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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-12-26
核心提示:A Very Merry Un-Birthday? Contrary to popular belief, the Bible doesn't actually mention a specific date for Jesus' birth. In fact, most historians believe he was likely born in the spring, hence the Bible's description of shepherds herding animals.

    A Very Merry Un-Birthday?

    Contrary to popular belief, the Bible doesn't actually mention a specific date for Jesus' birth. In fact, most historians believe he was likely born in the spring, hence the Bible's description of shepherds herding animals. But in the fourth century, when the Catholic Church decided to recognize Jesus' birth as an official holiday, Pope Julius I chose December 25th for the "Feast of the Nativity." That the date happened to coincide with the pagan festival known as Saturnalia must have been pure coincidence.

    War On Christmas

    Five months into the first World War, troops along the Western front took a Christmas Eve break from fighting to sing carols to each other across the battlefield. The following morning, German soldiers emerged from the trenches and began to approach Allied troops while calling out "Merry Christmas" in English. Luckily, it wasn't a trick; dozens of British fighters came out to greet them and shake hands, some even exchanged cigarettes as gifts. Later dubbed "The Christmas Truce of 1914," it was one of the last examples of wartime chivalry.

    Christmas in the Colonies

    From 1659 to 1681, showcasing one's holiday spirit in Boston could cost you a fine of as much as five shillings. That's right, Christmas used to be illegal. It's somewhat surprising then that the same puritanical minds also created the first American batch of eggnog at Captain John Smith's 1607 Jamestown settlement. (The word "nog" comes from the word grog, that is, any drink made with rum). Christmas was so inconsequential that after the Revolutionary War, Congress didn't even bother taking the day off to celebrate the holiday, deciding instead to hold its first session on Christmas Day, 1789. It took almost a century for Congress to proclaim it a federal holiday.

    X-Mas Lit 101

    The author best known for creating the Headless Horseman also created the iconic image of Santa flying in a sleigh. In his 1819 series of short stories, The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, New York native Washington Irving described a dream in which St. Nicholas soared across the sky in a weightless wagon. The stories became so popular they spawned a Christmas revival of sorts in the States, and even Charles Dickens is said to have credited Irving's work for inspiring his classic holiday tale A Christmas Carol.

    What Hath Advertising Wrought

    Like the Energizer Bunny, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer got his start as an advertising gimmick. A copywriter named Robert L. May first created the merry misfit in 1939 to lure shoppers into the Montgomery Ward department store. Frosty the Snowman and his famous corncob pipe couldn't escape the clutches of the advertising industry either; a whiskey maker in 1890 used Frosty's likeness to showcase an entirely different kind of holiday cheer. Once Prohibition ended, the chain-smoking snowman quickly became the go-to guy for alcohol ads, appearing in posters for Miller Beer, Jack Daniel's, Ballantine Ale, Rheingold Beer, Schlitz, Schenley, Oretel's Lager Beer, Chivas Regal Scotch, Fort Pitt Pale Ale, Mount Whitney Beer and Four Roses.

    NASA's Christmas Sighting

    In 1965, two astronauts on their way back to orbit spotted something in space they couldn't identify. Frantic, they radioed Mission Control. After several minutes of tense silence, engineers at Cape Canaveral began hearing the faint jingle of sleigh bills followed by a harmonica rendition of "Jingle Bells" ... played by none another than the two "frantic" astronauts. The men later donated the harmonica and bells to the National Museum of Space & Aeronautics in Washington D.C., where they now sit on display.

    Kiss Me, I'm Celtic

    According to Celtic and Teutonic legend, mistletoe is magical — it can heal wounds, increase fertility, bring good luck and ward off evil spirits. The tradition of kissing under the mistletoe didn't begin until the Victorian era, a surprising origin given the stuffy and sexually repressive behavior of the time. Actually, it's not very surprising at all.

    O Tannenbaum!

    Even before the arrival of Christianity, Germans decorated evergreen trees to brighten the dark, gloomy days of the winter solstice. The first "Christmas trees" appeared in Strasbourg in the 17th century and spread to Pennsylvania in the 1820s with the arrival of German immigrants. When Queen Victoria married Germany's Prince Albert in 1840, he brought the tradition to England. Eight years later, the first American newspaper ran a picture of the royal Christmas tree and Americans outside of Pennsylvania quickly followed suit.

    Away in a Manger

    Since the Great Depression, the Rockettes have shared Radio City Music Hall with live farm animals — from camels to donkeys to sheep — to stage a live nativity for its annual "Christmas Spectacular." But the world saw its first living nativity in 1224, when St. Francis of Assisi recreated the birth of Jesus to explain the holiday to his followers. During that first display, the manger was also used as an altar for Christmas mass.

    Feliz Navidad Around the World

    Christmas traditions vary from culture to culture. Finns often visit saunas on Christmas Eve, while Portugese revelers hold a feast on Christmas Day for the living and the dead (extra places are set for the souls of the deceased). In Greece, some believe that goblins called kallikantzeri run wild during the 12 days of Christmas, and most Greeks don't exchange presents until January 1, St. Basill's Day. Thanks to its geographic location, most Australians and New Zealanders enjoy Christmas on the beach or at BBQs. Spain, meanwhile, hosts the world's largest lottery.

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