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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-10-15
核心提示:Keep it clean. On a PC, run Disk Cleanup and Disk Defragmenter at least once a month. This will store files more efficiently so your system doesnt slow down. After about four years, your computer is elderly. If youre shelling out for a blazing-fast

    Keep it clean. On a PC, run Disk Cleanup and Disk Defragmenter at least once a month. This will store files more efficiently so your system doesn’t slow down. After about four years, your computer is elderly. If you’re shelling out for a blazing-fast Internet connection, pony up for a new model.

    Check the cables. “People are always shocked that a cable came loose,” says Geek Squad agent Derek Meister. Of course, everything that needs power is plugged into an outlet, right?

    Got neighbors? If you do, protect your home wireless network with a password. “If a person knows what he’s doing, getting into a computer on a non-encrypted net-work is easy,” says Schildkraut.

    You backed up your data, right? External hard drives with lots of memory now sell for under $200, and automated programs like Cobian Backup or Apple’s Time Machine make regular backups a no-brainer. Secure online backup services save your data offsite should anything happen to your home.

    If you travel with your laptop, get a lock. A 2007 survey by the Computer Security Institute found that 50 percent of respondents had a laptop or other mobile device sto-len in the past year. A simple cable lock (starting at about $20) lets you physically secure your laptop anywhere you go.

    Remember: If your company owns the computer, they own what’s on it, too—even your email in some cases. Act accordingly.

    Please remember: We didn’t create the problem; we’re just trying to help you fix it.


    2.檢查電纜。 奇客隊(duì)(Geek Squad )的代理商Derek Meister(德里克-梅斯特)說“人們總是對一個變得松散了的電纜感到震驚, ”當(dāng)然了,這一切都需要電源插入插座,對不對?

    3.有人入侵?(據(jù)windrose譯友下同,Got neighbors?,直譯為:有鄰居來?)如果你這樣做,設(shè)密碼保護(hù)您家庭的無線網(wǎng)絡(luò)。Schildkraut(希爾德克勞特) 說 “如果一個人知道他在干什么,進(jìn)入一個沒有加密的網(wǎng)絡(luò)計(jì)算機(jī)是很容易的, ”

    4.您備份您的數(shù)據(jù),對不對?現(xiàn)在有大量內(nèi)存的外置硬盤售價不足200美元,和自動程序像Cobian(檔案資料夾& BitComet --比特彗星)備份或蘋果的時光機(jī)進(jìn)行定期備份是無需動腦筋的事物。安全的在線備份服務(wù)保存您的數(shù)據(jù)離線你家可能發(fā)生的任何事情。

    5.如果您帶著您的筆記型電腦旅行,買把鎖。 一份計(jì)算機(jī)安全研究協(xié)會2007年的調(diào)查發(fā)現(xiàn),有50%的受訪者在過去的一年里有筆記本電腦或其他移動設(shè)備被偷。一把簡單的鐵鎖(大約20美元起步)可讓你帶著身體安全的筆記本電腦去任何地方。

    6.記。喝绻娔X屬于你的公司,那么其中的內(nèi)容也是屬于公司的 —— 在某些情況下即便你的電郵也是(屬于公司的)。



關(guān)鍵詞: 電腦 7件事


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