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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2009-08-04
核心提示:What's in Your Future? 未來是什么樣子 I've been pondering the future since my dad took me to visit the World Future Society headquarters in Bethesda, Md., when I was 10 years old. And now that I'm a career writer, it's my job to think about what the

    What's in Your Future?


    I've been pondering the future since my dad took me to visit the World Future Society headquarters in Bethesda, Md., when I was 10 years old. And now that I'm a career writer, it's my job to think about what the workplace will look like -- and what it will demand from us -- in 2025.

    我10歲的時候,父親帶我去馬里蘭州Bethesda看"世界未來學(xué)會"(World Future Society)的總部;從此以后,我就一直對未來進(jìn)行思考,F(xiàn)在,我是一個職場專欄作家,我的工作就是思考2025年的職場將會變成什么樣子,將對我們提出怎樣的要求。

    You may not be concerned with surviving beyond the current recession, but you should be. Reinvention isn't just for people who are unhappy in their current jobs. In order to have long-term, successful careers, we all must rethink how we'll stay marketable in the future work force.


    The twin challenges that face a majority of 21st-century workers are outsourcing and automation. "If they can put your job into a manual, they will, and if your job can be done by someone cheaper in a less expensive locale, it will go away," says Seth Godin, the author of "Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us."

    21世紀(jì)的絕大多數(shù)勞動者面臨著雙重挑戰(zhàn):外包和自動化。"如果他們能把你的工作寫成操作手冊,他們一定會的;如果你的工作能被一個低成本勞動力市場的勞動者完成,那工作就會離你而去。"《部落:一呼百應(yīng)的力量》("Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us")一書的作者賽斯?高。⊿eth Godin)這樣說道。

    Close to the Customer


    The essential worker of the future will have one-on-one relationships with customers that keep them coming back.


    Mr. Godin relates the story of a local supermarket manager who was transferred and then subsequently reinstated because of a customer petition. "The people who look at every interaction as an opportunity to add value and solve problems will be the most sought-after employees in 2025," he says.

    高汀講到一個故事:有家超市的經(jīng)理被調(diào)到其他崗位工作,但隨后又被調(diào)回來了,因為顧客們寫了一份請愿書,希望他能回來。"那些利用每一個與顧客溝通的機(jī)會為他們提供附加值和解決問題的人,將是2025年企業(yè)最希望擁有的員工。" 高汀說道。

    Self-discipline and internal motivation will also be critical success factors, for the traditional office environment may largely disappear by 2025.


    Many will work remotely for a variety of organizations, and hours will depend on the geography of the team with which you're collaborating. Although technology will be available to track what you're working on and when, you'll need to be productive without the boss looking over your shoulder.


    Another requirement is comfort with rapid change and initiatives that move at the speed of the Internet. Future workers will learn a wide array of skills from strategic planning and hiring to computer programming and design and will be expected to constantly upgrade those skills. Employees of all ages and levels will contribute creative thinking and operational excellence to projects. Gatekeepers and paper pushers will no longer exist.


    Prepare for the Years Ahead


    If you're sitting in a cube, doing your work the way you've always done it, how can you prepare to have a viable career in 2025? In addition to honing your technical knowledge and functional expertise in areas like customer service, you should brainstorm ways to position yourself well in the future marketplace -- before you have to.


    "Instead of blindly doing what you're told, get in the habit of taking action that invites people to pay attention," says Mr. Godin. "Make changes to the organization that will benefit the customer, and you'll be the go-to person today and tomorrow."

    "你不能盲目去做別人交代的事,而是要養(yǎng)成一種主動讓別人來關(guān)注你的行為習(xí)慣。" 高汀說,"促成組織實現(xiàn)一些有利于顧客的變革,你就將成為現(xiàn)在和未來的職場達(dá)人。"

    For the under-40 set, a leadership-development course or two will be helpful, too. Starting in this decade, the baby boomers' retirement will leave a gaping hole in the executive ranks, and there will be opportunities for members of Generations X and Y to take on greater responsibilities.


關(guān)鍵詞: 職場 保持不敗


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