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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2009-08-06
核心提示:Even if you're not looking for a job right now, career networking should be a part of your daily, or at least weekly, routine. You never know when you might find yourself in need of a new job. I know more people, myself included at one point in my c

    Even if you're not looking for a job right now, career networking should be a part of your daily, or at least weekly, routine. You never know when you might find yourself in need of a new job. I know more people, myself included at one point in my career, who have unexpectedly lost their job without notice. If you have a network in place and contacts you keep in touch with, it will be much easier to get started on a job search than if you're starting from scratch.


    Stay in Touch 保持聯(lián)系

    It doesn't take long to send an email or a LinkedIn or Facebook message just to say hello, even if you don't see your contacts very often - or at all. I just had lunch with someone I worked for years ago and I just connected on LinkedIn with former colleagues I hadn't heard from in quite a while. It was good to touch base, both to find out what was new in their lives and careers, and, just in case, I need references or help in the future.

    即使你沒有經(jīng)?吹侥汴P(guān)系網(wǎng)內(nèi)的朋友,或根本沒見過,但是給他們發(fā)封郵件,或者在LinkedIn 和 Facebook等網(wǎng)站上發(fā)封站內(nèi)短信問候一下并不需要花很多時(shí)間。我剛剛和前幾年一起共事的同事一起吃了頓飯,我剛在LinkedIn 上給很久沒有聯(lián)系的大學(xué)同學(xué)發(fā)了封郵件。保持聯(lián)絡(luò)是很有益的,不僅可以知道他們生活或工作上發(fā)生了什么事情,也是為了將來有一天如果我需要幫助或建議的話他們可以幫上忙。

    Connect In-Person 親自聯(lián)系

    If you can, meeting those people you've only known online is helpful, too. That personal connection becomes even strong when you can match a personality with a name. When I travel, I try to find time for a cup of coffee or lunch with people I've only met via email or the phone.


    As an example of how valuable networking can be, a recent graduate I know just got a job offer from someone she had networked with at a college alumni

    event several months ago. She had stayed in touch and the contact remembered her when a job became available at his employer.


    Build Your Network 建立你的交際網(wǎng)

    Taking the time to build, and maintain, your network, is well worth the effort (which may be minimal). Those connections you make today, can help you move along the career ladder, tomorrow.




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