flap attenuator 刀型衰減器
flap check valve 閥瓣式止回閥
flap switch 拍動式開關(guān)
flap valve 瓣閥
flap 鉸鏈板
flap-covered lubricator 活蓋注油器
flap-door 吊門
flap-wing machine 撲翼飛機
flapper bracket 機器腳踏車后座
flapper 活動擋板
flapper-valve controller 擋板閥控制器
flare gun 信號手槍
flare panties 喇叭短褲
flare shorts 喇叭短褲
flare-type pulverized coal burner 擴口式煤粉噴燃器
flared skirt 喇叭裙
flared tip screwdriver with plastic handle 一字塑料柄螺絲起子
flared tip screwdriver with wooden handle 一字木柄螺絲起子
flares 喇叭褲
flaring cup wheel 碗形砂輪
flaring tool 擴口工具
flash alarm 閃光報警器
flash apparatus 閃光器
flash bulb 閃光燈泡
flash butt welder 閃光對接焊機
flash butt welding machine 閃光對接焊機
flash column 閃蒸塔
flash cooler 閃蒸冷卻器
flash cord 閃光線
flash detonator 火雷管
flash drum 閃蒸罐
flash evaporator 閃蒸器
flash film concentrator 急驟薄膜濃縮器
flash film evaporator 急驟薄膜蒸發(fā)器
flash gasoline 閃蒸汽油
flash glass 閃光玻璃
flash gun 閃光槍
flash intercooler 閃光式中間冷卻器
flash lamp pumped dye laser 閃光燈抽運染料激光器
flash lamp socket 閃光燈座
flash lamp 閃光燈
flash light torsionmeter 閃光扭力儀
flash mold 溢出式鑄塑模
flash pistol 閃光發(fā)令槍
flash point tester 閃點測定儀
flash point thermometer 閃點溫度計
flash powder 閃光粉
flash relay 閃光繼電器
flash sheet 閃光紙
flash shield 閃光燈罩
flash synchronization tester 閃光同步試驗器
flash tachometer 閃光測速儀
flash test bulb 閃光測試燈泡
flash tester 閃點測定儀
flash tower 閃蒸塔
flash tube stroboscope 閃光管頻閃觀測儀
flash type distiller 閃光式蒸鎦器
flash type evaporator 閃光式蒸發(fā)器
flash vessel 閃蒸器
flash-steam generator 閃蒸水蒸汽發(fā)生器
flashbulb adapter 閃光燈泡連接器
flashed glass 閃光玻璃
flasher relay 閃光繼電器
flasher 閃光器
flashing indicator 閃光指示器
flashing paper 閃光紙
flashing relay 閃光繼電器
flashing wheel 閃光輪
flashlight battery 閃光燈電池
flashlight bomb 閃光彈
flashlight bulb 閃光燈燈泡
flashlight holder 閃光燈架
flashlight with floodlight bulb 泛光泡手電筒
flashlight with spotlight bulb 聚光泡手電筒
flashlight 手電筒
flashover relay 閃絡(luò)繼電器
flask filler 砂箱填料機
flask skaker 落砂機
flask 長頸瓶
flasket 小瓶
flat  cable 扁平導(dǎo)線電纜
flat  chisel 扁鑿
flat aluminium alloy plate 鋁合金平板
flat aluminium wire 鋁扁線
flat amplifier 平直放大器
flat balance 平盤天平
flat band driving conveyor 平皮帶傳動輸送機
flat bar steel 扁鋼
flat bar 扁鋼
flat bastard file 粗齒扁銼
flat battery 扁電池
flat beater 平板式打夯機
flat bed gluing machine 平板粘合機
flat belt pulley 平皮帶滑輪
flat bit tongs 扁嘴鉗
flat bit 扁鉆
flat blade turbine 平葉片渦輪
flat bottom boiling flask 平底燒瓶
flat bottom evaporator 平底蒸發(fā)器
flat bottom flask 平底燒瓶
flat bottom packing press 平底包裝機
flat bottom rail 平底軌
flat bottom tank 平底罐
flat bottom tea kettle 平底茶壺
flat bottomed cylindrical LNG tank 平底圓筒形液化天然氣罐
flat brush 扁形毛筆
flat bulb iron 扁球鐵
flat bulb steel 扁球鋼
flat cambric 雜色低檔軋光細平布
flat camera 平板照相機
flat canvas 軋光剌繡十字布
flat car for transportation 運輸平車
flat card 蓋板梳棉機
flat chafer fabric 簾子布
flat channel amplifier 平直通道放大器
flat chassis 平底盤
flat clearer 蓋板清潔器
flat clipping machine 包蓋板裁剪機
flat clothing 蓋板針布
flat coal shovel 平煤鏟
flat coarse file 粗齒扁銼
flat collar press 平型壓領(lǐng)機
flat compound generator 平復(fù)激發(fā)電機
flat copper 扁銅
flat cotton 未經(jīng)壓緊的棉
flat crepe yarn 緊捻縐紗線
flat crepe 平縐
flat cutting pliers 平口鉗
flat device 扁平器
flat die thread rolling machine 平模卷絲機
flat dressing machine 平型梳棉機
flat drill bit 扁鉆頭
flat drill 扁鉆
flat duck 雙經(jīng)帆布
flat duplicator 平面謄寫機
flat ended chisel 扁鏨
flat engine 臥式發(fā)動機
flat fabric 平面織物
flat face scraper 平面刮刀
flat filament yarn 松捻絲
flat file 平銼
flat fillet welder 平角焊機
flat fillister screw 凹槽扁頭螺桿
flat fishplate 平魚尾板
flat forge tongs 平鍛鉗
flat forming tool 棱形成形車刀
flat four engine 臥式四缸發(fā)動機
flat fuse wire 扁保險絲
flat gain control capacitor 平調(diào)電容器
flat glass 平板玻璃
flat grinding machine 平磨機
flat hammer 扁錘
flat handle drum 扁提桶
flat handle needle 平柄針
flat head bit 平頭鉆頭
flat head bolt 平頭螺栓
flat head countersunk rivet 埋頭平頂鉚釘
flat head grooved bolt 平頭槽螺栓
flat head machine screw 平頭機器螺絲
flat head nail 扁頭釘
flat head panel pin 平頭分釘
flat head rivet 平頭鉚釘
flat head round edge rivet 平頭圓邊鉚釘
flat head screw 平頭螺釘
flat head self tapping screw 平頭自攻螺釘
flat head single action spring hinge 平頭單向彈簧鉸鏈
flat headed hook 扁頭魚鉤
flat headed nail 平頭釘
flat hot rolled bar 熱軋扁鋼
flat iron and angle iron cutting machine 扁鐵及三角鐵切割機
flat iron bar 扁鐵條
flat iron plug 熨斗插頭
flat iron wheel 扁鐵輪
flat iron 熨斗
flat jack 扁千斤頂
flat jacquard fabric 普通提花針織物
flat jacquard knitter 普通提花針織機
flat jumper 扁鏨
flat key 平鍵
flat knit combed cotton vest 精梳棉紗平針內(nèi)襯衣
flat knit T-shirt 平針T恤衫
flat knit underwear 平針內(nèi)衣
flat knitting machine 針織橫機
flat lamp core 扁燈芯
flat latch-needle knitting machine 平型舌針針織機
flat latex paint 無光乳膠漆
flat links and links knitting machine 雙反面針織機
flat machine 針織橫機
flat mattock 扁頭鶴嘴鋤
flat metal levelling machine 金屬板材矯平機
flat middle file 中扁銼
flat milanese 平型米蘭尼斯經(jīng)編機
