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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2005-10-14

  1. I very like it
   I like it very much.
  2. 這個(gè)價(jià)格對(duì)我挺合適的。
  The price is very suitable for me.
   The price is right.
 。危铮簦澹簊uitable(合適的、相配的)最常見的用法是以否定的形式出現(xiàn)在告示或通知上,如:下列節(jié)目?jī)和灰。The following programme is not suitable for children在這組句子中用后面的說法會(huì)更合適。
  3. 你是做什么工作的呢?What’s your job?
   Are you working at the moment?
 。危铮簦澹簑hat’s your job這種說法難道也有毛病嗎?是的。因?yàn)槿绻恼勗拰?duì)象剛剛失業(yè),如此直接的問法會(huì)讓對(duì)方有失面子,所以您要問:目前您是在上班嗎?Are you working at the moment?接下來您才問:目前您在哪兒工作呢?Where are you working these days?或者您從事哪個(gè)行業(yè)呢?What line of work are you in?順帶說一下,回答這類問題時(shí)不妨說得具體一點(diǎn),不要只是說經(jīng)理或者秘書
  4. 用英語怎么說?How to say?
  How do you say this in English?
 。危铮簦澹篐ow to say是在中國(guó)最為泛濫成災(zāi)的中國(guó)式英語之一,這決不是地道的英語說法。同樣的句子有:請(qǐng)問這個(gè)詞如何拼寫?How do you
spell that please?請(qǐng)問這個(gè)單詞怎么讀?How do you pronounce this word?
  5. 明天我有事情要做。I have something to do tomorrow?
   Sorry but I am tied up all day tomorrow.
  用I have something to do來表示您很忙,這也完全是中國(guó)式的說法。因?yàn)槊繒r(shí)每刻我們都有事情要做,躺在那里睡大覺也是事情。所以您可以說我很忙,脫不開身:I’m tied up.還有其他的說法:I’m I can’t make it at that time. I’d love to, but I can’t, I have to stay at home.
  6. 我沒有英文名。I haven’t English name.
   I don’t have an English name.
  明白道理是一回事,習(xí)慣是另一回事,請(qǐng)您再說幾話:我沒有錢;I don’t have any money.我沒有兄弟姐妹;I don’t have any brothers or sisters.我沒有車。I don’t have a car.
  7. 我想我不行。I think I can’t.
    I don’t think I can.
  8. 我的舞也跳得不好。I don’t dance well too.
    I am not a very good dancer either.
 。危铮簦澹寒(dāng)我們說不擅長(zhǎng)做什么事情的時(shí)候,英語里面通常用not good at something,英語的思維甚至直接踴躍到:我不是一個(gè)好的舞者。
  9. 現(xiàn)在幾點(diǎn)鐘了?What time is it now?
    What time is it, please?
 。危铮簦澹篧hat time is it now這是一個(gè)直接從漢語翻譯過的句子,講英語的時(shí)候沒有必要說now,因?yàn)槟豢赡軉杦hat time was it
yesterday, 或者what time is it tommorow?所以符合英語習(xí)慣的說法是:請(qǐng)問現(xiàn)在幾點(diǎn)了?還有一種說法是:How are we doing for time?這句話在有時(shí)間限制的時(shí)候特別合適
  10. 我的英語很糟糕。My English is poor.
   I am not 100% fluent, but at least I am improving.
 。危铮簦澹河腥碎_玩笑說,全中國(guó)人最擅長(zhǎng)的一句英文是:My English is poor.實(shí)話說,我從來沒有遇到一個(gè)美國(guó)人對(duì)我說:My Chinese is
poor. 無論他們的漢語是好是壞,他們會(huì)說: I am still having a few problem, but I getting better.
  當(dāng)您告訴外國(guó)人,您的英語很poor,so what(那又怎么樣呢),是要讓別人當(dāng)場(chǎng)施舍給我們一些英語呢,還是說我的英語不好,咱們不談了吧。
  我堅(jiān)信,先不談別的,如果您現(xiàn)在就苦下功夫,把這本薄薄的《英語54321》吃通吃透,您的英語水平立即就會(huì)迅速的提高。所以您再也不用說:我的英語很poor. 您可以實(shí)事求事地說,我的英語還不算十分流利,但至少我在進(jìn)步。
  11. 你愿意參加我們的晚會(huì)嗎?Would you like to join our party on Friday?
    Would you like to come to our party on Friday night?
 。危铮簦澹簀oin往往是指參加俱樂部或者協(xié)會(huì),如:join a health club; join the Communist Party.事實(shí)上,常常與party搭配的動(dòng)詞的come 或者go。如go a wild party,或者come to a Christmas Party。
  12. 我沒有經(jīng)驗(yàn)。I have no experience.
    I am I don’t know much about that.
 。危铮簦澹篒 have no experience這句話聽起來古里古怪,因?yàn)槟恍枰f:那方面我懂得不多,或者這方面我不在行,就行了。I am not
really an expert in this area.
  13. 我沒有男朋友。I have no boyfriend.
    I don’t have a boyfriend.
  14. 他的身體很健康。His body is healthy.
   He is in good health. You can also say: He’s healthy.
  15. 價(jià)錢很昂貴/便宜。The price is too expensive/cheap.
    The price is too high/ rather low.

    16. 我們下了車。We got off the car.
   We got out of the car.
  17. 車速快了。The speed of the car is fast.
   The car is speeding. Or “The car is going too fast.”
  18. 這個(gè)春節(jié)你回家嗎?
  Will you be going back home for the Spring Festival?
  是的,我回去。Of course! (這一句是錯(cuò)的)
   當(dāng)然。Sure. / Certainly.(這種說法是正確的)
  以英語為母語的人使用of course的頻率要比中國(guó)的學(xué)生低得多,只有在回答一些眾所周知的問題時(shí)才說of course。因?yàn)閛f course后面隱含的一句話是“當(dāng)然我知道啦!難道我是一個(gè)傻瓜嗎?”因此,of course帶有挑釁的意味。在交談時(shí),用sure或certainly效果會(huì)好得多。同時(shí),of course not也具挑釁的意味。正常情況下語氣溫和的說法是certainly not.
  19. 我覺得右手很疼。I feel very painful in my right hand.
   My right hand is very painful. Or “ My right hand hurts(aches).”
  20. 他看到她很驚訝。He looked at her and felt surprised.
   He looked at her in surprise.
  21. 我讀過你的小說但是沒料到你這么年輕。I have read your novels but I didn't think you could be so young.
   After having read your novel, I expected that you would be older.
  22. 她臉紅了,讓我看穿了她的心思。
  Her red face made me see through her mind.
   Correct: Her red face told me what she was thinking.
  23. 看到這幅畫讓我想到了我的童年時(shí)代。
  The sight of these pictures made me remember my own childhood.
   Correct: Seeing these pictures reminded me of my own childhood.
  24. 別理她。Don't pay attention to her.
   Leave her alone.
  25. 我在大學(xué)里學(xué)到了許多知識(shí)。
  I get a lot of knowledge in the university.
   I learned a lot in university.
  26. 黃山正在讀書。
  Samuel is reading a book.
   Samuel is reading.
  27. exciting / excited。
  28. 我遇到了很多困難。
  I am having many difficulties.
   I am having a few problems / lots of problems.
  29. 請(qǐng)快點(diǎn)走,否則我們會(huì)遲到的。
  Please hurry to walk or we'll be late.
    Please hurry up or we'll be late.
  30. 她由嫉妒轉(zhuǎn)向失望。
  She was so jealous that she became desperate.
   Jealousy drove her to despair.



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