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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2011-08-12

[00:01.72]and say we’re only going to buy food 繼續(xù)為了生活的便利
[00:02.72]from the most-perfect system 而從這個所謂完美的系統(tǒng)中獲取食物
[00:07.08]within 100 miles of us, we’re never gonna get there. 我們就永遠無法達成我們的目標
[00:13.76]As an environmentalist, it was pretty clear to me 作為一個環(huán)保主義者,在我看來
[00:16.96]that business was the source of all the pollution, 工商業(yè)是所有污染的根源
[00:19.64]business was the source of basically all the things 工商業(yè)是一切我們破壞這個世界行為的
[00:21.12]that were destroying this world. 罪魁禍首
[00:25.84]In college I came across this little institute 在大學的時候,我參加了一個社團
[00:29.16]called New Alchemy Institute, 叫新煉金術協(xié)會
[00:32.36]which was a group of renegade biologists. 成員都是思想反叛的生物學家
[00:35.84]My hope is to give you-- 我希望能告訴你的是
[00:37.88]Hirshberg: We were preaching a kind of a new religion, 我們就像在傳播一種新的宗教
[00:41.88]trying to develop food and waste-treatment alternatives, 嘗試發(fā)展不同的食品及污染物處理系統(tǒng)
[00:44.56]but we were preaching to the convinced. 但是我們都是發(fā)展志同道合的人
[00:46.92]We were depending on sources of support that were dried up 我們的支持者越來越少了
[00:49.24]and we weren’t reaching the audience 我們的信息
[00:00.00]by: 更多電影原聲MP3盡在人人聽力網(wǎng) http://www.rrting.com/English/movie_mp3/
[00:51.60]that really needed these messages. 沒能傳達給最需要它們的人
[00:54.76]I realized we need to not be David 我認識到,我們不應該
[00:59.80]up against Goliath. We need to be Goliath. 像對抗哥利亞的大衛(wèi)一樣,而是應該成為哥利亞
[01:13.16]Hirshberg: When we started out, we were a seven-cow farm. 最開始的時候,我們的農場只有7頭牛
[01:16.20]We wanted to prove that business could be part of the solution 我們想證明食品生產可以為
[01:20.04]to the globe’s environmental problems. 解決全球環(huán)境問題出一分力
[01:24.88]At the same time we had to prove 我們還想證明
[01:26.72]that we could be highly profitable. 我們這樣做的同時還能盈利
[01:30.24]Today in 2008, not only are 2008年,我們不但排在
[01:31.44]we the #3 yogurt brand in America, 美國暢銷酸奶品牌的第3位
[01:36.28]but we’re among the most profitable. 我們還是盈利最高的品牌之一
[01:38.24]Stonyfield品牌最終 被身價230億美元的達能集團所收購 Gary繼續(xù)負責運營Stonyfield (這個集團在中國大陸以其強硬做派罪惡連連)
[01:48.64]See, this is the interesting thing. 你看,有趣的地方就是
[01:50.48]A little company like this is now Kraft, 這樣一個小公司,現(xiàn)在被卡夫公司收購了
[01:52.32]but you don’t have any idea that it’s Kraft. 你都根本不會想到它是屬于卡夫的
[01:54.52]This is now Pepsi. That’s now Kellogg’s. 這家被百事公司收購了,那家被家樂氏公司收購了
[01:57.84]- Man: Kashi is Kellogg’s? - Yeah. -卡什被家樂氏收購了 -是的
[01:58.52]- This is Colgate now. - Oh, is it? -這家現(xiàn)在屬于高露潔公司了 -噢,是嗎?
[02:01.56]Yeah, this is one of those companies that started like us. 對,這些公司最初都是像我們一樣的
[02:08.24]- Well, it’s-- - Make them different? -看,這是 -(還是)讓它們不一樣了?
[02:10.24]Or make them successful, basically. 或者是根本讓他們變得很成功
[02:12.24]The jury is out. I have to put it that way. 沒人研究這事。反正我不得不被他們兼并
[02:17.92]Hirshberg: These large companies don’t grow organically. 大型食品公司的擴張不是通過自身的增長來實現(xiàn)的
[02:20.60]They grow by acquisition. 而是通過收購
[02:23.96]Coke, Pepsi, Kellogg’s, General Mills-- 可口可樂,百事,家樂氏,通用磨坊公司
[02:25.48]all of them are running, 它們都是以沖刺的方式
[02:26.16]not walking, into the organic food business. 而不是漸進的方式進入有機食品市場
[02:37.36]Hirshberg: For me, when a Wal-Mart enters the organic space, 對我來說,如果有像沃爾瑪 這樣的公司進入有機食品市場
[02:40.36]I’m thrilled. It’s absolutely one of the most exciting things. 我會很激動的,這絕對是最讓人興奮的事情之一
[02:44.20]when I could sit with corporate titans 我可以跟這些食品業(yè)的巨人們
[02:44.72]I have dreamed of the day 我曾經(jīng)夢想有一天
[02:46.24]and have conversations 當面對話
[02:48.88]about organics and sustainability. 談論有機食品和可持續(xù)發(fā)展
[02:50.92]- This is Amanda. This is Rand. - Hi Amanda. I’m Rand. 這位是阿曼達,這位是蘭德,你好,阿曼達,我是蘭德 AMANDA ELLIS:有機農場主
[02:55.40]- Tony. Great. - Nice to meet you. -托尼,你好 -很高興認識你 AMANDA ELLIS:有機農場主
[02:55.76]- Rand, nice to meet you. - Tony. -蘭德,很高興認識你 -這位是托尼 AMANDA ELLIS:有機農場主
[02:58.92]Okay, help me figure out where-- 好吧,告訴我這是怎么回事
[02:59.12]- We both work for Wal-Mart. - You’re with Wal-Mart. -我們都是沃爾瑪?shù)膯T工 -你們?yōu)槲譅柆敼ぷ?
