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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2009-01-07
核心提示:When it comes to predicting whether or not a heterosexual romantic relationship is going to last, the female partner's friends seem to be particularly astute, according to new study findings. 最近一項科學(xué)研究發(fā)現(xiàn),在男女雙方戀愛中,女方的閨中好友能

    When it comes to predicting whether or not a heterosexual romantic relationship is going to last, the female partner's friends seem to be particularly astute, according to new study findings.


    The couple's joint friends are often good at predicting the success of the relationship as well, researchers report.


    "People often turn to their friends for social support; however, we don't always believe that relationship 'outsiders' can offer truly useful insight regarding our own relationship," lead study author Dr. Christopher R. Agnew of Purdue University in Indiana said.


    To investigate, Agnew's team performed a study of 74 male-female couples and their network of friends, including both their joint friends and their individual friends. All of the participants, including the couple members, were asked to give their perceptions about the couple's relationship, rating factors such as the male's and female's commitment to each other and their closeness.


    Study results show that the perceptions of the couples' joint friends and those of the female's friends were more successful in predicting the relationship's fate through the next 6 months than the perceptions of the male's friends.


    Furthermore, the perceptions of the female's friends remained significant predictors of the couple's fate even when the couple members' own perceptions were taken into consideration.


    What's more, the female's friends' perceptions of the couple's commitment and closeness also significantly predicted whether or not the pair would break up.


    The reason for this may be that couple members have a "tremendous personal stake in the romance that clouds (their) judgments regarding it," the researchers suggest.


    The female's friends, in contrast, are "less biased" and are therefore able to make more successful predictions, the authors explain. In addition, women, in comparison to men, are known to share more realistic and more intimate information about their relationships with their friends. Thus, her friends may have more access than his friends to the relevant information on which their relationship predictions are based, Agnew and colleagues point out.


    In other findings, couples with a higher number of joint friends were more committed, satisfied and invested in the relationship, and were more likely to have remained together by the 6-month follow-up.


    For those with a significant number of individual friends, however, "don't be too quick to discount the relationship assessments of your friends," study co-author Dr. Stephen M. Drigotas in Texas said. "They might have an accurate glimpse into what sort of relationship you have with your partner."


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