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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2009-02-06
核心提示:Homework for most students can be beneficial. However, under some conditions, compelling reasons can be mustered to do away with most homework assigned to students. It is difficult to quantify the true amount of improvement to learning and education

    Homework for most students can be beneficial. However, under some conditions, compelling reasons can be mustered to do away with most homework assigned to students. It is difficult to quantify the true amount of improvement to learning and education that is derived from massive amounts of homework.

    The reality is that too much homework works against learning because the amount of effort expended trying to complete the assignments can lead to mental fatigue. If too many hours are consumed, it will bring physical fatigue as well.

    On top of this, if the student failed to understand the material in the classroom, it will only lead to frustration and incomplete work being turned in for grading. Not all students have the luxury of having parents or older siblings who can serve as tutors. By the same token, many parents cannot afford to pay someone else to help with the homework.

    Even if the material is mastered by the time tests and quizzes are given, the low homework scores create a no-win situation if grades are an issue for the student. Often, low homework scores account for half of a students points in grade school and high school. Ironically, this is done to help offset test anxiety or the possibility of poorly constructed test and quiz questions. Instead of being the answer, too many times, homework adds to the problem.

    Because students beyond fourth grade have multiple teachers in many school systems, homework can multiply. Teachers rarely confer with one another about the quantity of homework being given to students. As a school day progresses, students find themselves being slowly buried class by class in a mountain of homework. From middle school through high school, it can be typical for students to end the day with 3 to 5 hours of homework daily.

    Parents tend to be unsympathetic to their own children's needs when family or parental needs are competing for the child's time. Homework may very well be shoved to the end of the priority list when company needs to be entertained or an outing is planned. In fact, it is difficult to argue with this when homework gives the appearance of punishment rather than education.

    Even teachers sometimes resent the expectation of homework. In reality, when a teacher assigns homework for the students tonight, the teacher knows that homework is coming tomorrow night for themselves. The same assignment that carves into the student's freedom also takes the same from the teacher. The same fatigue that makes the students become inefficient takes a toll on the teacher, too.

    There may be some good reasons to assign limited homework for special projects or to reinforce a difficult topic. However, it would be a good plan for schools to better coordinate the amount of homework being sent home with students nightly. Instead of spending time making sure that assignments are conveyed to parents, it would be better to make sure that the amount of homework is reasonable.









關(guān)鍵詞: 學生 家庭作業(yè)不


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