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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2011-08-12

[00:03.20]The government’s cracking down on the workers. 而是對付工人
[00:08.84]凌晨4:30 塔希爾 北卡羅萊納
[00:12.56]EDUARDO PENA:工會組織者
[00:23.60]Immigration agents are arresting Smithfield workers 移民局在這個活動住房的停泊處
[00:26.64]- at this trailer park. - (people chatting) 逮捕史密斯菲爾德公司的工人
[00:29.64]This is an agreement 這是史密斯菲爾德公司
[00:31.00]between Smithfield and Immigrations authorities. 和移民局之間達成的協(xié)議
[00:34.16]They get rid of 15 workers per day, 移民局每天逮捕15個工人
[00:38.84]but you don’t see any massive raids. 但是從來沒有大規(guī)模的掃蕩行動
[00:39.16]That way it doesn’t affect the production line. 這樣就不會影響生產(chǎn)了
[00:43.20]- (door closes) - (engine starts)
[00:52.80]EDUARDO PENA說:你們(工人)沒必要給他們(警察)任何信息
[00:54.40]- Sir, we are trying-- - She asked me a question. -先生,我想 -她問了我一個問題
[00:58.76]She is asking us questions, not you. 她在問我們問題,不是你
[01:03.28]I don’t see anybody arresting no Smithfield managers. 我看不到有史密斯菲爾德公司的管理人員被捕
[01:06.60]Nobody in the plant that had anything to do 在工廠里,沒有哪一個
[01:06.80]with the fact that those workers were hired 跟招聘非法勞工這件事有牽連的人
[01:10.32]What we see today is workers 被捕的都是工人
[01:10.48]is being arrested. 被移民局逮捕
[00:00.00]by: 更多電影原聲MP3盡在人人聽力網(wǎng) http://www.rrting.com/English/movie_mp3/
[01:14.32]who were producing for this company and working hard-- 這些為食品公司辛勤工作的工人
[01:16.48]those are the people who get arrested. 結(jié)果被移民局逮捕
[01:21.84](man yelling in Spanish)
[01:32.40]We want to pay the cheapest price for our food. 我們希望買到廉價的食物
[01:36.40]We don’t understand that that comes at a price. 我們不知道這也是有代價的
[01:40.76]These workers, they’ve been here for 10, 15 years 這些工人在這里工作了10到15年
[01:43.44]processing your bacon, your holiday ham 生產(chǎn)你吃的熏肉,你的假日火腿
[01:48.60]and now they’re getting picked up like they’re criminals. 現(xiàn)在卻像個罪犯一樣被抓起來
[01:51.64]And these companies are making billions of dollars.
[01:51.96](car starts) 可是食品公司仍然在牟取暴利 這個世界就是這么"有錢能使鬼推磨"的無恥
[02:23.44]Salatin: Is cheapness everything that there is? 我們關(guān)注的只是低廉的價格嗎?
[02:27.60]Who wants to buy the cheapest car? 誰想買最便宜的汽車呢?
[02:29.12]We’re willing to subsidize 我們愿意
[02:33.12]the food system to create the "mystique" 為了營造食品價格低廉的假象
[02:35.48]of cheap food, 而補貼食品工業(yè)
[02:37.32]when actually it’s very expensive food 但是,如果考慮到對環(huán)境
[02:41.16]when you add up the environmental costs 對社會以及對人們健康的傷害
[02:43.84]societal costs, health costs. 這些食品其實價格高昂
[02:47.84]The industrial food is not honest food. 無論是價格,生產(chǎn)方式
[02:50.88]It’s not priced honestly. It’s not produced honestly. 還是加工工序
[02:52.72]It’s not processed honestly. 工業(yè)化生產(chǎn)的食品都極具欺騙性
[02:56.20]There’s nothing honest about that food. 這些食品背后是純粹的欺騙
[03:01.08]I can’t think of a better use for a Smithfield box. 我不知道這個史密斯菲爾德公司的紙箱還能派上什么用場
[03:05.28]Man: It was about a five-hour drive 我還要開5個小時的車
[03:09.44]maybe 300, 400 miles. 大概300到400英里
[03:11.28]It’s worth it. 還是值得的
[03:11.96]So yeah. 所以...是啊
[03:17.16]Salatin: I have no desire to scale up or get bigger. 我并不想把生意做大
[03:20.64]My desire is to produce the best food in the world 我只希望生產(chǎn)世界上最好的食物
[03:23.16]and heal. 讓人們吃到好東西
[03:25.36]And if in doing so 如果我這樣做
[03:29.20]more people come to our corner and want stuff, 會使更多的人到我們這個小地方來買食物
[03:32.72]then heaven help me figure out how to meet the need 但愿上天會幫我解決怎樣滿足人們需求的問題
[03:37.04]without compromising the integrity. 而不會迫使我為了產(chǎn)量犧牲誠信
[03:38.40]That-- that’s where I am. 這就是我的心里話
[03:41.56]I have absolutely no desire 我完全不希望我的產(chǎn)品
[03:45.08]to be at Wal-Mart. 會放在沃爾瑪?shù)呢浖苌?
[03:45.44]As soon as you grasp for that growth, 一旦你想把生意做大
[03:51.96]you’re gonna view your customer differently, 你對待客戶的態(tài)度
[03:53.64]you’re gonna view your product differently, 對待產(chǎn)品的態(tài)度
[03:54.80]you’re gonna view your business differently. 以至對待這門生意的態(tài)度都會不一樣
[03:57.12]You’re gonna view everything that is the most important-- 你對待這些至關(guān)重要的事情的態(tài)度
[04:01.16]you’re gonna view that differently. 都會不一樣了
[04:20.40]This is Vitasoy soy milk, 這是高維生素含量的豆奶
[04:22.08]the best soy milk in the entire world. 世界上最好的豆奶
[04:27.40]This entire show when it first started 這個有機食品展銷會最初舉行時
[04:28.92]was the size of this column right here. 只有這一行展位的大小 GARY HIRSHBER:STONYFIELD農(nóng)場的CEO
[04:30.92]Man: Uh-huh. 嗯哼
[04:33.28]Several of us were sleeping in our booths. 我們幾個都要睡在展位里
[04:35.80]We couldn’t afford hotel rooms. 因為我們住不起旅館
[04:36.48]Organic’s been growing over 20% annually. 有機食品市場每年以20%的速度增長
[04:40.48]It’s one of the fastest-growing segments in the food industry. 這是食品工業(yè)增長最快的部分
[04:44.32]We’re not gonna get rid of capitalism. 我們無法擺脫資本主義
[04:47.68]Certainly we’re not gonna get rid of it 肯定我們還不能拋棄它
[04:49.36]in the time that we need to arrest global warming 因為在阻止全球暖化
[04:52.68]and reverse the toxification 消除空氣、食物、水中的各種污染的
[04:55.68]of our air, our food and our water. 這段期間我們還需要它
[04:57.88]We need to be much more urgent. 但是我們必須加快速度
[04:59.56]If we attempt to make perfectly enemy of the good 要是我們還繼續(xù)讓這個與公眾利益為敵的系統(tǒng)獲利



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