[03:02.80]Yup. 對
[03:04.44]Do you know that we don’t go to Wal-Mart? 你知道我們都不去沃爾瑪吧?
[03:04.64]- We’ve never been. - Rand: Oh yeah. -我們從來不去 -是的
[03:06.12]- Isn’t that amazing? - So we had to come to you. -很不可思議吧? -所以我們就來找你了
[03:11.64]Yeah, we’ve never been. 我們從來沒去過沃爾瑪
[03:13.32]We just started boycotting a long time ago 我們很久之前就開始抵制沃爾瑪了
[03:14.16]and we just kept riding on that. 我們一直堅持不去
[03:15.84]Hirshberg: Wal-Mart is terribly sensitive 沃爾瑪對自己的聲譽
[03:20.68]They’ve obviously been vilified, 沃爾瑪被妖魔化的程度
[03:24.20]in our current economy. 都來的更深
[03:24.68]probably more than any retailer 比起市場上其他的零售商
[03:26.20]Actually, it’s a pretty easy decision 事實上,根據(jù)客戶的需要
[03:29.72]to try to support things like organic, or whatever it might be, 而支持有機食品,或者其他什么東西都好 TONY ARIOSO:沃爾瑪?shù)娜槠凡少彶恐魅?
[03:34.92]based on what the customer wants. 是顯而易見的決定
[03:35.60]We see that and react to it. 這是我們對需求的回應
[03:37.76]So if it’s clear the customer wants it, 因此,如果客戶對此有需求
[03:39.60]it’s really easy to get behind it, 那我們就自然會介入
[03:43.44]to push forward and try to make that happen. 并努力促進這個市場的發(fā)展
[03:47.64]Hirshberg: When I run into my old environmental friends, 當我碰見以前和我一起宣傳環(huán)保的朋友時
[03:49.32]many are initially horrified 他們中很多人都非常震精
[03:51.16]by the kinds of company that I’m keeping these days. 因為看到我竟然在經(jīng)營這種公司
[03:54.84]But when I then go on to explain 但是當我給他們解釋
[03:59.84]what the impact of one purchase order from Wal-Mart is, 沃爾瑪訂單給我的生產帶來的影響
[04:02.84]in terms of not pounds but tons of pesticide, 不是數(shù)以噸計的殺蟲藥
[04:03.52]tons of herbicide, tons of chemical fertilizer, 不是成頓的除草劑和化肥之后
[04:08.56]the discussion-- we get away from the emotion 我們之間討論就沒那么情緒化了
[04:09.40]and we get down to the facts. 而是純粹基于事實展開
[04:11.56]This is really key, though, what you guys are doing here. 你們實際上是怎么做的,這是關鍵問題
[04:18.60]I have no illusions about this. 我從來不會抱有幻想
[04:21.28]I don’t believe that Wal-Mart has come here 我不相信沃爾瑪來找我們的原因
[04:22.60]because they’ve suddenly had a moral enlightenment. 是他們的道德覺悟忽然間提高了
[04:25.80]It’s because of economics. 他們其實只是為了經(jīng)濟利益
[04:30.28]I can debate with my radical friends all day long, 我可以跟我那些激進的朋友們討論一天
[04:33.12]but nobody can challenge the fact 但是沒有人可以否認
[04:33.16]that a sale of another million dollars to Wal-Mart 我們從沃爾瑪上百萬美元的訂單中賺到的錢
[04:38.32]helps to save the world. 能夠幫助我們拯救環(huán)境
[04:47.20]Pollan: Back around the turn of the last century, 在20世紀初的時候
[04:50.56]the average farmer could feed six or eight people. 每個農民的收成可以養(yǎng)活6到8個人
[04:54.40]Now the average American farmer 現(xiàn)在一個普通農民的收成
[04:58.40]can feed 126 people, okay? 可以養(yǎng)活126個人,你看
[04:59.08]These are the most productive humans that have ever lived. 這是有史以來最具生產力的人



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