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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2009-02-23
核心提示:Do you know that... Chickens are only animals have combs, a piece of red flesh on the top of their heads. And, they can only fly a few yards because of their heavy bodies. Shrimps are also called prawns, and there is no distinctions between prawns a

    Do you know that...

    Chickens are only animals have combs, a piece of red flesh on the top of their heads. And, they can only fly a few yards because of their heavy bodies.

    Shrimps are also called prawns, and there is no distinctions between prawns and shrimps.

    Ants are important in maintaining the balance of nature. They eat large numbers of insects and help them from being plentiful. They eat more than half the termites hatched each year to keep them from destroying many homes. In turn, they are important food source for birds, frogs, lizards, and other animals.

    Bees are important for plants because of pollination. Pollination is the transfer by bees of a pollen from a flower to another flower thus helping them grow into another same kind of a flower.

    The beautiful colors and patterns on the wings of butterflies have useful purposes: It is for other butterflies to distinct them; It is for absorbing the sun's heat which they need to live; It is to hide from enemies such as birds or other animals; It is to warn the enemies that they have disagreeable taste and should not be eaten.

    The cicada has no jaws and does not bite or chew. Its mouth, like a mosquito's, is adapted to piercing and sucking plant juices. It never migrates but flies, mates, and dies within a short distance of the spot it emerged as a nymph.

    The dragonfly helps man because it eats harmful insects such as mosquitoes. And, it is the terror of the insect world.

    Flies are among the dangerous pests. They carry germs that cause such serious diseases as malaria, sleeping sickness, and typhoid fever. They usually bites when they touch any objects.

    You cannot make the turtle your pet because they carry bacterias that cause Salmonella Poisoning, a serious illness in human beings. 

    Giraffe's strong hoofs can kick in all direction and can kill the mighty lion. It can close its nostrils completely to keep out the sand and dust during sand storms in the plains.

    Kangaroo's huge hind legs can sail over a nine-foot fence with ease or beat off a dozens of dogs. The twitch of his tail can break a man's leg like a matchstick.

    Frogs are called amphibians because they can stay both in water and on land. Male frog clings on female frog's back and fertilizes the eggs as she lays them.


    * 雞 雞是唯一具有頭冠的動物,一塊紅色的肉片點綴在頭上。而且,因為他們身體過重,所以飛不高也飛不遠,距離僅僅幾碼之遙。

    * 蝦 小蝦也稱對蝦,而且對蝦與小蝦之間并無區(qū)別。

    * 螞蟻  螞蟻在維持自然平衡中起著重大作用。它們吃掉大量的昆蟲而又有利于它們不會存在過多。它們吃掉每年孵出一半以上的白蟻從而防止許多房屋不受損壞。反過來,他們又成了鳥類,青蛙,蜥蝎及其他動物的重要食物源。

    * 蜜蜂  因為蜜蜂授粉,所以它對植物的繁殖非常重要。傳授花粉就是蜜蜂把一朵花中的花粉傳遞到另一朵花中,這樣就幫助植物生長出另外一種相同的花來。

    * 蝴蝶 蝴蝶兩翼上美麗的顏色和圖案極有用意:幫助其它蝴蝶辨別它們;有助于吸收它生活所需的太陽熱量;可以隱蔽天敵如鳥類及其它動物;還可警示天敵表明它們有令人不快的氣味并且不該吃。

    * 蟬 蟬沒有鄂,既不能咬也不能嚼。它的嘴如同蚊子的嘴,適于穿刺,吸吮樹汁。它從不遷移但會飛,能配對,而且蛹蛻后沒多久就死去。

    * 青蜓 因為青蜓吃有害的昆蟲如蚊子等,所以它有益于人類。反過來,它卻是昆蟲世界里的難對付的家伙。

    * 蒼蠅 蒼蠅屬于危險的害蟲。它們攜帶病菌,這些病菌會引起嚴重疾病如瘧疾,昏睡病和傷寒等。它們一旦碰到什么通常都會咬。

    * 海龜 你不可以把海龜當作你的寵物,因為它攜帶能引起沙門氏桿菌感染的細菌,沙門氏桿菌中毒癥可是人類的一種嚴重疾病。

    * 長頸鹿 長頸鹿強勁的蹄可以朝向任一方向踢去并且可以踢死強有力的獅子。在平原里,當風(fēng)沙四起,塵暴翻滾時,它可以完全遮蔽鼻孔,擋住塵沙。

    * 袋鼠 袋鼠的巨大后腿可以輕易躍過一個九英尺高的防護墻或者擊敗幾十只狗的攻擊。它的尾巴猛力一抽擰斷人的腿如同折斷一根火柴。

    * 青蛙 青蛙被稱作兩棲類,因為它們可以生活在水里也可以生活在陸地。雄蛙粘附在雌蛙的背上并且在雌蛙產(chǎn)卵時給予授精。

關(guān)鍵詞: 動物 有趣 真相


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