flat mild steel bar 扁型軟鋼
flat mirror 平面鏡
flat mixer 臥式混合機
flat monofilament 扁平單絲
flat multi-core cable for computer 計算機扁平多芯電纜
flat mushroom 扇平蘑菇
flat nail 扁頭釘
flat nose adjusting pliers 可調(diào)扁嘴鉗
flat nose pliers with chrome plated head 電鍍頭扁嘴鉗
flat nose pliers 扁嘴鉗
flat nut 平底螺母
flat oil stone 扁油石
flat ounce duck 重型雙經(jīng)單緯帆布
flat oyster 歐洲牡蠣
flat paint brush 扁漆刷
flat paint 無光漆
flat pallet 平臺板
flat panel display 平板顯示器
flat peach in syrup 糖水蟠桃
flat peach 蟠桃
flat pick 平頭鎬
flat picture tube 平板型顯像管
flat pin plug 扁腳插頭
flat pin receptacle 扁孔插座
flat pin 扁銷
flat plastic wire making machine 平塑線加工機
flat plate antenna 平板式天線
flat plate cell 平板電池
flat plate 淺平盤
flat pliers 平鉗
flat pointed file 尖扁銼
flat rayon 松捻人造絲
flat reflector 平面反射器
flat regulating amplifier 平調(diào)放大器
flat regulating receiving amplifier panel 平調(diào)接收放大器盤
flat relay 扁型繼電器
flat rib knitting Cotton machine 柯登式羅紋機
flat rib top machine 平式羅口針織機
flat roll 平面壓輥
flat rolled steel bar 壓延鋼條
flat roller 平滾筒
flat rolling mill 扁鋼軋機
flat rope 扁平鋼絲繩
flat round fan 團扇
flat rubber strip 扁橡皮條
flat ruler 直尺
flat scraper 平頭刮刀
flat screen printing machine 平網(wǎng)印花機
flat screen printing range 平網(wǎng)印花機
flat screen printing unit 平網(wǎng)印花機
flat screen 平板篩
flat screw 平頭螺釘
flat seaming machine 繃縫機
flat sheet transfer printing machine 平板衣片轉(zhuǎn)移印花機
flat sheet transfer unit 平板轉(zhuǎn)移印花機
flat silk 扁絲
flat smooth file 細扁銼
flat spade 扁鏟
flat spinning machine 扁絲紡絲機
flat spiral coil 游絲形線圈
flat spring steel 扁彈簧鋼
flat spring 扁簧
flat steel bar 扁鋼條
flat steel lawn rake 草地扁鋼耙
flat steel 扁鋼
flat strip slate pencil 方條滑石筆
flat switchboard 平面交換機
flat taper head rivet 平錐頭鉚釘
flat taper head socket shank rivet 平錐頭半空心鉚釘
flat threaded steel 扁螺紋鋼
flat tile 平瓦
flat toothed bit 平底牙輪鉆頭
flat top guitar 扁頭吉他
flat top mattress cover 平面床墊套
flat top shoes 平口鞋
flat tower bolt 扁插銷
flat transmission belt 平型傳動帶
flat truck 平板汽車
flat tube radiator 扁管式散熱器
flat twin cable 扁平雙芯電纜
flat twist drill 扁麻花鉆
flat type aluminium wire 扁鋁線
flat type copper wire 扁銅線
flat type lamp shade 扁燈罩
flat type relay 扁型繼電器
flat type stranded wire 扁形多股絞合線
flat type zinc-manganese dioxide dry cell 扁平式鋅-錳干電池
flat underwear fabric 平針內(nèi)衣織物
flat valve 平座閥
flat varnish 無光漆
flat venice bedspread 床罩
flat venice insertion tablecloth 鑲拼臺布
flat venice sofa set 沙發(fā)套
flat venice tablecloth 臺布
flat vulcanizing machine 平板硫化機
flat wagon for transport 運貨平車
flat wagon 平車
flat washer 平墊圈
flat wave wool 平卷曲毛
flat wheel roller 平輪壓路機
flat wire mill 扁線材軋機
flat wire rope 扁鋼絲繩
flat wire with paper wrapped 紙包扁線
flat wire 扁鋼絲
flat wrapper 平板包裝紙
flat yarn 扁平長絲紗
flat-back type refrigerator 平背式冰箱
flat-bed lock stitch machine 平板鎖縫縫紉機
flat-bed offset press 平臺膠印機
flat-bed offset-machine 平臺膠印機
flat-bed photogravure machine 平臺照相凹版印刷機
flat-bed plotter 平板繪圖儀
flat-bed press 平板壓燙機
flat-bed printing machine 平板印刷機
flat-bed purl  machine 平板雙反面針織機
flat-bed recorder 平板記錄器
flat-bed scanner 平臺式掃描機
flat-bed screen printing machine 平臺絲網(wǎng)印刷機
flat-bed single needle sewing machine 平板單針縫紉機
flat-bed truck 平板卡車
flat-belt conveyor 平帶式輸送器
flat-bottomed vessel 平底船
flat-braided cord 扁形編織繩
flat-car 平車
flat-chemical fibre blended yarn 亞麻-化纖混紡紗
flat-compound dynamo 平復(fù)激發(fā)電機
flat-compound exciting generator 平復(fù)激勵發(fā)電機
flat-cotton blended fabric 亞麻-棉混紡織物
flat-ended horizontal cylindrical drum 平底臥式圓筒形罐
flat-ended tube 平底管
flat-field achromatic objective lens 平場消色差物鏡
flat-field generator 平面場發(fā)生器
flat-geometry light emitter 平坦型光發(fā)射器
flat-head pliers 平頭鉗
flat-headed piston 平頂活塞
flat-lock machine 繃縫縫紉機
flat-plate heat exchanger 平板式換熱器
flat-plate solar collector 平板型太陽能采集器
flat-plate vibrator 平板式振動器
flat-sealed valve 平座密封閥
flat-surface grinding machine 平面磨床
flat-top antenna 平頂天線
flat-top plastic bifocal 平頂塑料雙焦點透鏡
flat-top sealed can 平頂密封罐
flat-turret lathe 平轉(zhuǎn)塔車床
flat-type mixing plant 平臺式拌和設(shè)備
flat-type travelling mixer 平臺式移動拌和機
flat-wise coil 平繞線圈
Flatesa 弗拉特莎半無光粘膠纖維
flatness measuring instrument 平面度測量儀
flattened liquorice orange 甘草桔餅
flattened preserved mandarin orange 博羅柑餅
flattened preserved plums 蜜李餅
flattened rayon 扁平人造絲
flattened rivet 平頭鉚釘
flattened spiced plums 八珍李餅
flattened square head bolt 平頂方頭螺栓
flattened sugared orange 糖桔餅
flattener 矯直機
flattening hammer 平錘
flattening machine 矯直機
flattening mill 軋扁機
flatter generator 噪聲發(fā)生器
flatter ribbon-like fibre 扁帶狀纖維
flatter 平面錘
flattered rivet 扁頭鉚釘
flattie  平跟鞋
flatting machine 壓平機
flatting mill 壓扁機
flauk 格子花呢
flavone 黃酮
flavonol 黃酮醇
flavor essence 味精
flavoring almond essence 杏仁香精
flavoring almond oil essence 杏仁油香精
flavoring apple essence 蘋果香精
