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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2009-06-05
核心提示:無論你的寵物也許是多么的可愛或者馴服,你絕不會知道牠們什么時(shí)候會顯露出牠們的動物本能。事實(shí)上,被動物咬了一口不是小事。你可能會冒像狂犬病一樣的被嚴(yán)重感染或者出血的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)。 了解有關(guān)動物咬傷時(shí)的急救步驟有助于控制這種情況?梢酝ㄟ^以下步驟處置動物的咬傷:

    1. 首先,使受害者平靜下來,讓他坐下或者躺在舒適的位置。這就限制了可能進(jìn)入血流之中的任何感染的進(jìn)展。
    2. 檢查傷口是深的或者只是輕微的劃傷。記住在照顧傷口的前后都要仔細(xì)地洗洗你的雙手。
    3. 如果傷口較小,用肥皂和溫水洗凈。在涂上消炎藥膏之后用繃帶包扎傷口以防止感染。
    4. 對于深的傷口,用干凈的繃帶/布在傷口上面施加壓力給它止血。對于嚴(yán)重的病例尋求醫(yī)療幫助。
    5. 如果有任何腫脹,裹上一條冰敷毛巾。
    6. 檢查動物的情況,看牠是一只流浪動物或者是寵物。如果牠是一只寵物,了解牠的免疫情況。知道接種的日期,這對于醫(yī)生來說是有用的信息。
    7. 如果這只動物是一只野生動物或者流浪的動物,或者是沒有沒有免疫過的,則給當(dāng)?shù)氐膭游锕芾聿块T打電話。
    8. 如果需要的話,注射一支破傷風(fēng)疫苗。通常,貓的咬傷需要抗生素。

    No matter how cute or tame your pet may be, you never know when they will come out with their animal instincts. The fact is that animals bite and getting bitten is no small matter. You might be risking any of the serious infections like rabies or bleeding.

    Having knowledge about the first aid steps in case of an animal bite will go along way in managing the situation. Go through the following steps while dealing with an animal bite:

    1. First of all calm the victim and make him sit or lie down in a comfortable position. This will restrict the progress of any possible infection that may have entered the bloodstream.

    2. Check if the wound is a deep one or just a minor scratch. Remember to wash your hands carefully before and after taking care of the wound.

    3. If the wound is minor, wash it with soap and water. Bandage the wound after applying an antibiotic cream to prevent infection.

    4. For deep wounds, apply pressure above the wound with a clean bandage/cloth to stop the bleeding. Seek medical help for a serious case.

    5. Apply ice wrapped in a towel if there is any swelling.

    6. Check the nature of the animal, if it’s pet or a stray animal. If it’s a pet, know whether it’s immunized or not. Know the date of immunization, which will be helpful information for the doctor.

    7. If the animal is a wild or stray animal or has not been immunized, call your local animal control department.

    8. Get a tetanus shot, if needed. Often, cat bite wounds need an antibiotic.

    It’s important to monitor the wound for a few days. Call for medical help if you see signs of the infection spreading.

關(guān)鍵詞: 咬傷 急救


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