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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-08-21
核心提示:4. The Inconsiderate Emailer. 不考慮別人、隨便轉(zhuǎn)發(fā)郵件。Addicted to the reply all function, this cc supporter clogs colleagues' already-overflowing inboxes with unnecessary messages. This person also marks less-than-critical emails as high priority

4. The Inconsiderate Emailer. 不考慮別人、隨便轉(zhuǎn)發(fā)郵件。Addicted to the "reply all" function, this "cc" supporter clogs colleagues' already-overflowing inboxes with unnecessary messages. This person also marks less-than-critical emails as "high priority" and sends enormous attachments that crash unwitting recipients' computers.


The right approach: Break the habit of using email as your default mode of communication, as many conversations are better suited for quick phone calls or in-person discussions. The benefit? The less email you send, the less you're likely to receive.

正確做法:改掉把郵件作為默認溝通方式的習慣,打個簡短的電話或當面討論更適合許多交流需要。 好處? 你發(fā)的郵件越少、收到的可能就越少。

5. The Interrupter. 常常打擾別人。The Interrupter has little regard for others' peace, quiet or concentration. When this person is not entering your work area to request immediate help, the Interrupter is in meetings loudly tapping on a laptop, fielding calls on a cell phone, or initiating off-topic side conversations.


The right approach: Don't let competing demands and tight deadlines trump basic common courtesy. Simply put, mind your manners to build healthy relationships at work.


6. The Stick in the Mud. 刻板的員工。This person is all business all of the time. Disapproving of any attempt at levity, the constant killjoy doesn't have fun at work and doesn't think anyone else should either.


The right approach: Have a sense of humor and don't be afraid to laugh at yourself once in awhile. A good laugh can help you build rapport, boost morale, and deflate tension when working under stressful situations.


It's fairly easy to spot the qualities that make the above individuals irritating -- at least when the behaviors are displayed by others. It can be a challenge to recognize when you exhibit them yourself. You may not realize, for instance, that you always pepper your communications with industry- or company-specific jargon, even when speaking with new employees or outside contacts. Though you may not be a full-fledged Interrupter or Stick in the Mud, take care to avoid heading down their paths.


The best advice: Remember common courtesy and act toward others as you want them to act toward you.


關鍵詞: 最煩人 同事


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