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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2011-09-24
核心提示:?jiǎn)栆幌掠植粫?huì)死 You won’t die for asking. 你有沒(méi)有在聽(tīng)啊Have you been listening? 跟你有什么關(guān)系What’s it to you? 給我滾! 閃一邊去! Get out of here! Out of my way!

447.什么事那么好笑? What’s so funny?

448.不要告訴別人喔! Don’t tell anyone!

449.你憑什么指使我? What right do you have to tell me what to do?

450.不要再找借口了! Stop looking for excuses.

451.果然不出我所料。 Just what I thought.

452.夠了,不要再說(shuō)了! Enough! I don’t want to hear it!

453.怎么不說(shuō)你自己? Look who’s talking!

454.我還會(huì)不知道嗎? Wouldn’t I know?

455.現(xiàn)實(shí)總是殘酷的。 The truth hurts.

456.嘴巴放干凈一點(diǎn)! Wash your mouth out with soap!

457.沒(méi)有其他可能了。 There’s no other way.

458. 不然這樣好不好? How about this instead?

459. 不要緊,沒(méi)什么事。 Don’t worry! It’s nothing.

460. 怎樣? 我沒(méi)說(shuō)錯(cuò)吧! What? I’m right, aren’t I?

461. 我指使鬧著玩的。 I’m just kidding.

462. 這是命運(yùn)的安排。 This is destiny.

463. 一個(gè)巴掌拍不響。 It takes two to tango.

464. 你竟敢放我鴿子! How dare you stand me up!

465. 你以為現(xiàn)在幾點(diǎn)? What time do you think it is?

466. 怎么那么死腦筋? How can you be so stubborn?

467. 你會(huì)死得很難看。 You’ll die a horrible death.

468. 這事就交給我吧。 Leave it up to me!

469. 好好考慮一下吧! Think it over!

470. 別管我!不要理我! Leave me alone!

471. 你死了這條心吧! Give it up.

472. 你在玩什么把戲? What are you trying to pull?

473. 你在開(kāi)我玩笑吧? You’re kidding, right?

474. 至少大家都沒(méi)事。 At least everyone’s all right.

475. 你有沒(méi)有良心? Don’t you have a heart?

476. 自己去就好了嘛。 Just go by yourself!

477. 給我滾! 閃一邊去! Get out of here! Out of my way!

478. 抱歉讓你久等了。 Sorry to keep you waiting.

479. 別誤會(huì)我的意思。 Don’t take it the wrong way. Don’t get me wrong.

480. 你今天不太對(duì)勁。 You’re not yourself today.

481. 跟你有什么關(guān)系? What’s it to you?

482. 你再說(shuō),我打你喔! Say it again, and I’ll give you a beating!

483.你們長(zhǎng)得好像喔。 You look alike!

484.走,我請(qǐng)你喝一杯! Let’s go. I’ll buy you a drink.

485.喲!看看是誰(shuí)來(lái)啦? Oh! Look who’s coming?

486.我說(shuō)真的,不騙你。 I’m telling the truth. I’m not lying.

487.你就直話直說(shuō)吧! Just tell it like it is.

488.問(wèn)一下又不會(huì)死。 You won’t die for asking.

489.我想請(qǐng)你幫個(gè)忙。 Could you do me a favor?

490.你有沒(méi)有在聽(tīng)? Have you been listening?

491.也可以這么說(shuō)啦! You could say that too.

492.到時(shí)候就知道了。 I’ll know when the time comes.

493. 好戲還在后頭呢! You ain’t seen nothin’ yet!

494. 忘恩負(fù)義的家伙! Ingrate!

495.你太得寸進(jìn)尺了。 I give you an inch and you take a yard.
注:表示不知分寸,愛(ài)占便宜。也可說(shuō):“I gave him an inch and he wanted to take a mile.”

496.好戲就要開(kāi)鑼嘍。 Good things have just begun!

497.我也無(wú)話可說(shuō)了。 I’m speechless.

498. 這真是人間美味。 This food is out of this world.
注:這句話不只形容食物好吃,也可形容人或東西好的不得了。例如: “ The car is out of this world.” (這車實(shí)在是炫斃了)

499.干嘛神秘兮兮的? Why so mysterious?

500.別再婆婆媽媽了! Stop being so indecisive!

501.身在福中不知福。 Take it for granted.
E.g. A: You should appreciate the fact that you have parents who love you. Don’t take it for granted.

502. 嗨! 我們又見(jiàn)面了。 Hey, we meet again!




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