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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-09-27
核心提示:Most career advice you receive focuses on the big picture: how to get ahead, how to win, and such things that are on a much larger scale than the daily grind that most of us face. In fact, it is that day to day grind that pulls down many of us - we

Most career advice you receive focuses on the big picture: how to get ahead, how to “win,” and such things that are on a much larger scale than the daily grind that most of us face. In fact, it is that day to day grind that pulls down many of us - we go to work, come home exhausted, and often feel as though we’re just spinning our wheels.

你所知道的大部分的有關(guān)職業(yè)的建議都集中在大的圖片上,如何前進(jìn),如何”贏”, 并且這些建議比我們面對(duì)的日常工作的范圍大得多.實(shí)際上,日復(fù)一日的瑣碎的工作拖跨了我們很大一部分人, 我們?cè)绯鐾須w,筋疲力盡, 經(jīng)常感到自己就象是個(gè)旋轉(zhuǎn)的陀螺.

If you want to get ahead in your career and in your life, you need to start small and look at the immediate things you can do to help out your situation. If you’re sitting out there at your desk, tiredly wondering if there’s something better that you can be doing with your life, start with these fifteen tips that you can start executing immediately that will lead you down a path towards a better career.

如果你想要走在你職業(yè)和人生前面,你必須從小做起,從你力所能及的事情做起,讓自己走出困境.如果你只是無(wú)所事事的坐在自己桌子前面,想象是否有什么事情去做了可以使你的生活好起來(lái).從這15條建議開始,你可以馬上執(zhí)行, 可以引領(lǐng)你走向更好的職業(yè).

Make a list of all of the things you did today/this week/this month to help your organization, and file them away.
Whenever you have a few spare moments, make a list of all of the things you are actually doing at work. Date them and provide specific examples. When you’ve made this list, drop it in a folder and let it sit there until your next performance review - or the next time you ask for a raise or a promotion. I do this regularly, which has allowed me to build up extensive positive documentation about my career.

給你今天,今周,今月做的所有的事情列個(gè)清單幫助你整理, 存檔.

當(dāng)你有空的時(shí)候,給你實(shí)際在工作中做的事情列個(gè)清單. 寫上日期并舉出具體的例子. 完成后,放在文件夾里面直到你下次預(yù)習(xí)時(shí)候看,或下次你要提高和改善的時(shí)候看. 我定期做這個(gè)工作,給我的職業(yè)建立了大量的積極的文件.

Send a thank-you note
If you’ve recently been assisted in your career or personal development by someone, spend a few moments and send that person a handwritten thank you note. The respect, kindness, and personal touch of a handwritten thank you creates an indelible positive mark in your favor in the recipient’s mind, which can do nothing but help you out in the long run.


如果你最近在工作上或是個(gè)人發(fā)展上受到別人的恩惠, 花點(diǎn)時(shí)間給他寫張感謝條. 帶有尊敬,善意和個(gè)人感情手寫的感謝條在幫助你的人的心中建立的不可磨滅和積極的記號(hào)對(duì)你有利,只會(huì)對(duì)你有長(zhǎng)遠(yuǎn)的利益.

Work on your writing skills
For me, The Simple Dollar is actually an active part of improving my own writing. Starting a blog related to a work-related topic that interests you is a good way to practice your skills. Don’t be lazy with it, though; focus on writing strong material that will engage others, because without it, you’re not really improving your skills at all, merely regurgitating facts.


對(duì)我而言,最簡(jiǎn)單的就是提高我的文筆一個(gè)積極的部分. 從你對(duì)和工作有關(guān)的,而且自己有興趣的博客開始是個(gè)好辦法,可以鍛煉你的寫作技巧.別懶得去做,盡管規(guī)定主題限制其他的材料, 因?yàn)闆]有他,你根本就不可能提高你的寫作技巧, 只不過(guò)是涌回事情.

Design some classy business cards for you
I have a small pile of business cards that are just for me (actually, they’re for The Simple Dollar), not for any firm I represent or work for or anything else. I drop these regularly, as envelope enclosures and in face-to-face opportunities. These cards are a reflection of me and what I wish to represent to people, and by getting quality ones, I create a positive impression on the recipients. Don’t go for the office store perforated ones, either; get them professionally done and in a high quality.


