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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2010-02-05
核心提示:We realized we have answered thousands of questions from readers, but the same ones keep coming up. Here we offer answers to our 11 most-asked questions, in condensed form. 我們已經(jīng)解答過讀者關(guān)于葡萄酒所提出的成千上萬個問題,但同樣的問題還是層出不窮

    We realized we have answered thousands of questions from readers, but the same ones keep coming up. Here we offer answers to our 11 most-asked questions, in condensed form.


    In each case, the answer could be far more extensive, with all sorts of to-be-sures and howevers - in fact, in every case we have written at least one entire column on the issue over the years. But if we had to answer in about 100 words or less, this is what we'd say. They are listed from the 11th-most-asked to the most asked. Don't peek.


    You can find more comprehensive answers to many of these questions and others in other areas of this How-to Guide.


    11. What's the best glass?


    We prefer a large glass - around 20 to 22 ounces is good - because it feels generous in our hands and we can swirl around the small amount we pour into it. Look for clear, thin glass; a long stem; and a slight curve inward at the top. We prefer inexpensive glasses so we don't worry about breaking them. Over the years, we have found good glasses at a wide variety of stores, including Pier 1 and Costco (though we haven't seen our favorites at either place recently). Vino Grande Burgundy from Spiegelau, which is owned by Riedel, is our everyday glass.

    我們喜歡大一點的葡萄酒杯,重量在20到22盎司比較適宜,因為那樣手感很好,能來回旋轉(zhuǎn)杯中倒入的少量葡萄酒。要找那種透明度高、杯壁薄、杯腳長、杯口微微收攏的杯子,價格不要太貴,免得打碎了心疼。這些年來,我們在很多商店都發(fā)現(xiàn)不少好杯子,比如Pier 1和Costco連鎖超市等(但這兩個地方最近都買不到我們最青睞的那些酒杯).奧地利力多公司旗下的德國詩杯客樂出品的勃艮蒂杯是我們品酒的日常用具。

    10. Where are the best values coming from these days?


    This has leaped onto this list in the past year, for obvious reasons. If we had to answer in one word, it would be this: Chile. Look especially for its Cabernet Sauvignon and Sauvignon Blanc. But Argentina (especially Malbec), New Zealand (especially Sauvignon Blanc) and South Africa (also Sauvignon Blanc) are good bets, too.


    9. What wines should I serve at a party (or to any large gathering)?


    For a white, Chilean or New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc is a winner. For a red, we used to recommend one of the cru Beaujolais (such as Fleurie) and we still like that advice, but Argentina's Malbec is so popular right now and so widely enjoyed that we'd recommend that instead. If you are looking for an affordable bubbly for a group, it's hard to go wrong with Cava from Spain.

    如果選白葡萄酒,智利或新西蘭的長相思最好。如果選紅葡萄酒,我們以前推薦過薄若來列級(cru Beaujolais,薄若來的最高級法定產(chǎn)區(qū)),比如弗俐葉紅酒,如今也沒有改變觀點;但阿根廷的馬爾白克現(xiàn)在非常熱門,很多人都愛喝,因此我們改為推薦這個品種。如果你想找一款物美價廉的氣泡酒,那么選擇西班牙的卡瓦酒應(yīng)該沒錯。

    8. How do I remove labels?


    We're thrilled to be asked this so often because it means people are drinking wines they want to remember. You could take a digital picture, of course. But if you want to remove the actual label (as we do), most labels these days work with the oven method: Heat oven to 350 degrees. Turn it off. Put the empty bottle in for a few minutes until it gets really hot. Wearing serious oven mitts, carefully remove the bottle, lift a corner of the label with a fingernail or a knife and peel right off. (Some labels still need to be boiled off, so we try that next, after the bottle has cooled. If all else fails, many wine stores sell large, sticky strips that basically peel the label off.)


    7. Should I decant?


    Generally, no - at least, not at first. We enjoy tasting a wine from the first sip to the last and it will get plenty of air in those big glasses while we swirl. If we taste a wine and it's so tight that it needs decanting, we can decant; if we decant first and then find that the wine lost some fruit to the air, there's no going back. (Of course, if a wine needs to be separated from sediment, that's another matter.)


    6. Do I have to store my wine in a temperature-controlled cellar?


    If you simply want to keep a mixed case of wine around the house for a short time - and you should - find a place in the dark with a fairly constant, moderate temperature. The bottom of a closet is often fine. If you have fine wine you want to store for longer, get one of those wine refrigerators. They are more affordable, available and space-efficient than ever and they're worth it. If you want to lay down a bottle in that temperature-controlled cellar for your newborn - and this is also a question we're often asked - we'd suggest Sauternes.

    如果你把不同品牌的葡萄酒放在一個盒子里,打算在家放置比較短的時間(你也應(yīng)該這么做),那只要找一個避光、溫度相對穩(wěn)定適宜的地方就行,柜子角落往往是不錯的選擇。如果你有很好的葡萄酒,想保存時間長一點,那就買一款葡萄酒冰柜,價格不算貴,而且不占地方,可謂物超其值。如果你想為剛出生的寶寶在酒窖里存放一款葡萄酒,等他長大后再喝 ─這也是一個常見的問題─那我推薦法國蘇特恩白葡萄酒。

    6a. What is the correct cellar temperature, and do whites and reds need to be different?