flavoring apple oil essence 蘋果油香精
flavoring banana essence 香蕉香精
flavoring banana oil essence 香蕉油香精
flavoring butter essence 奶油香精
flavoring cherry essence 櫻桃香精
flavoring cherry oil essence 櫻桃油香精
flavoring cocoanut oil essence 椰子油香精
flavoring fragrancy industrial material 香料工業(yè)原料
flavoring ginger oil essence 姜油香精
flavoring grape essence 葡萄香精
flavoring grape oil essence 葡萄油香精
flavoring lemon essence 檸檬香精
flavoring lemon oil essence 檸檬油香精
flavoring mulberry essence 桑葚香精
flavoring mulberry oil essence 桑葚油香精
flavoring orange essence 桔子香精
flavoring orange oil essence 桔子油香精
flavoring peach essence 桃子香精
flavoring pear essence 生梨香精
flavoring pear oil essence 生梨油香精
flavoring pineapple essence 菠蘿香精
flavoring pineapple oil essence 菠蘿油香精
flavoring rose essence 玫瑰香精
flavoring rose oil essence 玫瑰油香精
flavoring strawberry essence 草梅香精
flavoring strawberry oil essence 草梅油香精
flavoring vanilla essence 香草香精
flavoring vanilla oil essence 香草油香精
flavoured beef 調(diào)味牛肉
flavoured ginger 五味姜
flavoured gooseberry 五香甘果
flavouring essence for aerated water 汽水香精
flavouring essence for tobacco 煙用香精
flavouring essence 香精
flavouring material 調(diào)味品
flavoxate 黃酮哌酯
flaw detector 探傷器
flaw-detecting hook 探傷鉤
flax board 亞麻紙板
flax buncher 亞麻割捆機
flax bush 亞麻
flax canvas 亞麻帆布
flax cloth 亞麻布
flax common 長莖亞麻
flax damask 亞麻花緞
flax fibre 亞麻纖維
flax linen 亞麻布
flax puller 拔麻機
flax rope 亞麻繩
flax roving 亞麻粗紗
flax sliver 亞麻條
flax spinning frame 亞麻細紗機
flax tow combined card 亞麻聯(lián)合梳麻機
flax twine 亞麻細繩
flax waste 廢亞麻
flax yarn 亞麻紗
flax 亞麻
flax-chemical fibre blended fabric 亞麻-化纖混紡布
flax-cotton mixed fabric 麻棉交織布
flax-lily 亞麻
flax-seed oil 亞麻籽油
flax-seed 亞麻籽
flax-wool blended yarn 麻毛混紡紗
flaxen cloth 麻紗布
flaxlike rayon 亞麻型人造絲
Flaxon 弗拉克森仿麻細平布
flaxseed gum 亞麻樹膠
flaying knife 剝皮刀
flea bag 露宿用睡袋
fleam 放血刀
flecainide acetate 醋酸氟卡胺
flecainide 氟卡胺
fleck yarn 混紡閃點短條紋花色紗
flecked yarn 霜花紗
fleece fabric 起絨織物
fleece knit goods 起絨針織物
fleece lined goods 厚絨布
fleece wool 套毛
fleece 羊毛
fleece-faced fabric 絨面織物
fleece-flower root 何首烏
fleece-lined underwear 絨里內(nèi)衣
fleeced underwear 毛絨內(nèi)衣
fleeced union suit 毛絨衫連褲
fleecy fabric 起絨織物
fleecy hosiery 起絨針織物
fleecy sweatshirt 衛(wèi)生絨衫
Fleetwood 弗利特伍德牌汽車
Fleisch tube 弗萊施氏管
Fleming's valve 弗來明管
flenu coal 長焰煙煤
fleroxacin 氟羅沙星
flesh tights 肉色緊身衣
flesh-coloured wool and cotton underhose 肉色毛棉長襯襪
flesher 仿麂皮皮革
fleshing machine 去肉機
fleshings 肉色緊身衣
fletazepam 氟乙西泮
fleur de jeunesse 澤納斯花綢
fleur de soie 高級絲花緞
fleur de velour 高級花絲絨
fleuret silk 繡花綢
fleuret 粗紡斜紋厚呢
flex socket 彎曲套管
flex steel tape 鋼卷尺
flex tester 彎曲試驗機
flex-combination wrenches 回旋式兩用扳手
flex-head wrench 回旋頭扳手
Flexcel 佛萊克斯賽耳合股彈力絲
Flexcrepe 佛萊克斯克萊潑彈力絲
flexi-van 可伸縮運輸車
flexibility tester 撓性測試儀
flexible armoured cable 軟鎧裝電纜
flexible armoured face conveyor 可彎曲鎧面運輸機
flexible axle 撓性軸
flexible bearing 撓性軸承
flexible bend 撓性彎管
flexible bolt with ball head 撓性球頭螺栓
flexible booster autopilot 柔性助準器自動駕駛儀
flexible boring machine 撓性鏜孔機
flexible cable 軟電纜
flexible condiut 軟管
flexible conduit joint 蛇皮管接頭
flexible connector 撓性連接器
flexible cord 花線
flexible coupling 彈性聯(lián)軸節(jié)
flexible desk lamp 軟桿臺燈
flexible disk 軟磁盤
flexible electrode 軟焊條
flexible electron multiplicator 撓性電子倍增器
flexible fiber scope 柔性纖維鏡
flexible foam 彈性泡沫塑料
flexible fuel tank 軟燃油箱
flexible graphite 柔性石墨
flexible hacksaw blade 撓性鋼鋸條
flexible harrow 撓性鏈齒耙
flexible head coupler 活頭車鉤
flexible hose covered with plastic film 包塑軟管
flexible hose machine tool working lamp 軟管機床工作燈
flexible hose 軟管
flexible jumper 軟跳線
flexible lamp cord 電燈花線
flexible light transmitting fibre 撓性光導(dǎo)纖維
flexible light-image probe 彈性光象探索器
flexible magnetic disk machine 軟磁盤機
flexible manufacturing cell 柔性制造單元
flexible metal conduit 金屬軟管
flexible metal hose 軟鋼管
flexible metal tube 柔性金屬管
flexible micanite sheet 軟云母片
flexible neoprene bellow 氯丁橡膠波紋管
flexible oil pipeline 軟質(zhì)輸油管線
flexible paddle pump 柔性葉片泵
flexible pipe 蛇管
flexible plastic disc 軟塑料盤
flexible plastics 軟質(zhì)塑料
flexible polyurethane foam 軟質(zhì)聚氨酯泡沫塑料
flexible printed circuit board 柔性印刷電路板
flexible resistor 撓性電阻器
flexible roller 彈簧滾柱
flexible rotor vibration control system 柔性轉(zhuǎn)子振動控制系統(tǒng)
flexible rubber hose 軟膠管
flexible rubber joint 撓性橡膠接頭
flexible rubber-insulated wire 橡膠絕緣軟線
flexible rule 卷尺
flexible shaft grinder 軟軸砂輪機
flexible shaft pipe cleaner 軟軸洗管器
flexible shaft type level controller 撓性軸式液位控制器
flexible shaft vibrator 軟軸振搗器
flexible shaft 撓性軸
flexible shirt 柔性襯衫
flexible spindle 彈性錠子
flexible spline 柔性曲線規(guī)
flexible steel cable 軟鋼絲繩
flexible steel wire rope 柔軟鋼索
flexible stranded wire 軟性絞合線
flexible table lamp 軟桿臺燈