我有一小堆名片,只是給自己的(實(shí)際上,他們是給私人的), 不是給任何我代表的或工作的公司. 我定期扔掉,要么要信封裝起來(lái),要么就隨手扔掉. 這些名片是我的折射, 是我希望在人們面前表現(xiàn)出來(lái)的形象,如果找到了個(gè)好的,我就可以給別人留下好的印象,不要去辦公室里翻箱倒柜去找, 去做一張專業(yè)的高質(zhì)量的.

Send a quick contact email
Got any professional contacts that you haven’t touched base with recently? Send them an email letting them know what you’re up to - and ask them what they’re up to. By this, I don’t mean clients - I mean professional acquaintances in the same field as you (contacting clients should be a regular part of your workflow). A quick email to the people you met at conferences last year can be a very good thing, as you never know if they might have a great opportunity available that could really help you out.


找個(gè)你最近沒有聯(lián)系的人, 用專業(yè)的方式聯(lián)系他們.發(fā)封電郵問(wèn)他最近怎么樣,告訴他你最近 的情況. 通過(guò)這樣,我不是指你的客戶, 我是指你同行業(yè)的熟人(聯(lián)系客人是你工作中定期要做的事情),一封給你去年在會(huì)議上認(rèn)識(shí)的人的電郵是一件很好的事情. 因?yàn)槟阌肋h(yuǎn)不知道他是否有幫助你的可能性.

Suggest a solution to a persistent workplace problem
This is especially true for smaller things, not necessarily big enterprise-wide issues. Are people always complaining about the printers? Spec out an additional printer and ship a proposal for a new printer by your boss. Workplace tensions between two people? Figure out how to most discreetly move them far apart from each other, write it up, and ship it off. The key is to make the solution as complete as possible, so that the boss can tell you saw a problem, looked into how to solve it, and came up with a solution on your own.


這個(gè)對(duì)于小事情尤其實(shí)用,并不一定要是牽涉到整個(gè)公司的問(wèn)題. 其他人是否總是抱怨打印機(jī)了? 找臺(tái)其他的打印機(jī),給老板提個(gè)建議買臺(tái)新的. 公司你有怨對(duì)頭嗎? 找出他們,很謹(jǐn)慎地把他們分開,寫出來(lái), 把他們調(diào)開. 最關(guān)鍵的是把解決方案盡可能完善.這樣老板就會(huì)說(shuō)你看出了問(wèn)題,并尋找如何解決,還自己提出了解決方法.

Pick up the phone and make a call
Keep in touch with what’s going on in the organization as a whole so you can be more informed when meetings occur. Pick up the phone and give someone else a call to see what you can learn, or take a stroll through different parts of the workplace to find out what others are up to. Don’t make a nuisance of yourself, but be aware of what is going on, how it can affect you, and how you might be able to leverage that to get ahead.


保持和公司整體進(jìn)展同步,你就可以更好的知道什么時(shí)候有會(huì)議, 拿起話筒給其他人打個(gè)電話,看看你可以了解到什么,或者到公司其他地方走走,看看其他人怎么樣了. 不要做討人厭的家伙,你必須知道發(fā)生什么事情,會(huì)不會(huì)影響到你,自己可能如何被促使前進(jìn).

Work on your language skills
Are you a non-native speaker of the language in your workplace? Spend your spare time working on the finer points. I find that listening to audiobooks and podcasts is an incredible way to pick up on the nuances of a language given that you already know the basics. If you don’t know the basics, seek out some audio courses on that language and get started. For myself, I’ve found that a great way to pick up a foreign language is to read a translation of a work I’m already very familiar with, such as Harry Potter.


