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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2009-11-16
核心提示:I Lost My Job! Should I Start a Business 我丟了自己的工作,我該創(chuàng)業(yè)嗎? I get a lot of email that starts, I just lost my job! Somewhere in eachemail, the writer goes on to ask, How do I start a business? 我收到很多郵件,開(kāi)頭都是說(shuō)我丟了工作,然后在郵

    I Lost My Job! Should I Start a Business


    I get a lot of email that starts, "I just lost my job!" Somewhere in eachemail, the writer goes on to ask, "How do I start a business?"


    Morepeople are getting downsized, terminated or just plain fired all thetime. And because of the state of the economy, finding another job canbe difficult. Creating a job of your own by starting a business looksattractive when you can't find a job - or just can't stand the job youhave.


    But"How do I start a business?" is not the first question you should beasking if you're in this situation; the first question you should beasking is "Should I start a business?" Before you start thinking aboutthe different types of businesses you might start, you have to do somethinking about you.


    Startinga business is not for everyone. Being self-employed is very differentthan being an employee. And some people find it impossible to adjust tothe differences. Let's see if you have the necessary entrepreneurial mindset to become self-employed. These are the six traits that I think encapsulate the ways you have to think and behave if youwant to make a successful transition from being employed in some oneelse's business to starting a business of your own.


    1.You have to be flexible to be self-employed.


    If you start a business, you no longer have "one" job with clearly definedduties and responsibilities. You'll suddenly have multiple jobs, whichwill be often interrupted by unforeseen crises (particularly in thestartup phase). Many employees are used to having days filled withpredictable activities; many self-employed people don't.


    Andonce you start a business, there's nowhere to pass the buck. As an employee, you may be used to passing problems up along the food chain or not be very involved in decision making. As a self-employed business owner, you're the one who will have to deal with whatever the crisis isand solve the problem. You're the one who will have to make the decisions.


    2.You have to be a self-motivated initiator.


    When you're an employee, other people tell you what to do, either directlyor indirectly. You get used to having your actions directed by others.But you have to direct your own actions as a small business owner. Youcan't just sit there and hope that maybe some clients stroll in or thatsomeone will drop by out of the blue with inventory for your retailstore. No one's going to drop work on your desk or point out what needs to be done. For many people who try to become self-employed and start businesses after having a long-term full-time job, this is the hardest adjustment to make.


    3.You have to be able to recognize opportunities and go after them.


    Mostemployees do what they're assigned to do. There's someone else who's"assigned" to look out for opportunities, either a boss in a smallbusiness, or perhaps a sales department or a managerial team in a largecorporation. If you start a business, you need to be the one constantlywatching for opportunities - and be able to recognize them when you seethem. It might be a small opportunity, such as the chance to pick up anew client, or a large one, such as getting your product on the shelvesin a large retail chain, but as a small business owner, you have tokeep scanning the horizon yourself and positioning yourself to benefitfrom the opportunities that you find. As an employee, you may be usedto operating in a "head-down" position; if you're going to start abusiness and become successfully self-employed, you need to startoperating in the "head-up" position.

    Being self-employed is very different than being an employee and can be a difficult transition.


    4.When you're self-employed, you have to be able to plan ahead.


    Yourlast job may have involved no planning at all, as that was someoneelse's job. Or perhaps your job involved planning on a localized level,such as planning a particular project. If you want to start a business,you need to develop expertise in both short-term and long-range planning; it's about to become a big part of your life.


    When you start a business, one of your first tasks will be to work through abusiness plan. As your business becomes operational, you'll find thatthis plan (however detailed) needs to be revised and that other plansneed to be created, as you work towards the long-range goals thatyou've set for your business. From following someone else's plan as anemployee, you have to learn how to create the plans yourself - andadapt the plans to changing circumstances.


    5.You need to be prepared to put in a constant and consistent effort.


    We'veall seen employees who are just going through the motions, or who werejust "putting in the time" until retirement. You don't need to be aco-worker to know who these people are. As a customer or client you cantell, too. Bluntly, starting a business takes energy, and you need tobe able to give it 100 percent. You can't afford to just coast along,or go through the motions, if you're running a business. Your customerand/or clients need to know that you are devoting 100 percent of yourtalent or skill or attention to them - and will go elsewhere if theydon't feel this is the case.


    Worse, you need todeliver this constant and consistent effort without the employee safetynet. Many employees are used to being able to "call in sick" and havesomeone else cover their job, for instance. As a self-employed businessowner, you'll have to go in and give it your best effort no matter howyou feel or close up shop if you don't have employees who can fill in.You can also say goodbye to the holidays that many employees enjoy,both the annual x number of weeks and the statutory holidays, at least until your business is established to the point that you can manage your own time.


    6.You have to be able to deal with uncertainty.


    As a self-employed entrepreneur, there's no guarantee that the products orservices you offer will be in demand six months from now. There's noguarantee that your customers will pay their bills on time or even paythem at all. There's no guarantee that your current big client, whoseems to be perfectly happy with your work, won't drop you next week.There's actually no guarantee that you will make any income this monthor the month after. For many ex-employees who are used to having a paycheque arrive regularly every two weeks, the uncertainty of beingself-employed is very difficult to deal with.


    Are you still asking, "How do I start a business?" Good!Because the point of this article is not to scare you off, but to makeyou aware of how you have to readjust your thinking to make the transition from employee to self-employed business owner. Hopefully asyou read through this list of traits you need to become successfullyself-employed, you were saying to yourself, "I can do this". Because every one of the traits I've listed here is an attitude or behaviorthat can be learned, and when it comes to being self-employed,awareness is more than half the battle.


關(guān)鍵詞: 創(chuàng)業(yè)者 成功


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