flexible tool system 柔性刀具系統(tǒng)
flexible transducer 彎曲換能器
flexible tube filling machine 軟管灌裝機
flexible tube valve 撓性管閥
flexible turning cell 柔性車削單元
flexible unsaturated polyester resin 柔性不飽和聚酯樹脂
flexible water delivery tank 軟體運水罐
flexible water storage tank 軟體儲水罐
flexible waveguide 柔性波導(dǎo)管
flexible wire for electric welding 電焊軟線
flexible wire rope 軟鋼絲繩
flexible-mounted engine 安裝在彈性座墊上的發(fā)動機
flexible-shaft centrifugal compressor 撓性軸離心式壓縮機
fleximesh 正反線圈交替針織物
flexing machine 彎曲試驗機
flexiplastics 柔性塑料
flexographic ink 苯胺印刷油墨
flexographic printing machine 苯胺印刷機
flexometer 曲率計
flexoplate monitor 撓曲板監(jiān)測器
flexoplate 撓曲板
flexowriter 多功能打字機
flexural spring 彎曲彈簧
flick knife 彈簧折刀
flicker photometer 閃爍光度計
flicker relay 閃光繼電器
flickering lamp 閃光燈
flight analyzer 飛行分析器
flight auger 鏈動螺鉆
flight chain conveyor 鏈紐式輸送機
flight command indicator 飛行命令指示器
flight computer 飛行計算機
flight control display 飛行控制顯示器
flight control unit 飛行控制器
flight conveyor 刮板運輸器
flight data recorder 飛行數(shù)據(jù)記錄器
flight deck seat 駕駛艙座椅
flight director 飛行指揮儀
flight gyroscope 飛行陀螺儀
flight indicator 陀螺地平儀
flight jacket 飛行員茄克
flight monitor 飛行監(jiān)測器
flight navigator 飛行導(dǎo)航儀
flight path computer 飛行航線計算機
flight path deviation indicator 飛行航線偏差指示器
flight path planning equipment 飛行路線計劃設(shè)備
flight path recorder 飛行航線記錄器
flight path selector 飛行航線選擇器
flight recorder 飛行自動記錄儀
flight simulator 飛行摸擬器
flight speed indicator 飛行速度指示器
flight style horsehide jacket 飛行式馬皮茄克
flight-light lamp bulb 機上照明燈泡
flimsy material 薄織物
flinger 拋油環(huán)
flint ball 燧石球
flint block 燧石塊
flint brick 堅硬磚
flint chippings 燧石渣
flint clay 硬質(zhì)耐火土
flint coloured paper 彩色蠟光紙
flint glass paper 粗砂紙
flint glass 燧石玻璃
flint glazed board 蠟光紙板
flint glazed card 蠟光卡紙
flint glazing machine 磨光機
flint optical glass 火石光學(xué)玻璃
flint paper 蠟光紙
flint powder 燧石粉
flint products 燧石制品
flint 燧石
flint-coated paper 蠟光紙
flint-glass prism 火石玻璃棱鏡
flint-glazed paper 蠟光紙
flip coil 反位線圈
flip flop 觸發(fā)器
flip skirt 不分前后身的裙子
flip-chip bonder 倒裝式焊接器
flip-flop counter 觸發(fā)計數(shù)器
flip-flop frequency divider 觸發(fā)電路分頻器
flip-flop generator 雙穩(wěn)態(tài)觸發(fā)器
flip-flop multivibrator 雙穩(wěn)態(tài)多諧振蕩器
flip-flop register 觸發(fā)式寄存器
flippy skirt 拋式裙
Flisca 弗利斯卡粘膠短纖維
Flit MLO 幼蚊油
flitch beam 組合板梁
flitch girder 組合板大梁
flitch plate 組合板
flitch trussed beam 組合桁架梁
flitch 貼板
flitter gold 黃銅箔
flix courts 亞麻平布
Flixor 弗利克索爾聚酰胺纖維
Flixweed tansymustard seed 播娘蒿籽
float arm 浮子臂
float ball level meter 浮球液面計
float barograph 浮子氣壓記錄儀
float bowl 浮筒
float controlled valve 浮子控制閥
float controller 浮子調(diào)節(jié)器
float gauge 浮子式液位表
float glass 浮法玻璃
float governor 浮子調(diào)節(jié)器
float hinge pin 浮子絞鏈銷
float level gauge 浮子液位測量儀
float level indicator 浮子液位指示器
float level meter 浮子液位計
float line roller 浮子繩滾筒
float manometer-type flow indicator 浮子壓力計式流量指示表
float manometer-type flow recorder 浮子壓力計式流量記錄儀
float mareograph 浮式自記潮汐儀
float meter 浮尺
float needle valve 浮子針閥
float operated explosion-proof mercury switch 浮子操動防爆水銀開關(guān)
float relay for transformer 變壓器浮子繼電器
float ring 浮動環(huán)
float selecting engine 浮選機
float switch 浮動開關(guān)
float tester 浮子測定器
float type area flowmeter 浮子式面積流量計
float type flow meter 浮子式流量計
float type gauge 浮標式測量儀
float type gyroscope 懸浮陀螺儀
float type level controller 浮子式液面控制器
float type level gauge 浮子式液位計
float type pneumatic measuring instrument 浮子式氣動測量儀
float type pressure differentiator 浮子式差壓機
float type pressure gauge 浮子式壓力計
float type rain gauge 浮筒式雨量器
float type tank gauge 浮子式油罐液面計
float valve 浮子閥
float valve-sieve tray 浮閥-篩孔塔盤
float viscometer 浮子粘度計
float water level indicator 浮子水位指示器
float 浮子
float-actuated level controller 浮子式液位控制器
float-actuated liquid level detector 浮子式液位檢測器
float-actuated recording liquid level instrument 浮子式液位記錄儀
float-cage type gauge 浮動箱式液位計
float-operated hydraulic level gauge 浮球傳動式液位計
float-operated valve 浮球閥
float-plane 水上飛機
float-point computer 浮點計算機
float-type limnimeter 浮式自動湖泊水位計
float-type liquidometer 浮子式液位計
float-type manometer 浮子式壓力計
float-type pneumatic water feeder 浮子式氣壓加水器
float-type specific gravity meter 浮子式比重計
float-type tide gauge 浮子式驗潮儀
float-type water-level recorder 浮式自記水位儀
floatation balance 浮力秤
floatation machine 浮選機
floated  gyroscope 懸浮式陀螺儀
floated-rate gyroscope 懸浮速率陀螺儀
floater 浮筒
floating accumulator 浮點累加器
floating action type servomotor 浮動式伺服電動機
floating axle shaft 浮動軸
floating axle 全浮式半軸
floating ball standard pressure generator 浮球式標準壓力發(fā)生器
floating battery 浮充電池組
floating bearing 浮動軸承
floating bell manometer 浮鐘壓力計
floating bell pressure gauge 浮鐘式壓力計
floating carrier amplifier 浮動載波放大器
