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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2009-01-21
核心提示:2009 is now here and it is time to start planning for this New Year. Just what do you want from the coming year? How sure are you to achieve your New Year resolutions? Getting a fresh start with the New Year is an artificial custom - you can begin t

    2009 is now here and it is time to start planning for this New Year. Just what do you want from the coming year? How sure are you to achieve your New Year resolutions?

    Getting a fresh start with the New Year is an artificial custom - you can begin to get the life you love and live it at any time you choose. But let the first couple of weeks of January 2009 be the starting point for a new you.Envision yourself at the end of the year and describe at least 3 achievements you would like to have achieved to make you feel that 2009 had been a successful one.

    Maybe this year you are going to find work that you love. Or you may want to excel even more at the job you love. How about getting a good balance between your work and leisure time? What about galvanising your financial situation? How about finding and committing to a dream relationship?

    How can you make the most of your life through the so-called credit crunch?

    Get motivated right now to make the most of 2009 and indeed the rest of your life. Believe in yourself. Know that you can do and have anything you want. Ooze with self belief and others too will believe in you. Go all out for it in 2009!

    Here are some tips to help you achieve your goals and to make 2009 your best year ever.

    1. Spend some quality time on your own and reflect on your goals in all areas of your life – short, medium and long term. Write these down – you increase your chances of materialising them, once written down. Be very specific, and as descriptive as you can.

    2. Write down your three main goals in big bold letters and hang up next to your bedside, in the kitchen, by your pc, etc. Having them visible like this keeps in the forefront of your mind exactly what you need to achieve by when, and what you must do to make it happen.

    3. Identify quickly the key steps in the first three months of 2009 to move you towards your goals. Make the steps realistic for the time frame, but ones that stretch you at the same time. Track your progress on a regular basis, maybe on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.

    4. Create an action plan and take regular action. Start today and if possible, start right away. Take that first step – you will immediately generate a lot of enthusiasm & confidence in this and other areas of your life. Do not wait around to be inspired – just get on with doing things, even if it is a small step and that will lead to further steps.

    5. Look at your life in a new way. For example, plan to make all the money you need in 2009 within the first six months. Develop a new theme for the year such as making it “debt free” or “most chilled out ever”. At the same time, ensure you give yourself enough nurturing time – book your holidays right now and plan to spend quality weekends with your loved ones.

    6. Let go of things that drain you. Look at those situations, places, people or anything else that drain your energy, and eliminate them gradually.

    7. Establish a support team around you. Make yourself accountable to someone who resonates with your goals and will support you in achieving them. Find like minded people - and develop powerful, supportive and energising relationships. This may require you to upgrade your friends and build new relationships.

    8. Learn from your role models. Emulate those who have already achieved what you are aspiring to. Apply their lessons and principles to yourself, and thereby fast track your achievements in 2009.

    9. Spruce up your image. Look at everything about you such as your clothes, haircut and other things about your personal brand. Start giving the impression of being successful and you will be during the course of 2009.

    v10. Keep your cool and chill out. You may get overwhelmed at times and find that there is just not sufficient time for everything. Review your commitments and priorities and refocus on the most important steps.

    11. Celebrate your successes. Acknowledge yourself and know that you are doing really well. Reward and pamper yourself. Choose to celebrate in the best way for you.

    12. Find ways to excel and to improve yourself. There are numerous self help resources around you such as books, magazines, websites and so on. Make 2009 the year that you evolve, grow and fulfil your potential.

    Most importantly remember at all times to be kind and gentle with yourself in 2008. Have patience and let your life unfold like a budding flower. Laugh a lot – after all life is meant to be fun. Develop a sense of humour and do not take life so seriously.

    It is never too late or too early to have a great year. Start 2009 the way you want to carry on during the rest of the year.

    I wish you all a fabulous New Year. Make 2009 your best year ever. Get the life you love and live it – you know you deserve it.

    Here are my final words for you to inspire you in 2009 - and for the rest of your life:-

    “Remember that your life counts – and make it count. You are unique. There is no one like you on this planet. Never has been and never will be.

    Do not sell your self short. Do not sell the world short. This is your life – love it, live it. One life, one chance – grab it.

    Get the life you love – and live it.”



























關鍵詞: 2009年 最好 方法


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