    Classic cellar temperature is about 55 degrees. We keep reds and whites at about 57 because we find that it's a good starting point for serving both. Most reds are served too warm and most whites are served too cold, especially at restaurants. We might want to chill our whites a bit more or warm our reds by leaving them on the table as we sip them, but 57 is a good starting point.


    5. I want to find a bottle I had at a restaurant (or that I read about); how do I get it?


    Try wine-searcher.com, wineaccess.com and winezap.com. Chances are you will find it. Even if it is not listed for sale at a local wine shop, you might be able to have it delivered from a faraway store. If you can't do that, perhaps because of local laws, try calling a store that has it and asking the merchant to look at the label and give you the name of the distributor, whom you can call. This is one of many reasons you should have a good local wine merchant, because he or she can help find it.

    你可以去wine-searcher.com、 wineaccess.com和winezap.com這幾個網(wǎng)站試試,應(yīng)該能找到。此外,即使有一款酒不在當(dāng)?shù)仄咸丫茖Yu店的庫存清單中,說不定也能從更遠(yuǎn)的店里調(diào)貨過來。如果出于當(dāng)?shù)胤傻纫蛩責(zé)o法調(diào)貨,你也可以試著給葡萄酒專賣店打電話,讓店員幫你看看酒瓶上的商標(biāo),把分銷商的電話告訴你,然后你直接跟分銷商聯(lián)系。葡萄酒愛好者希望本地有一家好的專賣店,原因有很多種,而這就是其中之一,因為店員能幫你找到一款難以尋覓的葡萄酒。

    4. I love X wine; what do you think of it?


    We're surprised how often we are asked this. Our answer is: It doesn't matter. We think you should drink the wines you love and love the wines you drink. Don't let anyone, including us, tell you what's good and what isn't. In fact, though, this does touch on a very good and much more important question, one that you should regularly pose to that helpful wine merchant you need to find: I love X wine; what else do you have in your store that I might like at around the same price? That's how great wine journeys get started.


    3. Why does wine give me headaches; sulfites, right?


    Wrong. Sulfites cause very severe allergic reactions in a small number of people, even death in extreme cases, which is why there's a warning on the bottle, but sulfites don't cause headaches. Wine headaches are a serious issue, but the causes are highly personal. Some people get headaches only from red wine and some get them just from, say, German wine. It has to do with histamines and all sorts of other complex science. It really is best to talk with your doctor about this.


    3a. But wines in Europe don't have sulfites, right?


    Wrong. All wines contain sulfites (it's a natural byproduct of the winemaking process) and almost all wines contain added sulfites, all over the world. It's just that the U.S. has required a sulfite warning for many years and Europe started doing that more recently.


    2. I'm going to a wine region; what wineries should I visit?


    Whether you are going to Napa, Piedmont or Chateauneuf-du-Pape, our advice is the same: Drop into the little places you've never heard of. You are more likely to meet the actual owners or winemakers and have a better time. Not only that, but these are the wines you could never buy at home, so here's your chance.

    不管你去Napa、Piedmont還是Ch teauneuf du Pape,我們的建議都是一樣的:去你從沒聽說過的小地方。這樣的話,你更有可能遇到真正的酒莊主人或葡萄酒生產(chǎn)者,度過更加愉快的時光。此外,你還能在那里買到在家根本買不到的葡萄酒,真是一個難得的好機會。

    1. When will this wine be at its peak?


    First, remember that most wines are made to drink when they are released. In terms of fine, ageable wines, there are all sorts of online sources that will give you a ballpark idea of theoretical peak readiness. But every bottle is different and there are many variables, such as storage conditions and personal taste. Open a special bottle when the moment seems right to you. If you have an old bottle like those old Lafites, make a special meal, open the bottles and celebrate the memories. If you simply can't stand to do that alone, remember that Open That Bottle Night is the last Saturday of February. That's when you can join others like you, world-wide, in opening their special bottles.

    首先要記住一點,葡萄酒生產(chǎn)出來就是為了喝的。針對那些可以長時間存放的精品葡萄酒,網(wǎng)上有各種資源會給你一個理論上的最佳存放時間;但每一瓶酒都是不同的,存放狀態(tài)不一樣,每個人的口味偏好也不一樣。當(dāng)你覺得某個時刻值得慶祝時,就打開一瓶特殊的葡萄酒吧。如果你有一瓶拉菲這樣的陳年葡萄酒,那不妨準(zhǔn)備一頓豐盛的美食,開瓶慶祝一下美好的回憶。如果你不愿一個人獨享,那就記住每年的"開瓶夜"(Open That Bottle Night)是二月份的最后一個星期六。在這一天,你可以和全世界的葡萄酒愛好者一起,打開你們珍藏的那瓶陳年葡萄酒。

關(guān)鍵詞: 健康 時尚 葡萄酒


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