floating carrier transmitter 浮動載波發(fā)射機
floating container of metal 金屬浮動容器
floating controller 無靜差控制器
floating conveyor 浮動式輸送機
floating crane 浮筒起重機
floating cutterbar 浮動式切割器
floating derrick 水上吊機
floating die press 彈簧模壓機
floating disc 浮動盤
floating dredger 浮動式挖泥船
floating drift klystron 漂移速調(diào)管
floating drift tube 浮動漂移管
floating drilling platform 浮式鉆井平臺
floating drilling rig 浮式鉆井裝置
floating drilling system 浮式鉆井系統(tǒng)
floating driver 水上打樁機
floating drum thermal transfer machine 浮筒加熱式轉(zhuǎn)移印花機
floating electrode 浮動電極
floating elevator 浮動式升降機
floating floor 浮動地板
floating gantry 龍門浮吊
floating grab dredger 抓斗式挖泥船
floating level transducer 浮式液位傳感器
floating lever 浮動桿
floating mine 浮動水雷
floating oil production platform 浮式采油平臺
floating oil production system 浮式采油系統(tǒng)
floating pile driver 水上打樁機
floating pilot lamp 浮動信號燈
floating piston pin 浮動活塞銷
floating platform 浮式平臺
floating plunger positioner 浮子定位器
floating point logic machine 浮點邏輯機
floating point processor 浮點處理機
floating point register 浮點寄存器
floating power feed roller 升降式喂料壓輥
floating reamer holder 浮動鉸刀刀夾
floating ring 浮環(huán)
floating roof tank 浮頂罐
floating safe tap holder 浮動安全絲錐夾頭
floating scale lever 浮秤杠桿
floating sheerleg 人字式浮吊
floating skimmer 浮式撇取器
floating sleeve 浮動套管
floating soap 浮水皂
floating spring 浮動彈簧
floating switch 浮動開關(guān)
floating tap chuck holder 浮動絲錐卡盤架
floating valve 浮閥
floating zenith telescope 浮動天頂儀
floating-caliper disk brake 浮動卡鉗式鋼盤制動器
floating-gate amplifier 浮柵放大器
floating-head type heat exchanger 浮頭式換熱器
floating-point adder 浮點加法器
floating-point computer 浮點計算機
floating-sleeve bearing 浮動襯套軸承
floating-test-car 浮動試驗車
floatless liquid-level controller 無浮子液面控制器
floatless pattern cloth 無虛線提花織物
flocculant 絮凝劑
flocculating agent 絮凝劑
flocculator 絮凝器
flock bed pad 植絨床褥
flock carpet 植絨地毯
flock dusted paper 植絨紙
flock mattress 毛屑床墊
flock paper 毛面紙
flock printed article 植絨制品
flock printed design sweater 靜電植絨衫
flock printed sheer 植絨薄綢
Flock 弗洛克很短的粘膠短纖維
flock-inspect equipment 植絨檢驗設(shè)備
flocked fabric 植絨織物
flocked goods 植絨織物
flocked yarn 植絨紗
flocker 植絨機
flocket 大袖寬袍
flocking adhesive 靜電植絨粘合劑
flocking primer 靜電植絨底膠
flocks printed design 靜電植絨
floctafenine 氟喹氨苯酯
Floex 佛斯
Flolia Convallariae 鈴蘭葉
flong paper 紙型用紙
flood  lamp 泛光燈
flood and suction valve 注吸閥
flood light 投光燈
flooded dissolver 溢流式溶解器
flooded evaporator 溢流式蒸發(fā)器
flooded type evaporator 液流式蒸發(fā)器
flooding pipe 溢流管
flooding valve 溢流閥
floodometer 水量計
floor air conditioner 立式空調(diào)器
floor box 地板插座
floor brick 鋪地磚
floor brush 地板刷
floor charging machine 地行式裝料機
floor cleaner 地板清潔劑
floor cloth 鋪地織物
floor coating 地面涂料
floor contamination indicator 地面污染指示器
floor contamination meter 地面污染計
floor engine 扁平型發(fā)動機
floor fan 落地扇
floor glue 地板膠
floor grinder 地板磨光機
floor lamp 落地燈
floor mat 小地毯
floor model separator 落地式分離器
floor monitor 地板放射性監(jiān)測器
floor nail 地板釘
floor pattern magneto telephone switchboard 磁石落地式電話交換機
floor paving brick 鋪地磚
floor pedestal 落地式軸承臺
floor polish 地板蠟
floor polisher 地板打蠟器
floor rammer 地面夯實機
floor roller hydraulic jack 移動式液壓千斤頂
floor rug 地毯
floor sander-polisher 地板打磨器
floor sanding paper 粘砂剛紙
floor screen inlaid with carved colour wood 嵌彩木屏風
floor screen inlaid with carved soapstone 嵌青田石屏風
floor screen inlaid with carved white peachwood 嵌白桃木屏風
floor screen 屏風
floor spring 地彈簧
floor stand model dryer 落地坐架式干燥器
floor stand type electric fan 落地架式電扇
floor standing electric water heater 落地式電熱水器
floor sweeper 地面掃除器
floor tile production line 地板磚生產(chǎn)線
floor tile 地面磚
floor type borer 落地式鏜床
floor type carryall 地行式鏟運機
floor type electric fan 落地式電扇
floor type grinder 落地式砂輪機
floor type switchboard 固定式交換機
floor varnish 地板清漆
floor wax 地板蠟
floor-hopper truck 底卸式自卸汽車
floor-type guideway grinding machine 落地式導(dǎo)軌磨床
floor-type horizontal boring machine 落地臥式鏜床
floor-type lathe 落地車床
floor-type milling & boring machine 落地鏜銑床
floor-type turning machine 落地式車床
floorcovering 地板蒙布
flooring nail 地板釘
flooring paper 地毯用紙
flop-valve 瓣閥
floppy controller 軟盤控制器
floppy disc  軟盤
floppy disk controller 軟盤控制器
floppy drive 軟盤驅(qū)動器
flopropione 三羥苯丙酮
floptical drive 光軟盤驅(qū)動器
Flor linen 網(wǎng)眼亞麻布
Flora 福羅拉牌手表
floral boat 花舫
floral border blanket 花邊氈
floral embroidery blouse 繡花上衣
floral fancy woven cotton spread 錦花棉織床罩
floral lustre 花絹
floral paint suede shoes 描花麂皮皮鞋
floral print coverall apron 印花全身圍裙
floral print gown 印花長衫
floral print skirt 印花布裙
floral rug 織花氈
floral sateen ticking 花緞床單布
floral satin 花緞
florantyrone 夫洛梯隆
Florel 乙烯利
florence fennel 甘茴香
florence silk 弗洛倫斯絲里子綢
Florencol 抑草丁
florentine twill 弗洛倫廷有光輕薄斜紋
florentine 弗洛倫廷厚綢
floret linen 純棉網(wǎng)眼織物
