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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2009-12-16
核心提示:Now that the ninth alleged Tiger Woods mistress has emerged, many are wondering why he went so far astray. 眼下號稱是老虎伍茲情人的已有九位之多。許多人不禁要問,是什么原因讓他如此墮落。 Was it the fame? The power? All that weightlifting? Because he'

    Now that the ninth alleged Tiger Woods mistress has emerged, many are wondering why he went so far astray.


    Was it the fame? The power? All that weightlifting? Because he's a guy?


    Some psychologists say they have the answer: It was the money.


    "Wealthy people crave stimulus," Isreal Helfand, a high-end marriage counselor, told the Orlando Sentinel. "They are adrenaline junkies. The pursuit of happiness, for them, is more interesting than happiness."


    Every marriage has troubles, he said. But for the rich, famous or powerful, the temptations and opportunities for misbehaving are much greater. They can pop in on their private jet, get a pricey hotel room and fly back home within hours. And they are much better able to afford to divorce if they get caught.


    Sounds reasonable. Yet a look at recent research shows that rich guys are not significantly more likely to have affairs than non-rich guys. According to a 2007 study of people worth 30 million or more by Prince & Assoc., 50% of of the male survey respondents who were married said they'd had affairs. That's about in line with findings for the broader American population, according to sexologists.

    聽起來這有道理。然而最近公布的一份研究顯示,有錢男性發(fā)生出軌的可能性并不比普通男性高很多。據(jù)美國調(diào)查機構(gòu)Prince & Assoc.在2007年對身家3,000萬美元以上的富人所做調(diào)查,50%的受訪已婚男性承認自己曾出軌。這與性學(xué)家對更大范圍美國人所作做的調(diào)查結(jié)果相符。

    In fact, it's the rich women who are more likely to stray. The survey found that nearly three-quarters of the women surveyed said they'd had affairs. That's more than twice as high as the national average for women.


    Clearly, money can be enable bad behavior. But when it comes to infidelity, money has a bigger impact on women than men.


    Do you think wealth was the main reason for Tiger's alleged behavior? Is it harder to stay faithful with large wealth?


關(guān)鍵詞: 男人 女人 有錢 出軌


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