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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2010-02-12
核心提示:Habit is habit and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step at a time. - Mark Twain 習慣就是習慣,誰也不能將其扔出窗外,只能一步一步地引它下樓。 ---馬克。吐溫 Let's be honest: Losing weight isn't the easiest thing i

    Habit is habit and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step at a time. - Mark Twain

    習慣就是習慣,誰也不能將其扔出窗外,只能一步一步地引它下樓。 ---馬克。吐溫

    Let's be honest: Losing weight isn't the easiest thing in the world. All our best intentions end up doing nothing.


    And I've tried just about every diet plan out there, from the various low-carb diets to Weight Watchers (which isn't bad, actually) to the Abs Diet to Slim Fast to low-calorie to low-fat and more. I've tried a bunch of exercise programs too, believe me.


    My weight-loss efforts these last couple of years have been hit-and-miss, as I've struggled to find something that works for me. Recently, I think I've been hitting upon some pretty simple concepts that really work, for me at least.


    You might have read the Zen Habits Meal Plan, which is actually a pretty good plan. But let me take some of those concepts and simplify them a little more, for some (almost) easy ways to beat your weight-loss struggles. These are mostly the same concepts, but I'm reporting what has been working for me as I experiment with the meal plan.

    也許你看過《Zen Habits食譜》--它確實是一本不錯的書。但我還是想用我領悟到的觀念把它簡化一下,這樣能讓你在減肥的時候少做些掙扎。這些觀念大多是相似的,但是我會用我親身體驗這個食譜的感受,來說明一下它們都是怎么樣在我身上起作用的。

    Let me be honest again: even with the concepts below, weight loss isn't going to be easy. But at least these tools will make it a little easier, a little simpler, and they really do work.


    I've lost 15 pounds in the last few months, which isn't rapid weight loss but is actually a very healthy rate of loss. I recommend gradual weight loss for everyone. At the rate I'm going, you can lose 50 pounds a year. I don't need to lose 50 pounds anymore (I did at one time, but only have about 20 pounds to go), but after I lose the rest of the unwanted bodyfat, I'm going to focus more on building a little muscle (something I'm actually doing now but it's not my main focus).


    Never eat more than you can lift. - Miss Piggy

    永遠不要吃到讓你都走不動。 --佩吉小姐

    1. Focus on gradual loss.

    I mentioned this above, but it's important. Too many people focus on trying to lose weight fast - 10 pounds in 4 weeks, 20 pounds in 2 months, etc. It's not healthy, and it doesn't work, because even if you are able to lose that much weight that fast, you haven't learned sustainable eating habits that will last you a lifetime. The key is to figure out an eating pattern than will work for you for the rest of your life. Again, if you focus on losing 1-2 pounds per week, you will lose between 50-100 pounds per year. You just have to be willing to wait a year, but trust me, a year goes by pretty fast these days (I think it's inflation or something).

    1. 循序漸進地減少體重。

    前面我提到過這一點,那是因為它太重要了。太多的人都追求快速減肥--4周減 10磅,2個月減20磅,等等。這樣做不僅不健康,而且沒有太大的作用,因為即使你能夠很快地減掉那么多體重,你也沒有學會可以受用終生的可持續(xù)的飲食習慣。所以,關鍵是能找到一種飲食方式,能讓你在你以后的生活中一直受益。再說一次,如果你能認真地花一周時間減掉1-2磅,那你一年之內就能減掉50- 100磅。你只需要花一年的時間來等待結果,但是相信我,現在的一年過得是很快的(我想是通貨膨脹或者其它的原因吧).

    2. Focus on nutrition.

    Exercise is important. You have to do it. It has wonderful benefits. But if your focus is on weight loss, the most important factor is what you eat. Don't ignore exercise, by any means, but if you focus on exercise and think you can eat whatever you want, you're wrong. You have to focus on nutrition (what you eat) and use exercise as a way to supplement the calorie burn and to get your body looking how you want it to look (not to mention as a key way to get healthy and feel great).



    The reason: you can change how many calories you take in to a much greater degree than you can change how many calories you burn. Thirty minutes of exercise, for example, can burn less than a medium McDonald's fries. Lose the fries, and you've done in a few seconds what would take 30 minutes of exercise to accomplish.


    3. Become aware of your hunger.

    This is one of the key things I've been learning. Many times we are not conscious of how hungry we are. We ignore our bodies because we're too busy thinking about other things. As a result, we only eat when we're famished, and that's not a good time to eat, because you don't make healthy eating decisions when you're super hungry. Your blood-sugar level is too low, and your body just wants a quick sugar fix - a donut or some cookies or white bread or a Coke will be much more appealing than a salad or healthy sandwich on whole grain bread.



    Learn to listen to your body, and be aware of your hunger when it's in its early stages. This is a key skill to weight loss, something the other plans don't tell you about. They tell you what to eat and when, but don't teach you how to use your body's signals to learn to eat healthier.


    4. Eat when you're hungry, not famished.

    When you first feel the hunger, that's when to eat. Don't put it off until the hunger builds into an insatiable monster. When you start to get a little hungry, eat a snack. You don't need to eat a full-on meal … just some fruit, some crackers, maybe some low-fat dairy (cheese or yogurt or cottage cheese - although I prefer soy yogurt), oatmeal, some nuts, dried fruit, etc. Just something to tide you over until you feel hungry again, or until you can eat a bigger meal. Keep healthy snacks at your desk or in your car or wherever you go. I like to pack some in the morning.



    The corollary to this is to also allow yourself to eat what you crave. I know this is contrary to most advice, but I've found that it's important to listen to your body … not only when your body is hungry, but when your body is craving a specific food. I've also found that often your body just wants a taste of that food (see No. 13 below) and if you give your body what it wants, and really pay attention to the taste and texture of the food and how you feel after you eat it, you will probably crave that food less and less.


    5. Learn to eat until satiated.

    Again, pay attention to your body as you eat. If you eat mindlessly, you will most likely overeat. You'll just keep cramming food into yourself until you've eaten too much. We've all felt the pain of being overstuffed. Don't allow that to happen - be mindful of your eating, and of your hunger.



    A good habit to build is to eat slowly … and take pauses, so you can think about whether you're really still hungry … and drink lots of water during those pauses. This style of eating will allow you to stop eating when you're satiated (when your hunger is satisfied, not when you're stuffed) and allow you to be satiated by eating less. It's not easy at first, but once you've practiced it for a week or two, it will make a huge difference in the amount you eat.


    Another thing: before you go back for seconds, stop and take a break for a few minutes. Drink some water, talk to somebody, ready, go do something, clean the kitchen a little. Whatever it takes. Often you'll find that you really didn't need the seconds. And then you've saved yourself a few hundred calories.


關鍵詞: 忠告 減肥


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