floret silk 優(yōu)級絹絲
floret yarn 絹棉混紡紗
floret 絹絲
floretta 漂白細亞麻平布
Florian Aska 弗洛里安-阿斯卡牌汽車
Florida water perfume 佛羅里達花露水香精
Florida water 佛羅里達香水
Florimont 福羅里夢牌手表
Florocid 氟化鈉
Florodor cloth 棉毛平紋薄呢
Flos Albiziae 合歡花
Flos Buddlejae 蒙花
Flos Carthami 紅花
Flos Chrysanthemi 菊花
Flos Citri Sarcodactyli 佛手花
Flos Daphnis Genkwae 芫花
Flos et Semen Celosiae 雞冠花
Flos Farfarae 款冬花
Flos Hibisci Mutabilis 芙蓉花
Flos Imperatae 白茅花
Flos Inulae 旋復(fù)花
flos ionicerae and fructus forsythiae infusion for detoxication 銀翹解毒沖劑
flos ionicerae and radix scutellariae composite oral liquid 復(fù)方銀黃口服液
Flos Lablab 扁豆花
Flos Longan 龍眼花
Flos lonicerae 金銀花
Flos Magnoliae Liliflorae 辛夷花
Flos Mume 臘梅花
Flos Rhododendri 鬧羊花
Flos Sophorae 槐花米
Flos Tiliae 椴樹花
floss silk quilt 絲錦棉被
floss silk 繡花絲線
floss thread 松軟亞麻線
floss 緒絲
flossy cocoon 綿繭
flotation cell 浮選槽
flotation machine 浮選機
flotation oil 浮選油
flotation washer 清洗浮選器
flotator 浮選機
Flotrol 恒電流充電機
flounce clothing 衣服飾邊
flounder in brine 咸水比目魚
flour bag cloth 面粉袋布
flour bag 面粉袋
flour blending machine 面粉混合機
flour machine 面粉機
flour mill 磨粉機
flour milling machine 磨粉機
flour mixer 和面機
flour mixing machine 和面機
flour packer 面粉裝袋機
flour sack towel 面粉袋布
flour sack 面粉袋
flour sacker 面粉裝袋機
flour sieve 面粉篩
flour stranding machine 面條機
flourescent dye 熒光染料
flourescent lamp 熒光燈
flourishing thread 繡花亞麻線
flourometer 量粉計
flow alarm recorder 流量報警記錄器
flow calibrator 流量校準儀
flow colorimeter 流動比色計
flow control and overload relief valve 流量控制過載溢流閥
flow control valve 流量控制閥
flow controller 流量調(diào)節(jié)器
flow conveyor 流化輸送機
flow counter 流速計數(shù)器
flow deflector 導(dǎo)流片
flow detector 血流探查器
flow diffuser 流量擴散器
flow divider 分流器
flow expander 流量截面擴大器
flow fan 風扇
flow feeder 流動送料機
flow field visualizer 流場顯示儀
flow gauge 流量計
flow governor 流量調(diào)節(jié)器
flow homogenizer 勻流器
flow indicating controller 流量指示控制儀
flow indicator alarm 流量指示報警器
flow indicator integrator 流量指示積算器
flow indicator 流量指示器
flow injection analyzer 流動注射分析儀
flow instrument 流量儀
flow integrator 流量積算器
flow meter 流量計
flow microfluorometer 流動顯微熒光計
flow mixer 流體混合器
flow monitor 流量監(jiān)控器
flow nozzle 流速噴嘴
flow parameter measuring instrument 流動參數(shù)測量儀
flow rate detector 流量表傳感器
flow rate indicator 流量表
flow rate meter 流速計
flow ratio controller 流量比調(diào)節(jié)器
flow reactor 流動反應(yīng)器
flow recorder controller 流量記錄控制器
flow recorder 流量記錄儀
flow regulating valve 流量調(diào)節(jié)閥
flow regulator 流量調(diào)節(jié)器
flow relay 流量繼電器
flow sensor 流量傳感器
flow straightener 整流器
flow switch 流量開關(guān)
flow table 流動性試驗臺
flow totalizer 累積流量計
flow transducer 流量傳感器
flow valve 流量閥
flow volumeter 流量容量計
flow-concentrating flowmeter 集流式流量計
flow-directed catheter 血流導(dǎo)引導(dǎo)管
flow-direction probe 流向探測器
flow-liquid alarm 液體流動報警器
flow-ratio recorder-controller 流量比記錄控制器
flow-through centrifuge 無逆流離心機
flow-through detector 流通型檢測器
flow-through hosiery boarder 流水線式襪子定形機
flowability limit testing instrument 流動性限制試驗儀
flowed-on foam backing 刮漿泡沫底布
flower and fruit of selfheal 夏枯草
flower and rockery arranged in a flower pot 盆景
flower and seed of common cock comb 中冠花
Flower Basket jelly 花籃軟糖
flower basket 花籃
flower bowl 花盆
flower bud of Japanese apricot 綠梅花
flower bud of lily magnolia 辛夷
flower bud oil 花蕾油
flower essence 香水精
flower fertilizer 花肥
flower for vases 裝飾瓶插花
flower for wedding use 結(jié)婚禮花
flower gentle 莧菜
flower insecticide 花藥
flower jacquard mittens 大花提花不分指手套
flower of broad bean 蠶豆花
flower of Chinese redbud 紫荊花
flower of Chinese scholartree 槐花
flower of fragrant plantain lily 玉簪花
flower of hollyhock 蜀葵花
flower of hyacinth bean 扁豆花
flower of hyacinth dolichos 扁豆花
flower of Japanese banana 芭蕉花
flower of Japanese honey suchle 金銀花
flower of kapok tree 木棉花
flower of kudzuvine 葛花
flower of lilac daphne 芫花
flower of official magnolia 厚樸花
flower of poplar 楊樹花
flower of silk cotton 木棉花
flower of silktree albizzia 合歡花
flower of silktree 合歡花
flower of sulphur 硫華
flower of wintersweet 臘梅花
flower pot bell shape 復(fù)線金鐘盆
flower pot coat 花盆套
flower pot for narcissus 長方水仙盆
flower pot holder 花盆套
flower pot in butterfly shape 蝶形小花盆
flower pot in goldfish shape 金魚形小花盆
flower receptacle 花插
flower satin brocade 金玉緞
flower shelf 花架
flower soil 花肥
flower tea 芽茶
flower twig clippers 花枝剪
flower twill 花綾
flower vase 花瓶
flower 花
flower-bird painting 花鳥畫
flower-carving machine 刻花機
flower-pot pedestal 花盆座
flower-stand 花臺
flowered fabric 彩色花紋織物
flowline support buoy 出油管支撐浮筒
flowmeter of pharmaceutical powder 藥物粉末流量計
flowrator 浮標式流量計
Flox 弗洛克斯粘膠短纖維
floxuridine 氟尿苷
fluanisone 氟阿尼酮
fluazacort 氟扎可松
flubanilate 氟巴尼酯
flubendazole 氟苯達唑
fluchloralin 氟消草
