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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2011-08-12

[00:01.96]Everything is grass based. 這里每件事都離不開草
[00:04.32]You know, they don’t eat corn, dead cows 你知道,這些牛不吃玉米
[00:11.68]or dead chickens. 還有死雞制成的飼料
[00:12.00]They actually eat grass, forage-- 它們生來就吃青草,或者干草料
[00:16.68]you know, clover, grass, herbs. 還有苜蓿,其他牧草之類
[00:19.20]They’re herbivores. 它們是草食動(dòng)物
[00:21.56]If they were eating corn, 要是你給它們吃玉米
[00:24.24]you’re gonna have to harvest that corn, transport that corn, 你還要費(fèi)勁收割玉米,運(yùn)輸玉米
[00:27.24]then you’re gonna have to haul all that manure somewhere 然后還要把它們的糞便
[00:30.08]that comes out the back end. 運(yùn)到別的地方處理
[00:34.44]Here... it’s-- 就是這里
[00:37.28]there-- there is the whole thing. 事情就是這樣的
[00:41.96]I mean the cow is-- she’s fertilizing. 看,這些牛就是在給牧草施肥
[00:43.96]She’s mowing. We don’t have to spread any manure. 同時(shí)也在割草,我們不需要處理牛糞
[00:46.32]It’s all real time-- real solar dollars. 全部都是隨時(shí)隨地的"陽光美元" 意思是說這一切都是自然和諧的必然結(jié)果
[00:53.16]The industrial food system 工業(yè)化的食物生產(chǎn)過程
[00:54.84]gradually became so noisy, smelly, 逐漸變得喧嘩嘈雜和臭氣熏天
[00:59.52]not a person-friendly place, 工作環(huán)境是如此惡劣
[00:59.88]that the people who operate those plants 在那里工作的工人們
[00:00.00]by: 更多電影原聲MP3盡在人人聽力網(wǎng) http://www.rrting.com/English/movie_mp3/
[01:03.72]don’t want anybody to go there, 都不想其他人踏足這些工廠
[01:04.40]because then people would see the ugly truth. 因?yàn)槿藗儠?huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)這些丑陋不堪的真相
[01:07.72]When that occurred, 一旦人們得知真相
[01:11.56]then we lost all the integrity 食品工業(yè)的誠信
[01:12.40]and all the accountability in the food system. 和人們對(duì)它的信任就會(huì)完全崩塌
[01:17.08]If we put glass walls 如果我們給食品公司的
[01:18.28]on all the megaprocessing facilities, 生產(chǎn)車間全部裝上玻璃墻
[01:21.96]we would have a different food system in this country. 我們就會(huì)有一個(gè)完全不同的食品生產(chǎn)系統(tǒng) 意思是說食品工業(yè)如果全部透明化, 就不會(huì)有這么多骯臟丑惡了,人們吃的東西就會(huì)干凈許多
[01:25.48](knife zinging)
[01:55.60]Salatin: We have allowed ourselves 其實(shí)是我們讓自己
[01:57.44]to become so disconnected and ignorant 變得這么麻木不仁
[02:00.44]- about something that is as intimate... - (whirring) 表現(xiàn)在與我們所吃的食物
[02:06.12]- ...as the food that we eat. - (bubbling) 密切相關(guān)的一些方面
[02:10.12]What a difference this is to be out here 外面的世界是多么不同
[02:10.16]in the fresh air, sunshine, 空氣清新,陽光燦爛
[02:14.64]birds singing in the trees, you know? 鳥語花香,不是嗎?
[02:16.16]But you see, according to the U.S.D.A, 但是,根據(jù)農(nóng)業(yè)部的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)
[02:18.84]because it’s open to the air. 因?yàn)檫@是開放的環(huán)境
[02:19.00]this is unsanitary 這是不衛(wèi)生的
[02:20.68]They tried to close us down. 農(nóng)業(yè)部曾經(jīng)要求我們停業(yè)
[02:23.52]One of the biggest showdowns we had was 他們向我們攤牌
[02:24.20]when they tried to close us down 以環(huán)境不衛(wèi)生為由
[02:28.04]because this was unsanitary. 要求我們停業(yè)
[02:28.40]Can you imagine? 你能想像嗎?
