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Health:鍛煉不僅是為了長壽 而是為了健康的長壽

放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2009-09-22
核心提示:梅赫邁特 奧茲是美國著名的心臟外科醫(yī)生、《你: 主人手冊》的合著者以及歐普拉溫弗莉的脫口秀節(jié)目里的長駐治療師--這里我們向大家展示一下他對保持生命活力的建議和做法On September 14, Mehmet Oz -- cardiac surgeon, coauthor of You: The Owner's Manual, and lon

    梅赫邁特 奧茲是美國著名的心臟外科醫(yī)生、《你: 主人手冊》的合著者以及歐普拉·溫弗莉的脫口秀節(jié)目里的長駐治療師--這里我們向大家展示一下他對保持生命活力的建議和做法…On September 14, Mehmet Oz -- cardiac surgeon, coauthor of You: The Owner's Manual, and longtime resident healer on The Oprah Winfrey Show -- launches a daytime talk show, The Dr. Oz Show.

    What advice do people never take?

    Maintain muscle mass. Frailty is a killer, and it can start very early in life. By the time you're 50, you're getting hunched over; even by 40, you're putting on weight because fat burns fewer calories than muscle does. You need to get some arduous daily physical activity, at the gym or just by doing some serious gardening. Yoga and tai chi are great for this, by the way. Done right, they help build strength.

    What advice do you yourself have the most trouble following?

    I have a really difficult time meditating. I used to try to rest my mind when I was on the treadmill, but I kept jumping off to jot down some great idea that was actually not great but seemed like it when I was running as fast as I could. What works for me is yoga; I do it every morning.

    How will you stay healthy, doing the TV show five days a week on top of surgery and everything else?

    I've tried to engineer things so that it's easy for me to do the right thing. I have exercise equipment in front of the TV. I need to watch Oprah every day, so I run on the elliptical trainer while I watch it. During the commercials, I do my weight work. It sounds dumb, but I get my workout in.

    What are the two most important things people should do to keep themselves young?

    Walk. When you can't walk a quarter mile in five minutes, your chance of dying within three years goes up dramatically. Second most important is building a community -- avoiding isolation. Because if your heart doesn't have a reason to keep beating, it won't.

    9月14日,梅赫邁特 奧茲( Mehmet Oz) -- 心臟外科醫(yī)生、《你: 主人手冊》》(You: The Owner's Manual)的合著者、還是歐普拉·溫弗莉的脫口秀節(jié)目(The Oprah Winfrey Show )里的長駐治療師--推出了一欄白天對話節(jié)目,"奧茲醫(yī)生秀(The Dr. Oz Show)".






    我盡量周密地計劃一切,以便我容易做這些事情。我把健身設(shè)備放在電視前面,我需要每天觀看歐普拉的節(jié)目。因此,我是一邊觀看,一邊在跑步機上跑。在商業(yè)廣告期間,我就練舉重。 這聽起來很好笑,可是我達(dá)到了健身的效果。



關(guān)鍵詞: Health 鍛煉 長壽 健康


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