fluclorolone acetonide 氟氯縮松
flucloxacillin 氟氯西林
flucloxacillinum 氟氯青霉素
fluconazole 氟康唑
flucrylate 氟氰丙烯酯
fluctuation measuring meter 振幅測定儀
flucythrinate 氟氰菊酯
flucytosine 氟胞嘧啶
fludiazepam 氟地西泮
Fludo 弗留都牌手表
fludrocortisone acetate 醋酸氟氫可的松
fludrocortisone 氟氫可的松
fludroxycortide 氟氫縮松
flue cured tobacco leaf 烤煙葉
flue density meter 煙氣密度計
flue gas analyzer 煙道氣體分析器
flue gas blower 煙道氣鼓風機
flue gas boiler 煙道氣鍋爐
flue gas exhauster 抽煙氣機
flue gas fan 煙道廢氣風扇
flue gas tester 煙道氣測定器
flue-cured tobacco 烤煙
flue-cured type cigarette 烤煙型卷煙
fluenethyl 聯(lián)氟螨
fluenetil 聯(lián)氟螨
Fluenyl 聯(lián)氟螨
flufenamic acid 氟滅酸
flufenisal 氟苯沙酸
fluffer 松砂機
fluffing machine 磨里機
fluffy batt 絨毛棉胎
fluffy soda 發(fā)面堿
fluffy yarn 毛茸紗
Fluflene 弗盧弗林滌綸彈力絲
Fluflon 弗盧弗綸尼龍彈力絲
flugestone 氟孕酮
fluid  differential manometer 液體差壓表
fluid amplifier 射流放大器
fluid analogue computer 射流模擬計算機
fluid bearing 液壓軸承
fluid bed dryer 液床式烘干器
fluid bed flowmeter 流化床式流量計
fluid bed test reactor 流化床式試驗反應(yīng)器
fluid brake 液壓制動器
fluid clutch 液壓離合器
fluid computer 流體計算機
fluid conditioner 液體調(diào)節(jié)器
fluid connector 液力連接器
fluid converter 液力變換器
fluid coupling 液力聯(lián)軸節(jié)
fluid density meter 液體密度計
fluid die 液壓模
fluid differential pressure gage 液體差壓計
fluid director 導(dǎo)流器
fluid display 射流顯示器
fluid drive coupling 液壓傳動聯(lián)軸節(jié)
fluid excavator 液壓式挖掘機
fluid excluder 流體封隔器
fluid film bearing 流體膜軸承
fluid filter 液體過濾器
fluid fire extinguisher 液力滅火器
fluid flow regulator 液體流量調(diào)節(jié)器
fluid flowmeter 液體流量計
fluid gauge 流度計
fluid gyroscope 流體回旋器
fluid identification device 流體識別儀
fluid level gauge 液位計
fluid level indicator 液位指示器
fluid level measuring instrument 液體測位儀
fluid logic trigger 射流邏輯觸發(fā)器
fluid mapper 流體式制圖器
fluid memory 射流存儲器
fluid meter 粘度計
fluid microflowmeter 液體微流量計
fluid mixer 流體混合器
fluid motor 液壓發(fā)動機
fluid operated pump 水力泵
fluid oscillator 射流振蕩器
fluid packed pump 液封泵
fluid power motor 液動電機
fluid pressure sensor 流體壓力傳感器
fluid pulse converter 射流脈沖轉(zhuǎn)換器
fluid pulse generator 射流脈沖發(fā)生器
fluid pump 液壓泵
fluid rotor gyroscope 流體轉(zhuǎn)子陀螺儀
fluid sampling apparatus 流體取樣裝置
fluid sensor 液控傳感器
fluid servo-motor 液壓伺服馬達
fluid shear mill 流體剪磨機
fluid signal generator 射流信號發(fā)生器
fluid sorter 射流分類器
fluid timer 流體計時器
fluid transistor 流體晶體管
fluid wax 液體石蠟
fluid-operated controller 液體傳動控制器
fluid-state laser 流體激光器
fluid-supply suspension relay 斷流繼電器
fluidic amplifier 射流放大器
fluidic anemometer 射流風速儀
fluidic carbon content meter 射流碳量計
fluidic flowmeter 射流式流量計
fluidic level controller 射流液位控制器
fluidic rate sensor 射流速率傳感器
fluidic sensor 射流傳感器
fluidic stacked mail counter 射流層疊郵件計數(shù)器
fluidic switch 射流開關(guān)
fluidic volume flowmeter 射流體積流量計
fluidic wind sensor 射流風速傳感器
fluidics knitting machine 射流提花針織機
fluidifier 液化器
fluidimeter 流度計
fluidity meter 流度計
fluidization cooler 沸騰冷卻器
fluidized bed dryer 流化床干燥器
fluidized bed furnace 流化床加熱爐
fluidized bed incinerator 流化床焚燒爐
fluidized bed scrubber 流化床洗滌器
fluidized bed 流化床
fluidized catalyst 流化催化劑
fluidized reactor 流化反應(yīng)器
fluidizing cooler 流態(tài)化冷卻器
fluindione 氟茚二酮
flumecinol 氟美西諾
flumedroxone 氟美烯酮
flumequine 氟甲喹
flumetasone 氟米松
flumethiazide 氟甲噻嗪
flumetramide 氟甲嗎酮
flumidin 嗎啉脈
fluminorex 氟氨雷司
flumoxonide 氟甲氧縮松
flunarizine 氟桂嗪
flunisolide 氟尼縮松
flunitrazepam 氟硝西泮
flunixin 氟尼克辛
flunoxaprofen 氟諾洛芬
fluoberyllate 氟鈹酸鹽
fluoborate glass 氟硼酸玻璃
fluoborate 氟硼酸鹽
fluoboric acid 氟硼酸
fluocinolone acetonide 氟輕松
fluocinonide 氟輕松醋酸酯
fluocortin 氟可丁
fluocortolone 氟可龍
fluohydric acid 氫氟酸
fluohydrocarbon 氟代烴
fluomethane 氟代甲烷
fluometuron 伏草隆
Fluor chrome arsenate phenol 防腐鹽
fluor tester 熒光測定儀
fluor 氟
fluoracyl chloride 氟乙酰氯
fluoracyl halide 氟乙酰鹵
Fluorakil 100 氟乙酰胺
fluoranthene 熒蒽
fluorapatite cystal 氟磷酸鈣晶體
fluorapatite laser 氟磷酸鈣激光器
fluorapatite 氟磷灰石
fluorbaryt 螢石
fluorbenside 氟殺螨
fluorene 芴
Fluorenone 芴酮
fluorescein sodium 熒光素鈉
fluorescein 熒光素
fluoresceinum natricum 熒光素鈉
fluorescence analyzer 熒光分析儀
fluorescence automatic coating thickness gauge 熒光式自動鍍層測厚儀
fluorescence brightener 熒光增白劑
fluorescence bronchoscope 熒光支氣管鏡
fluorescence discharge lamp 熒光燈
fluorescence green 熒光綠
fluorescence microscope 熒光顯微鏡
fluorescence polarimeter 熒光偏振計
fluorescence red 熒光紅
fluorescence spectrometer 熒光分光計
fluorescence spectrophotometer 熒光分光光度計
fluorescence X-ray  gauge 熒光X射線測厚儀
fluorescence X-ray analyser 熒光X射線分析器
fluorescence yellow 螢光黃
fluorescent  numbering tube 熒光數(shù)碼管
fluorescent agent 熒光劑
fluorescent antibody tester 熒光抗體試驗儀
fluorescent bleaching agent 熒光增白劑
fluorescent brightener 熒光增白劑
fluorescent brightening agent 熒光增白劑
fluorescent brighters 熒光增白劑
fluorescent dye 熒光染料
fluorescent enlarger 熒光放大機
fluorescent flaw detector 熒光探傷儀
