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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2009-02-24
核心提示:1. If you don't trust your partner to respect your wishes if you change your mind about anything, you should not be having sex. 2. You can't get your virginity back once it's gone, so make sure that you are having sex for the right reasons. Emotiona

    1. If you don't trust your partner to respect your wishes if you change your mind about anything, you should not be having sex.

    2. You can't get your virginity back once it's gone, so make sure that you are having sex for the right reasons. Emotional blackmail, such as “you would if you loved me”, or peer pressure, such as “everyone else is doing it”, are not appropriate motivations for becoming sexually active.

    3. A recent study of sexual attitudes among 14 to 16-year-olds, carried out by researchers from Sheffield University, found that teenage boys thought it was acceptable to pressure girls into having sex and to use alcohol to get them into bed.

    4. No surprise then that girls are twice as likely as young men to regret their first sexual experience, and they are three times as likely to report being pressured into unwanted sex.

    5. And worryingly, a study from the Centre for Sexual Health Research, at the University of Southampton, which surveyed more than 1,300 young people aged between 16 and 18, found that only 37 per cent of sexually active young people used condoms whenever they had sex.

    6. If you don't feel comfortable discussing protection and contraception with your partner, you should not be having sex.

    7. While not perfect, condoms are the most effective way of preventing sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia and trichomoniasis. Condoms also provide some protection against herpes, syphilis and chancroid, but genital ulcer STIs can also be transmitted by contact with exposed infected skin.

    8. Condoms are not a particularly reliable method of preventing pregnancy either. The pregnancy rate among condom users is 12 per 100 women compared with three for oral contraceptives. However, you need to have been on the Pill for at least a month for it to be effective.

    9. In the UK it is illegal to have consensual sex if you are under 16, even though nearly a third of teenagers engage in sexual intercourse before this age. A 16-year-old boy who has sex with his 15-year-old girlfriend could, theoretically, be prosecuted.

    10. You should know what to expect (take a look at avert.org/sfeel2 ) but not expect too much. Sex is a bit like learning to play the piano. You tend to be pretty rubbish at the beginning, but practice, eventually, makes perfect.

    1. 如果你不信任你的伴侶會在你一旦改變?nèi)魏沃饕鈺r尊重你的意愿的話,你不應(yīng)該發(fā)生性行為。

    2. 一旦童貞失去你就不可能恢復(fù)到原來,所以請確保你有合適的理由發(fā)生性行為。來自他的情感勒索,比如他抱怨道“如果你愛我的話你會愿意的”,或來自同伴的壓力,比如“其他人都在做的”,這些都不是恰當?shù)拈_始性活躍的動機。

    3. 最近謝菲爾德大學(xué)的研究人員在一項對14至16歲少年性態(tài)度的研究發(fā)現(xiàn),十幾歲的男孩認為迫使女孩發(fā)生性行為,以及借酒醉之際誘女孩上床,這些都是可以接受。

    4. 難怪后悔自己首次性經(jīng)歷的女孩比男孩多一倍,而且報告違背本人意愿被強迫發(fā)生性行為的女孩比男孩多二倍。

    5. 令人擔憂的是,南安普敦大學(xué)性健康研究中心對年齡介于16歲到18歲的1300多名年輕人做了一項調(diào)查研究,發(fā)現(xiàn)在性生活活躍的年輕人當中只有37%的人性交時使用避孕套。

    6. 如果與你的伴侶討論保護措施和避孕讓你覺得不舒服的話,你就不應(yīng)該發(fā)生性行為。

    7. 雖然不是十全十美,但避孕套仍然是最有效的措施防止性傳染疾病(性病),如艾滋病、淋病、衣原體以及滴蟲病。避孕套也提供了一些保護以防止皰疹、梅毒和軟下疳,但是生殖器潰瘍的性病也能通過與受感染的皮膚接觸而傳染到。

    8. 安全套也不是防止懷孕特別可靠的方法。使用避孕套避孕的女孩,懷孕率是每100名中有12名懷孕, 而使用口服避孕藥的話每100名中才3名會懷孕。然而,你需要連續(xù)服用口服避孕藥至少一個月之后它才會有效。

    9. 在英國如果你是16歲以下,發(fā)生合意性行為是非法的,盡管有將近三分之一的青少年在16歲之前就有性行為了。一名16歲的男孩和他15歲的女朋友發(fā)生性行為的話,從理論上說他可能被起訴。

    10. 你應(yīng)該知道會發(fā)生什么事情(看看avert.org/sfeel2),但不能期望太高。性就有點像是學(xué)習彈鋼琴。你往往開始階段非常糟糕,但最終通過實踐就能熟能生巧。


關(guān)鍵詞: 女性 健康 貞潔


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