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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2011-08-09
核心提示:冰淇淋(ice cream),是以飲用水、牛奶、奶粉、奶油(或植物油脂)、食糖等為主要原料,加入適量食品添加劑,經混合、滅菌、均質、老化、凝凍、硬化等工藝而制成的體積膨脹的冷凍食品,口感細膩、柔滑、清涼。有人說,冰淇淋展現出了人性中最美好的一面:)

The Chinese began milking domesticated animals around the year 2000 B.C. Drinking milk was a symoblo of wealth. They made a soft paste of rice and milk and froze it on platters--a predecessor to ice cream.

Ice cream, as we know it now, was not manufactured in the United States until 1852. Martin Elkort in his book, The Secret Life of Food: A Feast of Food and Drink, History, Folklore and Fact, states, "Upon arrival at Ellis Island in 1921, immigrants were given ice cream, a food, by then, typical of America, according to the superintendent of the island. Puzzled, many of them spread this frozen mixture on bread before eating it."

Different countries have altered ice cream flavors to suit their own food culture. "Helado," Spanish for ice cream, demonstrates the region's abundant spices, chilis and fruits. An example is the Lucas Pelucas Company which blends tamarind fruit with chili powder.

In India, ice cream is called kulfi and made from almond milk flavored with cardamom and rose water. Using condensed milk and cream makes for a quicker process.

In the Near and Middle East, Iranians like their ice cream flavored with salep, an extract from a tuber which has been boiled. The Turkish like salep as well as mastic, a resin from certain pistachio trees, in their ice cream.

Asian populations in Seattle enjoy green bean, red bean and taro ice creams. Other flavors are green tea, ginger, sour plum, sesame, wasabi, clove, cardamom and pumpkin. Lichee and durian fruit are newer flavors. You can tweak ice cream another way. With heat. This is not magic. The oxymoronic ice cream recipe for Mexican fried ice cream comes about logically. First, ice cream is frozen in serving-sized rounds, then dressed in a warm overcoat of crushed cereal and refrozen in its coating. The cooking time is only 15 seconds in deep fat. Similarly, with Baked Alaska, hard ice cream is placed on a sponge cake, which is on a non-heat-absorbing plank. A large meringue is heaped all over the ice cream, sealing it off from oven heat. The cooking time is only 5 minutes in a 232-degree oven.

Ice cream has always been a friendly food. Martin Elkort states, "Ice cream brings out the best in people. Associated with milk, a pure and basic food, its sweet cooling taste has pleased emperors and kings throughout the history, and is today an inexpensive way of obtaining a moment of cool bliss."




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