fluorescent glass 發(fā)光玻璃
fluorescent high-pressure lamp 熒光高壓燈
fluorescent ink 熒光油墨
fluorescent lamp ballast 日光燈鎮(zhèn)流器
fluorescent lamp bulb 熒光燈泡
fluorescent lamp condenser 日光燈電容器
fluorescent lamp relay 日光燈繼電器
fluorescent lamp shade 日光燈罩
fluorescent lamp stabilizer 日光燈穩(wěn)壓器
fluorescent lamp tube 熒光燈管
fluorescent lamp 熒光燈
fluorescent light ballast 日光燈鎮(zhèn)流器
fluorescent light fixture 日光燈支架
fluorescent light starter 日光燈起動器
fluorescent lighting fixture 熒光燈具
fluorescent liquid penetrant 熒光液體滲透劑
fluorescent magnetic universal flaw detector 熒光磁力萬能探傷儀
fluorescent mercury arc lamp 熒光汞弧燈
fluorescent microscope 熒光顯微鏡
fluorescent paint 熒光漆
fluorescent paper 熒光紙
fluorescent penetrant 熒光滲透劑
fluorescent phosphor lamp 磷質(zhì)熒光燈
fluorescent powder 熒光粉
fluorescent radiation detector 熒光輻射探測器
fluorescent red hunting cap 熒光紅色打獵帽
fluorescent screen 熒光屏
fluorescent source non-dispersive infrared gas analyzer 熒光源非色散紅外氣體分析儀
fluorescent tube & fixture 日光燈管及支架
fluorescent tube ballast 熒光燈鎮(zhèn)流器
fluorescent tube starter-relay 日光燈管起動器-繼電器
fluorescent tube 熒光燈管
fluorescent water colour 熒光水彩顏色
fluorescent whitening agent 熒光增白劑
fluorescent-whitened wool 熒光增白羊毛
fluorescer 熒光劑
fluorescope 熒光鏡
fluoresone 氟苯乙砜
fluorgypsum 氟石膏
fluorhydric acid 氫氟酸
fluoride glass mid-infrared fiber 氟化玻璃中紅外光纖
fluoride glass 氟化玻璃
fluoride opal glass 氟化物乳白玻璃
fluoride single crystal 氟化物單晶
fluorimeter 熒光計
fluorinated hydrocarbon 氟化烴
fluorinated paraffin 氟化鏈烷烴
fluorinated silicone rubber 氟硅橡膠
fluorinated vinylidene chloride 氟化偏氯乙烯
fluorinating agent 氟化劑
fluorine cleanup reactor 氟吸收反應(yīng)器
fluorine fluxing agent 氟熔劑
fluorine refrigerant 氟致冷劑
fluorine rubber 氟橡膠
fluorine 氟
fluorine-contained polymerisate fibre 含氟聚合物纖維
fluorine-doped silica glass fiber 摻氟石英玻璃光纖
fluorine-silica fiber 摻氟石英光纖
fluorite lens 熒石透鏡
fluorite vacuum spectrograph 熒石棱鏡真空攝譜儀
fluorite 熒石
Fluorlon 氟洛綸聚氟氯乙烯類纖維
fluormeter 氟量計
fluoro epoxy ether 環(huán)氧氟醚
fluoro gum 氟橡膠
fluoro rubber adhesive 氟橡膠膠粘劑
fluoro-acid 氟代酸
fluoro-ester 氟代酯
fluoro-ether 氟代醚
fluoro-propane 氟代丙烷
fluoro-protein foamite 氟蛋白泡沫滅火液
fluoro-resin 氟樹脂
fluoro-rubber 氟橡膠
Fluoroacetamide 氟乙酰胺
fluoroacetic acid 氟乙酸
fluoroacrylate cladding fiber 氟丙烯酰酯包層光纖
fluorobenzene 氟苯
fluoroboric acid 氟硼酸
fluorocarbon elastomer 氟烴彈性體
fluorocarbon fibre 碳氟纖維
fluorocarbon membrane filter 氟碳膜式過濾器
fluorocarbon oil 氟代烴油
fluorocarbon resin fibre 碳氟樹脂纖維
fluorocarbon surfactant 氟碳表面活性劑
fluorochloromethane 氟氯甲烷
fluorodifen  消草醚
fluoroethane 氟代乙烷
fluoroethyl 氟代乙酯
fluoroethylene resin 氟乙烯樹脂
fluorofibre 含氟纖維
Fluorogesarol 氟滴滴涕
fluorohydrocortisone cream 氟氫可的松霜
Fluorol 弗盧羅熒光增白劑溶劑染料
fluorometer 熒光計
fluoromethane 氟代甲烷
fluorometholone 氟甲龍
fluoromidine 唑啶草
fluoronated ethylene-propylene 全氟酸乙丙烯
fluorophosphoric acid 氟磷酸
fluorophotometer 熒光光度計
fluoroplastic film 含氟塑料薄膜
fluoroplastics 氟塑料
fluoropolymer insulated cable 氟聚合物絕緣光纜
fluoropolymer resin 氟聚合物樹脂
fluoroprint 熒光印痕器
fluoroscope 熒光鏡
fluoroscopic image intensifier 熒光圖象增強器
fluoroscopic screen with lead glass 附鉛玻璃熒光屏
fluorosilicic acid 氟硅酸
Fluorosol 弗盧羅索熒光增白劑
fluorospectrophotometer 熒光分光光度計
fluorothene level glass 聚三氟氯乙烯液位計
fluorotitanate-treated wool 酞酸氟處理的毛織品
fluorotoluence 氟代甲苯
fluorouracil 氟尿嘧啶
fluorozirconate type optical fiber 氟化鋯基光纖
Fluorparacide 氟殺螨
fluorspar lump 氟石塊
fluorspar powder 熒石粉
fluorspar 氟石
fluortrichloromethane 一氟三氯甲烷
fluorwhite 熒光增白劑
Fluorwhitehao 友好熒光增白劑
fluosilicate 氟硅酸鹽
fluosilicic acid 氟硅酸
fluospar 氟石
Fluotec 弗洛特克式溫度補償汽化器
Fluotex 弗盧太克斯熒光增白劑
fluotracene 氟曲拉新
fluoxetine 氟西汀
fluoxymesterone 氟甲睪酮
flupentixol 氟哌噻噸
fluperacid 氟哌酸
fluperamide 氟哌醇胺
fluperolone 氟培龍
fluphenazine decanoate 氟非那嗪癸酸酯
fluphenazine 氟奮乃靜
flupirtine 氟吡汀
fluprednidene 氟潑尼定
fluprednisolone 氟潑尼龍
fluprofen 氟洛芬
fluproquazone 氟丙喹宗
fluprostenol 氟前列醇
fluquazone 氟喹宗
flurazepam 氟西泮
flurbiprofen 氟比洛芬
flurecol butyl 抑草丁
flurenol 抑草丁
fluretofen 氟瑞托芬
flurocytosin 氟胞嘧啶
Flurosulphacide 氟殺螨
flurotyl 氟替爾
fluroxene 氟乙烯醚
flusalan 氟沙侖
flush bolt 埋頭螺栓
flush cistern 廁所水箱
flush coater 噴灑機
flush deck barge pump 平甲板駁抽水泵
flush deck vessel 平甲板船
flush head rivet 平頭鉚釘
flush joint casing 平接式套管
flush mica commutator 平面云母換向器
flush nut 平頂螺母
flush pipe 沖刷管
flush plug receptacle 埋入式插座
flush pump gauge 水泵表
flush rivet 平頭鉚釘
flush snap-switch 埋裝式活動開關(guān)
flush switch 埋入式開關(guān)
flush trimmer 平整器
flush type meter 嵌入式儀表
flush type push button 嵌入式按鈕
flush type receptacle 埋入式插座
flush type switch 嵌入式開關(guān)
flush welder 平焊機
flush-cutting hacksaw with plastic handle 塑柄平頭鋼鋸
flush-cutting saw with wooden handle 木柄平頭鋸
關(guān)鍵詞: 進出口 專業(yè) 詞匯(F3)


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