你在你們公司是不是外地人? 把你的業(yè)余時(shí)間致力與提高你的本地語(yǔ)言. 我發(fā)現(xiàn)聽有聲讀物和聽力資料是提高你已經(jīng)有基礎(chǔ)的語(yǔ)言的很有效的方法.如果沒有基礎(chǔ),找些那門語(yǔ)言的有聲課程開始.對(duì)我自己來(lái)說(shuō),我已經(jīng)找到了提高語(yǔ)言的很好的方法就是讀一本你很熟悉的翻譯本,例如<哈里波特>

Make yourself more presentable
It always helps to have a clean, fresh impression. I keep a few hygiene products in my traveling bag at all times: underarm deodorant, toothpaste, a toothbrush, some mouthwash, some facial cleanser, a comb, and some cologne. I make sure to clean myself up at least once a day, and often twice a day, when I have a few free moments. That way, I look freshly scrubbed at the 3:30 PM meeting - and having just washed my face vigorously, I feel more awake.


一個(gè)整潔清新的形象總是有用.在我的旅行包里總是有些保健產(chǎn)品,腋下除臭劑,牙膏,牙刷,洗口水, 洗面乳,一把梳子和古龍水. .當(dāng)我有空的時(shí)候.我確保每天至少清潔一次,通常兩次.那樣,我下無(wú)3:00開會(huì)的時(shí)候看上去精神旺盛,只是洗了臉,我就感覺很清醒.

Polish your resume
There’s never a bad time to give your resume a bit of a touch up. Make sure it has plenty of action words and documents specific results that you’ve produced. In fact, your personal work documentation is a great way to look for ideas to spiff up your resume.



Read something on topics you plan to be facing in the future in your career
Don’t waste your time reading PerezHilton (unless you work for People magazine or something); instead, find resources that are related to your job and focus on those. If you spend your spare time at work browsing the web, at least spend that time browsing items that can potentially further your career.


別把時(shí)間浪費(fèi)在讀PerezHilton(除非你在人民雜志之類的公司上班), 而是去找那些和你工作相關(guān)的資源并集中你的時(shí)間在上面. 如果你業(yè)余時(shí)間上網(wǎng),那也要看那些可能有潛力推動(dòng)你的工作的東西.

Prepare some comments in advance for your next meeting
Got a meeting later? Instead of dreading it, look at it as an opportunity to shine. Look at what the meeting agenda is and prepare some notes and thoughts that you can present during them. If you’re going to sit through someone’s presentation, find out what it’s going to be about and do some preparatory legwork in advance so you can ask a few astute questions.


就快開會(huì)了.與其害怕,不如當(dāng)成秀出自己的機(jī)會(huì).看看會(huì)議的安排,準(zhǔn)備些筆記,并意念自己可以在會(huì)議上陳述. 如果完全是聽別人講, 看看他要講什么,提前做些必要的預(yù)備工作,這樣你就可以問(wèn)些機(jī)敏的問(wèn)題.

Work on your public speaking skills
This seems like it would be difficult to do right now, but it’s not. Merely listen to the work of great public speakers on the internet, burn yourself a CD or two of speeches that really inspire you, then play them in your car on the way home and practice speaking along with them. You’ll learn a great deal about how to enunciate words to get your points across and influence others.


這個(gè)看起來(lái)現(xiàn)在沒辦法做,不是的。少去因特網(wǎng)上去聽一些偉大演講, 經(jīng)常去聽可以真正激發(fā)你的一兩個(gè)演講, 然后開車回家時(shí)候可以練練,或跟著演講練習(xí). 你會(huì)學(xué)到很多的如何用正確的詞語(yǔ)使你的觀點(diǎn)讓人接受,影響別人.

Clean your work area
Not only will this create a better impression of you in the eyes of others, you may also come across important materials that you thought were missing or lost. It’s also good to start (or enhance) a document filing system when you do this, so you can quickly find materials.



Figure out where you want to be in five years - and create a plan for getting there
Spend some time visualizing where you want to be, then think about what it’s going to take to get there. From there, keep breaking down each piece in the process until the pieces are things you can do quickly - and start doing them. Every mountain climb is just a series of steps, after all.


花點(diǎn)時(shí)間看看你要達(dá)到什么目標(biāo),然后想想要做些什么才可以做到.從那里,把過(guò)程分成小片段,直到你可以很快完成,并開始做. 畢竟,沒登一座山都是一系列的步伐做到的.

關(guān)鍵詞: 工作 建議


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