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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2009-09-02
核心提示:When we receive the news that someone we love is facing impending death, our immediate reaction is no doubt shock and denial. This is the mind's way of cushioning us against the immensity of the meaning of what we have heard, and allowing us to abso

    When we receive the news that someone we love is facing impending death, our immediate reaction is no doubt shock and denial. This is the mind's way of cushioning us against the immensity of the meaning of what we have heard, and allowing us to absorb it a little at a time, as we are able. As the shock wears off, the implications sicken us, leave us reeling and grasping for hope. We may pray, offering ourselves in order to spare the loved one, or begin a round of second, third or fourth opinions, desperately searching for a reprieve.

    Sometimes people remain in this state of bargaining and denial until the inevitable death occurs, hitting them with all the force of an unanticipated loss. Other times loved ones are able to work through the various stages of grief and reach a tentative acceptance, allowing them the opportunity to share the death experience with their loved one more intimately.

    Those who have received the prognosis of impending death react as differently as their loved ones do. Some prefer to feel they are keeping death at bay by continuing to talk in terms of recovery, or avoiding the mention of their own health at all. A surprising number, however, including children, welcome someone to talk to who will not deflect their tentative approach to talking about their own mortality.

    Many terminally ill adults and children suffer from a sense of isolation; they know that their lives are coming to a close, and yet any inference to that effect in their conversation is either ignored or met with encouragement to think positively, to remember that Christmas is coming and "you have to be here!" or a reminder that new treatments are developed all the time. We as family members and friends almost automatically fall back on such trivia, because listening to someone talk about their own death is both unsettling and painful.

    However, to intentionally set aside our own discomfort and allow the dying person to lead the conversation is a gift of inestimable value. We have no answers, no words of wisdom, but these are not required. Having been able to accept the inevitability of death ourselves, we can be an empathetic and loving sounding board, a shoulder to cry on, and a reflective presence to enable the loved one to discover his or her own answers to the deep questions that come at a time like this.

    When death occurs, the almost universal reaction is, "I wasn't ready." No matter how much anticipatory grief we have been able to process, death still comes as a shock. But those who have been able to prepare, particularly if they have had a chance to walk a bit of the last part of the road with the dying loved one, will have given and received a precious gift.







關(guān)鍵詞: 死亡 悲痛


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