[02:32.72]So we had them cultured at a local microbiology lab. 然后我們把幾個(gè)樣本送到當(dāng)?shù)匾粋(gè)微生物實(shí)驗(yàn)室
[02:37.60]Ours averaged 133 C.F.U. 我們的樣本平均菌落形成指數(shù)是133
[02:41.92]and the ones from the store 而商店里買到的肉類樣本
[02:45.44]averaged 3600. 指數(shù)是3600
[02:45.64]Of course, those have been through 40 trillion baths. 當(dāng)然了,商店里的肉都用清潔劑洗過無數(shù)次了
[02:51.64]Ours haven’t seen any chlorine. 我們的肉根本就沒接觸過氯
[02:55.48]A lot of people wonder "Is this real?" 很多人都問"你說的是真的嗎?"
[02:57.00]"I mean, can you really feed the world?" "你們生產(chǎn)的肉類真的可以滿足需求?"
[02:59.68]That whole thing is such a specious argument 這完全是一個(gè)似是而非的問題
[03:01.52]because, yes, 因?yàn)?我敢保證
[03:06.04]we’re every bit as efficient, 我們的生產(chǎn)效率也很高
[03:08.72]especially if you plug in 而且我們這里沒有
[03:09.56]all of the inefficiencies of the industrial system. 工業(yè)化生產(chǎn)過程中那些影響效率的因素
[03:14.92]I’ve had people come up at farmer’s markets 我曾經(jīng)見過有些來農(nóng)貿(mào)市場的人
[03:18.76]and say "What? $3 a dozen for eggs?" 他們會(huì)說"什么?3美元一打雞蛋?"
[03:21.28]And they’re drinking a 75 cent can of soda. 他們當(dāng)時(shí)喝的是75美分一罐的蘇打汽水
[03:28.12]Hey, pig. Hey, piggles. 你好啊,肥豬,還有小豬
[03:35.80]Hey, pigs. 看這肥豬
[03:37.32]I’m always struck by how successful we have been 我常常覺得驚訝的是
[03:43.84]at hitting the bull’s-eye of the wrong target. 我們總可以把錯(cuò)事做到極致
[03:48.36]I mean we have learned-- for example, 我是說,例如
[03:51.56]in cattle we have learned how to-- 我們從養(yǎng)牛中學(xué)到的
[03:53.04]how to plant, 是關(guān)于怎么耕種
[03:57.72]fertilize and harvest corn 施肥和收割的技術(shù)
[04:00.24]using global positioning satellite technology, 甚至還用到了全球衛(wèi)星定位系統(tǒng)
[04:02.76]and nobody sits back and asks 偏偏就沒有人反省一下
[04:04.28]"But should we be feeding cows corn?" "我們應(yīng)該給牛喂玉米嗎?"
[04:09.60]We’ve become a culture of technicians. 我們的生活已經(jīng)技術(shù)化了
[04:13.64]We’re all into-- 我們只關(guān)注
[04:15.80]we’re all into the how of it 只關(guān)注怎樣去做一件事
[04:17.32]and nobody’s stepping back 沒有人會(huì)捫心自問
[04:20.48]and saying "But why?" "為什么要做這件事?"
[04:23.52]I mean, a culture that just views a pig 我覺得,如果一個(gè)文明社會(huì)
[04:26.36]as a pile of protoplasmic inanimate structure 只會(huì)把一頭豬看作是一堆沒有生命的肉
[04:28.04]to be manipulated by whatever creative design 一堆可以讓人類把各種所謂創(chuàng)新的念頭
[04:32.72]that humans can foist on that critter 毫無顧忌地加諸其上的肉
[04:35.56]individuals within its community 對(duì)待自身內(nèi)部的人民
[04:37.92]and other cultures in the community of nations 和其他共存的文明
[04:41.60]with the same type of disdain, 也會(huì)采取相同的態(tài)度
[04:44.60]disrespect 就是不敬
[04:46.08]and controlling-type mentality. 和妄圖控制一切的態(tài)度



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