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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2010-01-27
核心提示:1. I spent a couple of decades being the leading lady; now I have a character role. It hurts to be downsized. 1. 我花了幾十年的時間才成為女主角,現(xiàn)在一下子又有個特定角色了,被壓低的感覺很傷人。 2. I know he's your husband now, but he's still my son.

    1. I spent a couple of decades being the leading lady; now I have a character role. It hurts to be downsized.

    1. 我花了幾十年的時間才成為女主角,現(xiàn)在一下子又有個特定角色了,被壓低的感覺很傷人。

    2. I know he's your husband now, but he's still my son.

    2. 我知道他現(xiàn)在是你老公了,那也是我兒子啊。

    3. You don't seem very confident about yourself. The littlest comment from me is taken as a criticism, so I'm very careful what I say around you.

    3. 你對自己不太自信啊,從我嘴里說出來的一點點評論都變成批評了,所以在你身邊說話我得加倍小心。

    4. Every year, I send you a birthday present, but you never even pick up the phone to thank me. This year, I said, "That's it. No more." Yet look at me: I'm about to send another present. I guess that's how I am.

    4. 每年我都給你一份生日禮物,你從來也沒想著打個電話給我說聲謝謝。今年,我說,"就這樣了,沒有了。"但是看看我吧,我正要給你另外一份禮物,我這個人就是這樣。

    5. We mothers say to our children, "I want you to be happy." And we mean that. What we don't say is, "But I would like to be happy too."

    5. 我們媽媽都會告訴孩子,"我希望你開心。"我們的確是這么想的,但是我們沒說的是,"我也想開心點。"

    6. I've bought and sold 13 houses in my life. Why won't you ask for my advice?

    6. 我這輩子買賣了13所房子,你咋不來問問我的建議呢?

    7. When I visit you, I'm not coming for a white-glove inspection. I'm just coming to see the family.

    7. 當(dāng)我來看你的時候,我不是來戴白手套檢查的,我只是來看我的家人。

    8. When I really want to talk to my son privately, I don't call your house. I call his cell phone.

    8. 我要是真想跟我兒子說點私密話的話,我不會往你們家打電話,我會打他手機的。

    9. I'm so happy that you allow my son-your husband-to visit me on Mother's Day. It's a long trip and a big expense. I'm truly appreciative.

    9. 我很開心你能讓我兒子--你老公--在母親節(jié)的時候來看看我,長途跋涉又花錢的,謝謝了啊。

    10. My dirty little secret: I'm afraid that if I don't get this right, you'll cut me off.

    10. 我的那點小秘密:我很怕如果我做的不好的話,你就不要我了。

    11. I'm in competition with your mother. She takes you on vacations every year and buys things I can't afford. All I can do is love you and babysit for you. I hope that's enough and that it's appreciated.


    12. Whenever I stay at your house, you always have my room ready, my towels, everything. You do all the right things. I'm lucky to have you!

    12. 每次我去你家,你總是幫我把房間準(zhǔn)備好,我的毛巾啊什么的,你做的太得體了,有你這么個媳婦兒真是幸運!

關(guān)鍵詞: 婚姻 家庭 婆婆


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