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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2009-08-05
核心提示:Some iced coffees being sold on the high street contain as many calories as a hot dinner, a cancer charity warns. 一家癌癥慈善機(jī)構(gòu)警告大家,一些商家出售的冰咖啡所含熱量堪比一頓晚餐。 The chief offender had 561 calories, others contained more than 45

    Some iced coffees being sold on the high street contain as many calories as a hot dinner, a cancer charity warns.


    The chief offender had 561 calories, others contained more than 450, and the majority had in excess of 200.


    It is the combination of sugar, full-fat milk and cream which appears to push some of the cool coffees into the upper echelons of the calorie scale.


    The World Cancer Research Fund, which identified the drinks' calories, noted healthier versions were available.


    The largest version of Starbucks' Dark Berry Mocha Frappuccino, a limited offer for the summer, contains 561 calories--more than a quarter, WCRF notes, of a woman's daily calorie intake.


    Take away the whipped cream and it has 457 calories. The smallest version, without whipped cream, provided 288.


    But even some options with skimmed milk are high in calories. At Caffe Nero, the skimmed version of a Double Chocolate Frappe and a Mocha Frappe Latte contain 452 calories, WCRF said.

    不過即便改用了脫脂牛奶,某些飲品的熱量仍高居不下。世界癌癥研究基金會表示,咖啡連鎖店Caffe Nero用脫脂牛奶做成的濃縮巧克力冰沙和摩卡冰沙拿鐵的熱量都達(dá)到了452卡路里。

    Costa Coffee's summer offerings are rather more modest but may still contain more calories than a chocolate bar. The Massimo Coffee Frescato contains 332 calories, while the primo-size, the smallest available, just under 200.


    WCRF said it was highlighting calorie content, because after not smoking, maintaining a healthy weight "is the most important thing you can do to help prevent cancer".


    In fact it suggests people should become as lean as possible without being underweight.


    Earlier this year it estimated that 19,000 cancers a year in the UK could be prevented if people lost their excess weight.


    Dr Rachel Thompson, Science Programme Manager for WCRF, said: "The fact that there is an iced coffee on the market with over a quarter of a woman's daily calorie allowance is alarming.


    "As a general rule, if you want to have a coffee, go for an unsweetened version with skimmed or semi skimmed milk as this is likely to contain fewer calories. It is also worth steering clear of ones that contain lots of cream or sugary fruit syrups as these tend to be higher in calories."


    A spokesperson from Starbucks said its Dark Berry Mocha Frappuccino was only one "of over 87,000 beverage variations".


    It noted these others included an ordinary coffee, containing four calories, an iced Americano, containing 11 calories, an iced caffe latte with skimmed milk, containing 68 calories.


    In a statement, Costa said it took "the nutritional balance of all its food and drink very seriously".


    "Currently we provide a nutritional breakdown for consumers on packaging. Full nutritional analysis of all our food and drink products is also available in all of our stores and on the Costa website."


    Caffe Nero was not available for comment.


關(guān)鍵詞: 時尚雙語 苗條 冰咖啡


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